Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Make A Police Report Over The Phone

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Women And Workplace Sexual Harassment

Details of my abuse over years and police reports | I am forced to make this video | Trigger warning

The numbers on sexual harassment are staggering, as shown by a 2018 study on sexual harassment and assault by a nonprofit called Stop Street Harassment. It found that 81% of women and 43% of men had experienced some form of sexual harassment during their lifetime. This type of harassment most commonly occurs at work.

The tech industry in the U.S. is especially notorious for the workplace and sexual harassment. Susan Ho, entrepreneur and founder of the travel startup Journy, spoke to CNN about the challenges of being a female entrepreneur in the American tech industry. Silicon Valley is particularly infamous for its skewed power dynamics, where capital and the positions of power are largely controlled by men.

When female founders are pitching their business ideas to men, its not uncommon to hold the meetings in informal locations like restaurants or coffee shops, frequently after working hours, explained Ho. This type of setting can blur the lines of what is appropriate and what isnt, putting the woman in a more vulnerable, disempowered position, often leading to instances of workplace sexual harassment.

Entrepreneur and founder of a mental health startup, Bea Arthur, shared similar views and experiences for the CNN piece. She noted: If looks at another man, he sees them as an opportunity, a colleague, a peer, a mentor. But if youre a female founder, he just sees you as a woman first.

How To Report Harassment The Easiest Way With Donotpay

Harassment can happen to anyone, anywhere. It could happen in the workplace, on the street, over the phone, and on the often conveniently anonymous internet. You could be harassed by anyone, including former lovers, your neighbors, or your landlord. The official statistics on different types of harassment in the U.S. are concerningly high across the board, which probably means that the real picture is even grimmer.

So, what does it mean when somebody is harassing you? Sadly, there is more than one answer to this question. Harassment is an umbrella term that can cover a multitude of different types of abuse. Under U.S. laws, harassment is described as any repeated or uninvited contact that serves no useful purpose beyond creating alarm, annoyance, or emotional distress.

As a society, we are at risk of getting desensitized to harassment and bullying. This is all the more reason to educate ourselves, speak up, and stand up against the abuse.

If You Were Required To File A Civilian Accident Report But Failed To Do So Within 10 Days:

It is still possible to complete the form and mail it to the State DMV.

However, failure to file within the first 10 days may result in various civil and/or criminal penalties including the potential for suspension or revocation of your drivers license and/or vehicle registration.

While you should not delay in providing timely notice of an accident to law enforcement and/or the NY State DMV as required by law, it may also be in your best interest to immediately consult an experienced criminal defense lawyer to discuss the potential implications of a late filing and your rights under the law.

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Note: Filing A Police Report Is Not The Same As Filing An Insurance Claim

First things first its important to understand that police reports and insurance claims involve two totally different processes.

It is true that your car insurance contract probably requires you to call your insurer and notify them that youve been in an accident. But notifying the insurer isnt the same as reporting the accident to law enforcement. You have to do both.

Even if you have zero intention of filing an insurance claim, pursuing a lawsuit, or making a claim for compensation, you still need to cross both these items off your to-do list ASAP:

  • Notify your car insurance company.
  • File a police report.

We also strongly recommend that you see a doctor as soon as possible for a post-accident medical exam and contact an experienced Kingston personal injury lawyer .

How To Report A Crime Over The Internet

Topeka police reveal changes to response protocols

You can report certain types of minor crime committed in British Columbia online. The Vancouver, Victoria and Surrey police department websites offer online crime reporting.

To report a crime in:

If you live outside these areas, please call your local police or visit their website to find out what options are available in your community for reporting a crime online.

Reporting a crime online is only appropriate in non-urgent situations. Remember to always call 911 for emergencies.

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What Should I Report Using 105

Use 105 to report things like:

  • You or someone you know has been hurt or threatened
  • Your house has been burgled
  • Your car or bike has been stolen
  • Someone broke into your car
  • Someone has damaged your property
  • You’ve lost your wallet or phone
  • Driving behaviour or an incident that you have seen
  • Someone has shoplifted or driven off without paying
  • You suspect a scam or drug dealing or other suspicious behaviour
  • or want to provide any other information onto Police

If something youre worried about is happening now or has just happened, or if you or anyones safety is at risk, call immediately.

If you can’t decide if it’s a real emergency and you’re still worried, call and ask us. We’ll help you work out what to do.

