Friday, September 13, 2024

How To Report Cyber Crime To Police

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Be Cautious About Connecting To Public Wi

How to Report a Cybercrime

Be cautious about connecting to free Wi-Fi networks that do not require a password in public spaces, such as airports or cafés. It is easy to set up a fraudulent Wi-Fi network. The person controlling it may log all websites you visit, the contents of emails or messages you send, and information about your mobile phone or computer.

You should avoid logging into websites or services that require you to enter passwords or personal data when connected to a public Wi-Fi network. Be especially careful if your password discipline is low and you keep reusing the same password. This may give the criminal access to your information.

It is safer to use mobile data than public Wi-Fi networks we know nothing about.

If You’re An Organization

  • Law enforcement performs an essential role in achieving the nations and states cybersecurity objectives by investigating, apprehending, and prosecuting those responsible for a wide range of cybercrimes.

    If you are a victim of a cybercrime, contact a law enforcement agency right away.

    Agencies include:

  • FBI – Internet Crime Complaint Center The FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center’s mission is to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cybercrime. The IC3 gives the victims of cybercrime a convenient and easy-to-use reporting mechanism that alerts authorities of suspected criminal or civil violations.
  • Indiana State Police ISPs Cybercrime & Investigative Technologies Section has detectives who specialize in conducting cybercrime investigations. If there is an immediate threat to public health or safety, the public should always call 911.
  • Indiana Attorney General

    Indianas security breach notification statute requires organizations to provide Indiana residents with the right to know when a security breach has resulted in the exposure of their personal information. For more information and to report a security breach, click here.

  • Indianapolis Cyber Fraud Task Force

    Cyber incidents can be reported to the Indianapolis Cyber Fraud Task Force at: or call 635-6420.

  • Regulators

    If you are an organization that is regulated, you may be required to report cybercrimes to other state or federal agencies.

  • Federal Government
  • What Happens After I File A Report Online

    • Upon submitting your completed report online, you will see the words Your online police report has been submitted indicating your report is complete.
    • You will receive an email with a temporary case number until police have reviewed the report. Check your junk email folder if you do not receive the email in your inbox.
    • Once a police officer has approved the online report, you will be notified and provided a permanent case number.
    • The accuracy of the information you provide in the report greatly assists Peel Regional Police Service in investigating your incident. Please ensure the report is as complete and concise as possible.

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    National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force

    Communication, commerce, and government are just a few aspects of our daily lives that have been forever changed and, in many ways, made more convenient by the Internet. Unfortunately, these same advancements also have introduced a new breed of technologically-savvy criminal. Such crimes as terrorism, espionage, financial fraud, and identity theft have long existed in the physical realm, but are now being perpetrated in the cyber domain. As criminals more effectively exploit this new frontier, their use of the Internet and technology adds a layer of complexity that cannot be overcome through the efforts of any one agency.

    To address this evolving cyber challenge, the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force was officially established in 2008. The NCIJTF is comprised of over 30 partnering agencies from across law enforcement, the intelligence community, and the Department of Defense, with representatives who are co-located and work jointly to accomplish the organizations mission from a whole-of-government perspective.

    As a unique multi-agency cyber center, the NCIJTF has the primary responsibility to coordinate, integrate, and share information to support cyber threat investigations, supply and support intelligence analysis for community decision-makers, and provide value to other ongoing efforts in the fight against the cyber threat to the nation

    Need To Report Cybercrime Or Fraud Now

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    Until the new reporting system is complete, Canadians, businesses and organizations should continue to report cybercrime and fraud to the online reporting system, available on the CAFC website. If you have lost personal information or money resulting from cybercrime or fraud, please contact your local police too.

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    Report A Hacker Here And Learn How To File A Police Report

    Cybercrime is more common than ever before. With so many people using the internet, it makes sense that the rate of cybercrime globally is climbing. Each country has a different way of tackling the problem. So, what should you do if you or someone you know becomes a victim?

