Wednesday, September 18, 2024

How Do You Give An Anonymous Tip To The Police

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Submitting Anonymous Tips Through Metro Crime Stoppers

WEB EXTRA: How to give police an anonymous tip

Metro Crime Stoppers of Maryland is an organization separate from the Annapolis Police Department. When you text, phone in, or submit your Annapolis crime tip online Metro Crime Stoppers receives your tip anonymously and only forwards your tip information to the Annapolis Police Department. No identifying information is ever forwarded to us. Please be assured that only your tip is communicated from Metro Crime Stoppers to the police department, not any identifying information about you. Metro Crime Stoppers uses a special coding system to protect your identity, they do not use Caller ID or record telephone conversations. If your tip leads to the arrest or indictment of a person for a felony you could qualify for up to a $2,000 cash reward from Metro Crime Stoppers.

You can submit an anonymous tip by:

Crime Stoppers Mobile Terms And Conditions


If you see a crime in progress or need to report an emergency, please call 911. By participating in the Boston Police Department Crime Stoppers Mobile Program, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions presented here. The Boston Police Department makes best efforts to ensure the program is available on most major wireless carriers this program is available on participating carriers only and therefore BPD cannot guarantee this program will work for all participants. Although the program is complimentary to participants, standard text messaging rates may apply. Check with your carrier and wireless plan for details.

Important!For your safety, you should always delete all text messages from Crime Stoppers from your inbox and your outbox.

Avoid Using Your Personal Phones

A pay phone allows you to use *67 to hide the number when calling a non-emergency police line. In addition, if you pay with coins, the call can be traced only to the phone, not to you. If you’re planning to make several anonymous calls, consider purchasing a prepaid telephone and pay with cash. While the number is visible, it is not linked to your name.

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Can Police Detain A Person Based On An Anonymous Tip

A tip from an anonymous source may provide reasonable cause to detain a person if it includes some facts that are verified by police. See Alabama v. White 496 U.S. 325.

A detention must be based on a reasonable suspicion that:

  • some activity out of the ordinary has taken place
  • the activity was related to crime and
  • the person detained was involved in the activity.

A search made during investigative detention is illegal if:

  • there was no basis for an officer to believe the person was armed and dangerous
  • the scope of the search was beyond a pat-down for weapons or
  • the search extended to the persons possessions or vehicle, except that an officer may order a detainee to produce identification.

A real-life example is:

Two separate people approach police on a crowded New Years Eve street and tell them a man in a white cap has a gun. The police can see only one man in the crowd with a white cap. They approach the man, pat him down, and find a gun. The court ruled the encounter was justified. People v. Coulombe 86 Cal. App. 4th 52.

Who Oversees The Crime Stoppers Program

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A Community Board of Volunteers oversees the program. Peel Crime Stoppers is a registered non-profit charitable organization. Crime Stoppers receives no government funding. All funds used to operate the Crime Stoppers program are obtained through charitable community donations this includes the money that is paid out to our tipsters.

Contact Us

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Speak Up: How To Safely And Anonymously Report Drug Activity

Davids new neighbor, Jeff, is selling drugs and hes worried about what it will do to the neighborhood. David fears for the safety of not only his kids but all the children on the block. He wants to do somethinghe wants to put a stop to the drug activity before it gets any worse. But hes scared to call the police and report his neighbor. What if Jeff finds out who reported him? Will his life be in danger? Would his wife be in danger? What about his young children?

In fear of what might happen, David remains silent.

Lisa has watched the park near her house turn into a meeting place for drug dealers and buyers. Shes pretty sure they are selling heroin there are plenty of used syringes littering the park. She would call the police, but shes afraid of what might happen. After all, she isnt completely innocentshe occasionally smokes marijuana. And working two jobs means she occasionally has to leave her 11-year-old home alone for a while. If she reaches out to the police, will they believe her? Will they dig into her past and investigate her?

Lisa decides its better not to get involved she just cant risk it.

What Does Peel Crime Stoppers Do With The Tips

Peel Crime Stoppers will forward the tip information to the appropriate police authorities. The Investigators will work hand-in-hand with the information, and will inform Peel Crime Stoppers on how the case is progressing. Therefore, it’s important for the caller to call back for an update on the case.