Are You The Victim Of Mischief Theft Vandalism Or Graffiti

You can complete a police report online without having to go to the local station. If the offence did not take place in the Montréal Island area, you will have to contact the local police department where it occurred.

If there was a suspect or witness, or if the incident had a hateful connotation,

If you have been a victim of a telemarketing fraud or pyramid sales scheme, you should contact the RCMP.

To report a hate incident, .


Since November 29th, 2018, hit and run reports that do not contain investigative elements cannot be submitted using the SPVM online report. From now on, citizens have to contact directly their insurance company.

5 types of reports may be done online.


See pictures specifications

After submitting the report, a temporary number will be automatically sent to you by email. All communication will be done by email. Your report will be reviewed and if any changes are required, you will be sent a request for changes. Once the report is corrected and approved, you will receive an official event number by email, as well as a PDF copy of the report.

Make sure you have a valid email address as well as the date and location of the crime and information on the vehicle involved, if applicable.

If you meet these criteria and the type of incident that occurred appears on the list above, you may file your report.

Avoid using special caracters when writting your report, such as /*+< > . Those may cause an error when subitting your file.

Also Check: How Can I Check My Police Report Online

Bomb Threats By Telephone

If you receive a bomb threat over the telephone, provides the following information on what to do:

  • Get as much information from the caller as possible. Try to ask the following questions:
  • When is the bomb going to explode?
  • Where is it right now?
  • What does it look like?
  • What kind of bomb is it?
  • What will cause it to explode?
  • Did you place the bomb?
  • Keep the caller on the line and record everything that is said.
  • Notify the police and building management immediately.
  • The Department of Homeland Security also provides a helpful telephone bomb threat checklist.

    Get more information on what to do if you receive a bomb threat or find a suspicious item.

    What Else Can You Do To Get Rid Of The Bully In Your Life


    Dont suffer in silenceharassment is more prevalent than you think, and youre not alone in it. If youre struggling to take action against the person thats repeatedly threatening, humiliating, or intimidating you, remember that theyre thriving on your tacit endurance. The sentiment is best captured in the words of Anita Hill, an American lawyer who brought allegations of sexual harassment against Clarence Thomas :

    We need to turn the question around to look at the harasser, not the target. We need to be sure that we can go out and look at anyone who is a victim of harassment in the eye and tell them they do not have to remain silent anymore.

    Here is a simple overview of things you should and should not do if youre dealing with a bully in your life.


    • Talk to your loved ones about what youre going through
    • Ignore the issue and let it go unpunished

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    How To Report Harassing Phone Calls Or Text Messages To The Police In 2021

    1. Save the Harassment Data

    If you are making use of a phone that has the ability of taking screenshots, then you should screenshot the data. If the device you are using does not come with this feature, you should take of picture of the screen with another camera. You will also want to Lock or Protect each harassing message. But you still must be sure to have backup copies in the event that something happens to your phone so your data is not lost.

    2. Get Your Cell Phone Records

    When you want to report a case of phone harassment to the police, you should get your cell phone records. You can do this by logging in to your account and downloading your cell phone records. Be sure to save and also print the records that coincide with the harassment you are experiencing.

    3. Compile All Evidence

    Next, you should gather and arrange all the information you have collected on the harasser in a fashion that will be easy for the police to navigate through.

    You can make use of a file folder to help you with this. For instance, one folder can contain your photo evidence, the other can contain the print-outs of your cell phone records, another folder can consist of the proof of all the efforts you have made to stop the harassment such as evidence via screenshot of you telling the offender to stop harassing me as well as any other efforts you have taken.

    4. Have your own copy

    5. Include Your Contact Information

    6. Go to the Police

    If You Left The Accident Without Calling The Police:

    You can still notify law enforcement about the accident. However, instructions for filing a police report after an accident may vary from one police department to the next.

    The department might allow you to file MV-104A yourself in person, over the phone, or online. Alternatively, the department may instruct you to submit an MV-104 report to the NY State DMV instead.

    Note that in some situations, failure to notify the police immediately after an accident can result in civil and/or criminal penalties.