    Action Item #: Examine Ways To Enhance The Cafc As A Trusted Data And Intelligence Source On Financially

    Links to operational framework: P1 O1 O2 O3 E3 E5

    Success indicators

    • Analyze and disrupt a wider spectrum of financially-motivated cybercrime threats.
    • Improve victim-based reporting of financially-motivated cybercrime incidents.

    Planned timeline



    The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre plays an important role in analyzing and mitigating online fraud by working with Canadian police services and industry to disrupt criminal adversaries in cyberspace. Financially-motivated cybercrimes, however, are not limited to fraud, and require law enforcement to consider other offences.

    To address this requirement, the CAFC will examine requirements to address a wider spectrum of financially-motivated cybercrime threats, such as reported cybercrime incidents involving intellectual property infringements and identity theft. The CAFC will also examine ways to expand its intake capabilities for victim-based reporting of suspected cybercrime incidents and improve its police information sharing on cybercrime activities and trends. The RCMP will also examine the role of the CAFC in the context of Federal Policingâs overall intake framework, including potential links to National Police Services.

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    Evidence To Be Submitted With The Report

    We suggest that you submit the following documents in support of your police report:

    • the relevant bank statement showing the bank transfers to the fraudsters
    • screenshots of the conversation with the fraudster
    • screenshots of the website involved
    • copies of the documents used in relation to the fraud and
    • copies of relevant emails.

    Action Item #: Create A Dedicated Intelligence Unit To Identify New And Emerging Cybercrime Threats

    How to report cybercrime through the E-Crime platform

    Links to operational framework: P1 O1 O2 O3 E3 E4 E5

    Success indicators

    • Collect and analyze data sources on cybercrime threats and trends to identify vulnerabilities and enforcement opportunities for investigators.
    • Produce cybercrime intelligence to identify leads and operational priorities for enforcement action.

    Planned timeline

    Full implementation: 2017 and ongoing.


    The RCMP requires dedicated resources to analyze more data sources and foster a strategic, national intelligence picture of cybercrime, and to better identify major cybercrimes for enforcement action.

    To address this requirement, the RCMP will establish a dedicated cybercrime intelligence unit within the RCMP National Intelligence Coordination Centre . The NICC will gather and analyze cybercrime intelligence from domestic and international sources where suspected cybercrime activity has been identified and reported to the RCMP. The dedicated cybercrime intelligence unit will enhance the RCMPâs ability to analyze cybercrime threats in an operational capacity and direct resources to target Canadaâs most serious and prolific cybercriminals. The NICC will also improve the RCMPâs ability to link cybercrime threats to criminal activity in other domains, such as financial crime or serious and organized crime.

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    New Cybercrime And Fraud Reporting System

    Screenshot image of the new cybercrime and fraud reporting system that is currently being pilot tested by the NC3

    Only a small percentage of cybercrimes or frauds are reported to Police in Canada, making it difficult for law enforcement to keep up with the ever-changing threat landscape.

    To make it easier for Canadians and businesses to report cybercrime and fraud, we are developing a new reporting system with the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre .

    Once fully in place, in 2023-2024, a victim or witness of a cybercrime or fraud will be able to use this system to report the crime online.

    We’ll use the information we get through the system to help:

    • make links between similar reports of cybercrime and fraud across Canada and internationally
    • identify and prioritize reported threats and incidents for law enforcement purposes
    • coordinate investigations and other law enforcement activities across jurisdictions

    What Is Cyberstalking And How Can You Protect Yourself From It

    The Internet has undergone exponential growth in the last few decades, and it is accessible in every part of the world. Despite its contribution to education and worldwide communication, the Internet has opened new doors for criminal opportunities, as well.

    Cyberstalking requires time and planning. The Internet provides a safe haven for offenders, who can hide behind false names and profiles and pretend to be someone else.

    According to the report from Ipsos from 2018, 75% of people in the U.S. are aware of cyberstalking. Although the percentage appears to be high, one-quarter of adults have never heard of it.

