If This Is An Emergency Please Call 911
The online citizen police report system allows you to submit a report immediately and print a copy of the police report for free. You can use this report to file with your insurance company.
All cases filed within this system will be reviewed, but for a number of reasons most will not be investigated. However, if further investigation of your case is needed, you may be contacted for follow-up or additional details.
Filing a False Police Report is a First Degree Misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $1,000.00 and/or imprisonment not to exceed one year.
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Crimes Not In Progress
Depending on where the crime occurred, you may report the crime to agencies such as the MTA police, NY State Police, or Port Authority Police, if the location of the crime falls within their respective jurisdictions. Otherwise, for certain report types, you can file an online police report or you can visit your local precinct.
Has someone damaged, defaced, or vandalized your vehicle? This might include:
- Denting, scratching or keying the vehicle
- Throwing eggs or another object at the vehicle
- Breaking windows or lights
Please note: If the theft is still in progress, or you know the location or identity of the suspect, call 9-1-1. Gas thefts can also be reported in Chinese, Farsi, Italian and Russian.
What Is The Description Of These Crime Types
PART I CRIMES: The four crime types currently posted here Burglaries, Robberies, Aggravated Assaults and Homicides are among those known as Part I or Major Crimes. These terms refer to seven crimes designated by the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting System as a basis for charting crime trends across the United States. The seven crimes chosen by the FBI as Part I crimes are: homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault, which comprise Violent Crimes and burglary, larceny/theft and vehicle theft, which comprise Property Crimes.
People sometimes confuse the criminal behavior involved in a burglary versus a robbery. They may also not realize there is a difference between aggravated assaults and less serious assaults. The official FBI definitions of the crime types posted here are, as follows:
BURGLARY: the unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft.
ROBBERY: taking or attempting to take anything of value from another person by force, threat or force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear.
AGGRAVATED ASSAULTS: an unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury. This type of assault is usually accompanied by the use of a weapon or by other means likely to produce death or great bodily harm.
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Upon Completion Of This Report Process You Will:
- See the words: “Your online police report has been submitted”.
- You will then immediately receive a temporary police report file number and an email informing you that we have received your report and that it is pending review. A temporary file number will appear in this format: T11000999. Temporary file numbers cannot be used for insurance purposes.
- If you do not receive an email with a temporary file number, please check your Spam or Junk-Email folder.
- A police officer will review your report and either Approve, Reject or request additional follow-up information from you. You will be advised via email of the status of your report. Do not reply via email to any of these automated messages as these accounts are not monitored. Follow the directions provided on how to respond regarding your report.
- Once your report is approved, you will receive a permanent report number – this number appears in this format: 11-123456.
- Be able to print a copy of the police report to keep for your records only. This copy cannot be used for insurance purposes.
Using This System Allows You To Submit A Report Immediately
How to Report a CrimePlease confirm the following to find out if online filing is right for you:
For emergencies, please call .For non-emergencies you may also call .
Types of incidents that can be reported online:
- Custody Order Violation
- Harassing Phone Calls excluding threats of imminent harm or death
- Hit & Run Property damage only
- Lost Property
- Theft Except motor vehicles and license plates
- Supplemental Property Form Add additional property to your original case number
- Vandalism Excluding graffiti
- Vehicle Burglary
Upon completion of this process you will: See the words: Your report has been submitted showing that your report is complete. You will also be given a temporary case number and be able to print a copy of the report to keep for your records.
Please Note: All cases filed online will be reviewed. Upon review, if further investigation of your case is needed, you may be contacted. Filing a false police report is a crime.
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You Cannot File A Report Online If
- A threat was made or violence was used during the incident. If you are in immediate danger, please dial 911. If you are no longer in danger, please call us at 613-236-1222, extension 7300.
- Evidence was left on the scene such as, but not limited to blood, tools, clothes or any item related to the incident. Please call 613-236-1222, extension 7300 to file a report.
- The incident being reported did not happen in Ottawa. Please contact the police service in the city where the incident happened to file a report.
- The stolen property is a passport
- The property lost is a cell phone, licence plate, bank card or government issued identification, with or without a serial number. Please contact your service provider to get a replacement.
Requesting A Police Report In Person
1. Gather the required materials.
Bring with you a form of identification like a drivers license or passport. If you are making the request on behalf of someone else, you will need to have a notarized letter with you. Most agencies require a small request fee. If you were directly involved in the incident whether as a victim, witness, or defendant you may receive a verification slip from the authorities to let you know that a police report has been filed. Bring this slip with you to exchange for the police report.
2. Visit the Records and Identification Division of the police department.
The Records and Identification Division may have exclusive hours throughout the day that are not your typical business hours, so be sure to verify online. They will ask you for your information, as well as basic information about the case. Then, they will take your payment to cover the request fee.
3. Retrieve the copy of your police report.
In some areas, you may have to pick up a copy of the police report in person, but some agencies may mail it directly to you. Either way, expect to pay a per-page fee for the copy of the report. Reports typically cost a total of $50 to $150.
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When And How To Make A Police Report
There are many situations in which it is important to know how to make a police report. You should always file one for any incident or disturbance that affects you or your property such as a robbery, vandalism or attack.
When it comes to vehicle property, it is your right and responsibility to inform the police if anything happens to it, especially on public property.
If someone steals any car valuables such as your license plate, registration card or tires, you are advised to file a police report as soon as possible. If you fail to do so, you may be enabling further crime.