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Submitting An Anonymous Tip

In case of an emergency, call 911. The online tip line is for non-emergency situations.

One of the most effective resources in deterring or solving a crime is information from the community. Please contact The University of Connecticut Police Department if you have ANY information on a crime that has been committed, is in commission or is being planned. You may contact us by coming in to the station, calling or emailing us your information:

  • University of Connecticut Police Department:126 North Eagleville RoadStorrs, CT 06269
  • Give us a call at 860-486-4800.
  • Send us an email message to . Or use the form provided below. NOTE: This email address has been designated solely to receive information from the community about criminal activity.

When submitting crime tips, provide as much of the following information as you can:

  • Who: Names and/or a description of the person/people involved.
  • What: Description of the type of crime.
  • When: Date and time of crime.
  • Where: Address or description of place.
  • Why: Motive, why crime was/is going to be committed.
  • How: What methods are going to be/were used.
  • Any other information such as a vehicle description.

Submit A Tip Online Here

tip411 anonymous tip line proves to be a success for Rapid City Police

Once a tip has been received it will be sent to the law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction over the reported crime. The agency will investigate the tip and report back the outcome of the investigation to our administrative office in Southfield, Michigan.

You can follow up on your tip by calling our administrative office on specified days. The phone number to call when following up on a tip is 313-922-5000. The hours to call our main office for follow-ups are: Tuesday and Thursday 10 a.m. 3 p.m. and Wednesday from 1 p.m. 5 p.m.

If your tip leads to an arrest, you will be eligible for a reward of up to $2,500. Rewards are processed once a month. If you are eligible for a reward, we have partnered with local banks that will disburse the reward in cash. No identification is needed, and you will only need your tip reference number and the amount of the reward to get paid.

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How Crime Stoppers Works

Your information will be taken in strict confidence. You never have to give your name. You will be given a confidential code number, keep this number a secret. Crime Stoppers will then process the tip to go to the correct party.

Be sure to call back to for an update. If your information leads to an arrest or charge, you will become eligible for a cash reward.

Cash rewards are distributed through pre-arranged locations across the region for pickup after approval by the Crime Stoppers board of directors.

Reporting A Crime Online

  • 1Submit an anonymous tip to your local police department or FBI field office. Visit the website of the law enforcement agency in your town, city, or district and look for a link where you can go to report a crime. If you’re unable to find one, head over to and use the provided form to tell what you know. This form will give you the option to make your report anonymously.XResearch source
  • You can get in touch with the FBI if you have knowledge of any type of federal offense, including violent crimes, child pornography, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and terrorism.XTrustworthy SourceUnited States Department of JusticeOfficial website of the U.S. Department of JusticeGo to source
  • If you’re not sure whether to send your tip to the police or the FBI, it may be a good idea to fill out two separate reports. Worst case scenario, one of the agencies will simply refer you to the other.
  • Tip: Some incident forms make the individual’s first and last names required fields by default. Check beneath one or both name fields for a box that says something like Decline or Withhold. If there is, click it.

  • 2Send tips regarding controlled substances directly to the DEA.Pull up the DEA’s website at and navigate to the “Submit a Tip” page. You’ll be asked to specify the date and location of the offense and provide a detailed description of exactly what you saw. The DEA makes it optional to include your personal information on all incident forms.XResearch source
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    Can Police Search A House Based On An Anonymous Tip

    Police must obtain a warrant to search a house. An anonymous tip, standing alone, does not provide the necessary probable cause for the issuance of a warrant.

    The affidavit for a search warrant must include:

    • sufficient information to conclude that the informant is honest, and/or
    • facts indicating that the information is reliable along with the basis of the informers knowledge.

    The anonymous informant must actually witness the alleged criminal activity.

    For example:

    A tip by an anonymous informant that there was heavy foot traffic at a persons residence, by itself, is not sufficient to establish probable cause. See Bailey v. Superior Court 11 Cal. App. 4th 1107.