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    Compiling Evidence For Your Report

  • 1Write down a chronology of events. Start from the beginning, with your first contact with the perpetrator even if that first contact was relatively benign. Write each event that occurred along with the date and time .XResearch source
  • This chronology will help you organize your report as well as figure out what kind of evidence you might have or be able to access. For example, if you were chatting with the perpetrator through social media, you may be able to pull up the history of those exchanges.
  • 2Keep electronic copies and files where possible. The source code of web pages, emails, and other electronic files contains information that can help law enforcement identify and locate the people involved in the incident. If you merely print up a hard copy of something online, law enforcement won’t have access to this information.XResearch source
  • If the perpetrator has a web page through which they conduct their activities, save that webpage on your computer. It will be preserved in case the perpetrator deletes or alters the webpage to hide their activity.
  • 3Take screen shots of online evidence you can’t save. There are some places online, such as social media sites, that can’t be saved the way a webpage or an email can. While a screen shot doesn’t provide a lot of information that would be of use to law enforcement, it’s better than nothing.XResearch source
  • How To Register A Cyber Crime Complaint


    The crime investigation team has been establishing many cyber crime cells in different cities of India, taking care of the reports and investigations of the cyber crimes. At present, most cities in India have a dedicated cyber crime cell. You can make a complaint anytime to the cyber police or crime investigation department either offline or online. In order to give punishment for cyber crime, the first & foremost step is to lodge complaints against the crime. You need to file a written complaint with the cyber crime cell of any jurisdiction. In the written complaint, you need to provide your name, contact details, and address for mailing. You need to address the written complaint to the Head of the cyber crime Cell of the city where you are filing the cyber crime complaint.

    According to the IT Act, a cyber crime comes under the purview of global jurisdiction which means that a cyber crime complaint can be registered with any of the cyber cells in India, irrespective of the place where it was originally committed or the place where the victim is currently residing/ staying.

    How to report an FIR for a Cyber Crime?

    If you do not have access to any of the cyber cells in India, you can file a First Information Report at the local police station. In case your complaint is not accepted there, you can approach the Commissioner or the citys Judicial Magistrate.

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    Reduce The Risk Of Devices Connected To The Internet Being Hacked

    More and more objects are being connected to the internet. Smartwatches, security cameras, baby calls, heaters and light bulbs to mention a few. They are referred to as Internet-of-Things devices. They may make it easier to control your house, but come with a risk, as objects connected to the internet are vulnerable to hacking. These objects often have poor security, and detected vulnerabilities are seldom fixed and the software updated.

    On a general basis, the following precautions will reduce the risk of your IoT devices being hacked:

    • If you do not need online access to e.g. your baby call, go for a baby call with local wireless transmission which encrypts all signals. The number of potential hackers will then be limited to your immediate neighbourhood, instead of the whole world, and you have made intrusion more difficult.
    • Change your password the first time you use the device, and apply the available security settings.
    • Make sure it is updated with the latest firmware from the manufacturer. Some devices do this automatically others need manual updating.
    • Turn the device off when not in use or not needed.
    • If a camera behaves in an unexpected way, e.g. moves without you doing anything, or you discover logins that were not you, turn it off immediately .
    • Do a few searches for relevant models to see if there are any reports of vulnerabilities in or hacking of those models.

    National Response Centre For Cyber Crime

  • What kind of Complaints can be entertained by CCW ?
  • The CCW FIA can entertain the following category of complaints

    • Un-Authorized Accessed
    • Email hacking, Fake id on social media
    • Online Fund Transfer Fraud through bank, ATM, Easy paisa, U-paisa, Time pay or any other online fund transfer facility
    • Impersonation and defamation on social media
  • How can I submit my complaint?
  • There are three ways of submitting your complaint.

    • Online form available on website through
    • Email address
  • Can we submit complaint through helpline on phone call?
  • No, complaints cannot be submitted through helpline. You can only take guidelines about your cybercrime complaint and its further processing.