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    Filing A Telephone Report

  • 1Check if your police station allows telephone reports. Many police stations do not allow telephone reports, as this is a security issue. Since filing a false report is a crime, they need to have the filer sign a document and verify that they are who they say they are.
  • 2 Police departments have a non-emergency number that you can call if you want to file a police report over the phone. Do not call 911 unless there is an active crime in progress or people’s lives are endangered.
  • You typically can find the non-emergency number through an online search, in a telephone book, or by calling 311 , if that service is available in your area.
  • 3Provide your name and location. Identify yourself to the dispatcher who answers the non-emergency number and let them know that you want to file a police report. They will ask for your name and address, as well as the address of your current location if it differs from your place of residence.XResearch source
  • You may be able to file a report anonymously over the phone. However, if you don’t provide your name and contact information, police will not be able to follow up with you about the report.
  • You should always provide your name and contact information if you suffered a loss as a result of the incident you’re reporting, such as if your property was damaged.
  • If you have any photo or video, or documents related to the incident, let the dispatcher know. They will tell you what you need to do with them.
  • Major Forms Of Phone Harassment

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    Even though phone harassment comes it many forms, they all share a very common similarity which is that they rob you of your privacy and sense of security. Here are the most common forms of phone harassment.

    1. Blocked or No Caller ID Calls

    Blocked or no caller ID phone calls are phone calls where it is not possible to view the incoming caller ID number. To place a blocked call from a landline or smartphone, all you need to do is dial *67 before the phone number you want to call. More often than not, someone that is calling you with no visible caller ID, and they do not want to reveal their identity, usually dont have your well-being in mind.

    2. Robocalls & Spam Calls

    This is another very common form of phone harassment. Every month in the United States alone, about 3 billion unwanted spam and telemarketing calls flood consumers smartphones.

    Spam calls, especially those that are illegal, are a form of phone harassment that pose a severe threat to the security of your personal and financial information. Phone scammers pose as the IRS, banks, and loan services and call you in attempts to steal from you over the phone.

    Another tactic that is used for placing spam calls is known as neighbor spoofing. This is a form of harmful caller ID spoofing that allows spammers to place calls that look like they are coming from a phone number in your local area code. This way, people will be more likely to pick up the call because it looks familiar to them.

    When Should I Contact The Police About My Auto Accident Will They File The Mv

    The right time to notify the police about your auto accident is as soon as it happens.

    You should never leave the scene of the crash without notifying law enforcement and waiting for an officers arrival . Doing so can lead to a number of legal problems down the road.

    When the police officer arrives, he or she will complete MV-104A and file it shortly thereafter. Ask the officer for a copy of the MV-104A report or instructions for accessing it online.

    If for some reason the officers choose not to respond to your accident , you may then be responsible for contacting the local law enforcement office directly and filing an MV-104A report as soon as possible, either in person or by telephone.

    Report Crimes Using The Non

    You can initiate a police report by calling 3-1-1 if the incident you are reporting does not involve a crime in progress, pose an immediate and major threat to someones life, body or property, and does not require immediate police presence. The City of Chicago considers as non-emergencies crimes in which the offender is no longer at the scene, like pickpocketing, damage to property or a stolen car, and asks that witnesses or victims use 3-1-1 instead of 9-1-1 to report those crimes. The non-emergency police number is staffed by members of the Chicago Police Department and is available 24/7. You can either file a police report over the phone or make an appointment to file a police report at a later time. Read More:How to Get a Police Report

    You Can Also Go Online To File A Supplemental Report

    File a supplemental report if you want to add information to your original report or to a report that has previously been filed by an SFPD officer. To file a supplemental police report, click on the “File a Police Report” link above, select the appropriate incident type, follow the prompted questions, and select ‘supplemental report’ when prompted.

    Use the supplemental report method to report:

    • Additional property losses from the same crime
    • Additional details to describe stolen property, such as a serial number.

    When you have finished entering your report, a temporary report will be emailed to you. This report will not be official until it is approved. Once that happens, we will email you an official copy.

    You Cannot File A Report Online If

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    • A threat was made or violence was used during the incident. If you are in immediate danger, please dial 911. If you are no longer in danger, please call us at 613-236-1222, extension 7300.
    • Evidence was left on the scene such as, but not limited to blood, tools, clothes or any item related to the incident. Please call 613-236-1222, extension 7300 to file a report.
    • The incident being reported did not happen in Ottawa. Please contact the police service in the city where the incident happened to file a report.
    • The stolen property is a passport
    • The property lost is a cell phone, licence plate, bank card or government issued identification, with or without a serial number. Please contact your service provider to get a replacement.

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