Your can become the victim of theft if your car is stolen or broken into and burglarized. You should call your local police department immediately in regards to a stolen vehicle or any personal documents like car registration.
While there is no immediate deadline for these types incidents as there is for car accidents, to get your property back and prevent further crime, you should get a police report as soon as possible.
How To File A Report
Here are the steps users will follow to file a report online:
Using the Online Reporting Tool, you can report the following types of incidents:
- Lost property
- Destruction of property
- Damage to property
*Thefts, in which your checkbook, debit, credit card, social security card or social security number, etc. may have been stolen and/or used to purchase other items or services, are considered credit card fraud and/or identity theft, and should not be filed online using this application.
Find Your Nearest Police District
If your report does not qualify for Online Reporting, you can call 911 or visit your nearest Police District.
Before You File a Report
In order to make a report using the Online Reporting Tool, please ensure that ALL of the following conditions are present:
What Happens Next
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Obtaining A Police Information Check
Visit a Calgary Police Service location and remember to bring:
Two valid pieces of government issued identification
For status of your police check please refer to the following website for current processing date. Once application is processed please allow an additional 2-3 business days for mail delivery, to receive, unless further follow-up is required of you to which you will be notified. You may also refer to this website to learn more about our online Police Information check process. The Police Information Check will not disclose to a third party any specific information will be disclosed to the applicant only.
If you have previously resided in Calgary and now reside elsewhere in Alberta, in another Province or Out of Country and require a Calgary Police Service Police Information Check, please see Police information checks for people outside Calgary.
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Citizen Online Police Reporting System
Welcome to the Saskatoon Police Service Citizens Online Police Reporting System.
If this is an Emergency please call 911.
Using this Citizens Online Police Reporting System allows you to submit a non urgent report immediately.
You may also print a copy of both the Temporary and the Permanent police report for your personal records only. These copies cannot be used for insurance purposes
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Filing A Report In Person
Do You Need A Copy Of A Police Report
Using the links below, download a copy of the request form. Submit the completed form either by mail or by hand delivery to:
Long Beach Police Department Long Beach, CA 90802 ATTN: RECORDS DIVISION
The processing time for your report will vary depending on the incident. On average, the turn around time for your report will be three weeks.
- Application For Release of Traffic Collision And/Or Crime Report / Incident Information Long Beach Police Department will charge a $23.00 fee for copies of reports. The fee will be charged for copies of all types of reports: incident reports, arrest reports, traffic collision reports and information-only reports. Victims will be exempt from the report request fee.
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What Are The Contents Of A Police Accident Report
If youre at the scene where the accident took place and pay close attention, youll notice that the investigating officer is conducting several different tasks: inspecting the vehicles, measuring distances, talking to others, taking notes and pictures, etc.
Usually, investigating officers complete some, if not, all of these tasks to collect essential data for later crafting the police accident report. Simply put, the report is basically a summary of everything regarding the investigation of the incident.
According to a , the police accident report will typically contain some, if not, most of the information below:
- Exact time, date, and location of the accident
- Identifying information for the witnesses
- Identifying information for both parties involved in the accident, including their names, phone numbers, addresses, insurance information, etc.
- Location of the damaged vehicles
- Diagram of the event
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To File A Police Report See Options Below
NOTICE: Please see below a breakdown of what you CAN and CANNOT file online. Any report filed online not meeting the below-listed requirements WILL BE REDIRECTED. Please read the information below carefully.
Types of Crime Reports That Can Be Filed Online:
- Harassing phone calls.
- Vehicle burglary: property stolen from a vehicle.
- Vehicle tampering, including vandalism.
- Theft unless it involves a residential or commercial burglary or the stolen property is a passport, firearm, license plate, car or electric vehicle. Electric bikes, scooters, and Segway are allowed only when there is no serial number. In those cases, call our non-emergency number at .
Types of Crime Reports That CANNOT Be Filed Online:
- Residential Burglaries
- Traffic Collisions AND Hit & Run Traffic Collisions
- Stolen Vehicles
- Stolen Electric Bicycles WITH Serial Numbers
- Cases WITH Suspect Names
For Crime Reports That CANNOT Be Filed Online, Please Go To Your Nearest Police Station.
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Requirements For Filing An Online Report
Crimes filed online often don’t need in-person police response. To file online, the incident has to meet the following criteria:
- It’s not an emergency
- There’s no known information or suspects about the crime that can be followed up on
- You must have a return email address
- You must be 18 years or older
Ensure you have the following details to submit your report:
- Date and time when the incident occurred
- Location, address, and name of the business where the incident happened
- Your name, date of birth and contact information
- The name, date of birth and contact information of other persons involved in the incident
- If the report involves property, includes make, description, serial number, model and estimated property value
How Can You File A Police Report For Stolen Property
To file a police report for a stolen item, first make contact with the police department. Then provide the additional information the police needs to locate the item. Detailed information helps the police, and a thorough report makes insurance claims easier to navigate.
To report an item as stolen, call the police department as soon as possible. Some jurisdictions have a non-emergency number to be used for cases such as stolen property. The department will dispatch an officer to the location or will provide instructions for meeting with an officer at the precinct.
An items description, make, model and serial number, along with pictures, are important to include in a police report. Receipts, appraisals and other information to document purchase date and worth are helpful in insurance claims and need to accompany the police report. Provide as much information about the stolen item as possible.
Tell the officer about the day and time the item was discovered missing. Include the last time the item was seen and its location. If any other items were misplaced or damaged, include that information as well. Providing names and descriptions of any people suspected of taking the item can help officers generate leads.
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