  • How can I get update / Progress of my complaint ?
  • You can email or contact us on 051-9106384, 051-9106690, 051-9106691, or 1991 for any query against your complaint and update progress. Moreover you can contact your relevant circle for your complaint status. Contact numbers of circles and addresses are provided in FAQ no. 13.

  • Can I go for the Cyber Crime Zones office directly in order to register my complaint ?
  • Yes, you can go there personally with your written application and relevant material

  • How can we report any Incident which falls under cybercrimes ?
    • You can visit our website and register your complaint by filling our online form.
    • You can send written application with your complete credentials and details of your complaint to your relevant circle.

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    Protect Your User Names And Passwords

    Many people have been called by someone claiming to be from Microsoft or another big company. The caller often tells you that you have problems with your computer and offers to help. All he or she needs to help you is your password and remote access to your computer. This is fraud ten times out of ten someone who wants to steal information from your computer. No legitimate company would ever ask for your password or access to your computer.

    Does the online banking login look different than usual? Is there an error message, and a message telling you to wait a few minutes before attempting another login? This is probably an attempt to trick you. Do not re-enter your password or code. Telephone your bank to find out what is happening, and whether you have been tricked into entering a different page trying to steal your username and password. Do not put off the phone call every minute may count.

    Make strong passwords, and different passwords for important sites. A unique password for each site is almost impossible to remember. The site provides guidance on how to make strong passwords that you can remember:

    Action Item #: Improve Digital Evidence Capabilities For Cybercrime Investigations

    ONLINE CYBER CRIME REPORTING PORTAL :à¤à¤° बà¥à¤ ॠà¤à¤°à¥ साà¤à¤¬à¤° à¤à¥?राà¤à¤® रिपà¥à¤°à¥?à¤

    Links to operational framework: P3 O7 O8 E2

    Success indicators

    • Provide digital forensic support to cybercrime investigations, including those led by the cybercrime investigative team.
    • Acquire new operational tools to analyze digital evidence more effectively.

    Planned timeline

    Full implementation: 2020 and ongoing.


    Cybercrime investigations differ significantly from traditional criminal investigations. They have a greater requirement for operating in online environments through open source analysis and covert means, and obtaining and analyzing data to drive investigations. The new cybercrime investigative team is expected to handle large and complex volumes of digital evidence, such as potential evidence from lawfully seized digital devices and servers.

    To address this requirement, the RCMP will devote new personnel and acquire new operational tools to directly support digital evidence requirements for cybercrime investigations, including those led by the new cybercrime investigative team. These digital forensic resources will ensure that state-of-the-art technological tools and capabilities are in place to support priority cybercrime investigations. In addition, the RCMP will examine capacity and capability requirements to push digital forensic skills and tools to the frontline of policing.

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    We Want To Make Sure Were Doing Everything We Can To Help Our Partners Do What They Need To Do

    FBI Director Christopher Wray

    This government effort to sequence unilateral, joint, and enabled operations against cyber adversaries is coordinated by the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force. Led by the FBI, the task force includes more than 30 co-located agencies from the Intelligence Community and law enforcement and is focused on the most significant threats.

    The collaboration envisioned in the FBI cyber strategy leverages the skills of multiple agencies as well as the insights of industry, nonprofits, and academic institutions. An effective threat response must involve every part of society that is affected by malicious cyber activity and every part of society that can help hold the line against it.

    Wray said that the most significant currents threats are coming from the Chinese government targeting our intellectual property, Russian efforts to undermine our critical infrastructure, and increasingly sophisticated criminal cyber syndicates that seek to steal from individuals and institutions.

    To combat these evolving threats, the FBI leverages its broad domestic and international presence, with cyber squads in every FBI field office and rapid response teams ready to respond to major incidents wherever and whenever they happen.

    The cyber strategy announced by Director Wray builds on more than a century of innovation by the FBI to adapt to and confront threats to the American people.

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