    Please note there are exceptions to the search warrant requirement for a house or vehicle:

    • exigent circumstances,
    • search incident to a lawful arrest,
    • consent,

    Crime Stoppers Anonymous Tips

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    Submitting Crime Stoppers anonymous tips is one of the many ways that community members can do their part to keep our community safer.

    Since 1980, Crime Stoppers has stood as a successful non-profit organization that is focused on providing resources to promote safety in the community. This means providing community members with an option of submitting a crime tip anonymously that will be passed on to the appropriate law enforcement personnel to be dealt with.

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    How To Call The Police Anonymously


    Remaining anonymous in our digital world isn’t easy, especially when you have to call the police. Whether you’re reporting a crime in progress, a meth house down the block, or a case of suspected child abuse, you might not want anyone to know that you were the one who did the right thing.

    Explore this article

    You Protect Your Communitywe Protect Your Identity

    WeTip is committed to providing the most effective anonymous reporting solution in the nation. We promise and ensure absolute confidence and anonymity when you submit a report. All information is provided to your organization or local, state, federal, or international law enforcement agencies to relay your information about criminal activity occurring in your area.

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    How You Can Help

    In an emergency, call Triple Zero “000” for attendance by police, fire or ambulance.

    For police assistance where there is no immediate danger or to report non-urgent crime call 131 444.

    If you have information about illegal activity or suspected perpetrators relating to crime anywhere in Australia, you can help by providing information to Crime Stoppers. To provide your information phone the toll free number 1800 333 000.

    Can Police Stop A Car Based On An Anonymous Tip

    Anonymously text your tips to Kilgore TX police via tip411

    Police must have probable cause or reasonable suspicion of criminal activity to stop a motor vehicle. Sometimes an anonymous tip can be sufficient.

    The justification for the stop or detention by police must include:

    • specific and articulable facts which support the intrusion,
    • based upon the totality of the circumstances.

    Courts will look at the of the information that police are relying on:

    • is it confirmed or verified by the police?
    • is it reliable?

    For example:

    An anonymous 911 caller told police that a truck had run her off the road. The caller provided the vehicle description and license plate number. Officers quickly located and stopped the truck. The officers smelled marijuana, searched the vehicle and found 30 pounds of the drug. The court ruled that based upon the totality of the circumstances, the officers had reasonable suspicion to think the driver might be intoxicated and could stop the vehicle to confirm. See Navarette v. California 572 U.S. 393.

    An investigative detention is illegal if it is based on only one insufficient factor, such as:

    • curiosity, rumor, or a hunch
    • race or sex of the suspect
    • suspects presence in a high-crime area or
    • a persons nervous behavior.

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    Can Police Act On An Anonymous Tip

    Yes. Police can act on anonymous tips if they follow the rules, laws, and procedures that have developed in accordance with the U.S. Constitution.

    Police contact with people usually occurs:

    • on public streets,

    The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees:

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons and houses against unreasonable searches and seizures, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    A police officer may, in appropriate circumstances, approach a person for purposes of investigating possibly criminal behavior.

    An investigative detention without a warrant must be based on a reasonable suspicion that:

  • Some activity out of the ordinary has taken place
  • The activity is related to crime and
  • The person detained is involved in the activity.
  • The justification for the stop or detention by police must include:

    • Specific and articulable facts which support the police intrusion,
    • Based upon the totality of the circumstances.

    If police are acting on an anonymous tip, courts will consider whether:

    • Police have confirmed or verified the information,
    • If the information is specific and/or reliable,

    For example: Did the tip include the make, model, and license plate of a suspects vehicle?

    If police exceed their authority in stopping, detaining or arresting:

    • Evidence can be suppressed or thrown out, and
    • a criminal case could be dismissed.

    Additional Reporting Information To Consider

    When reporting drug activity, it will also help to keep the following in mind:

    • To further ensure anonymity, callers can dial *67 before calling any agency or organization. This blocks the number of the caller.
    • Reporting activity to the local police is also an option, but anonymity may be harder to keep.
    • It is important to remember, when making a report, you may be asked to provide personal information, but this is completely voluntary. You have the right to remain anonymous if that is what you want.

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    But They Can Still Find You

    If the police need you as a witness, you made a false police report, or you used the police to harass an ex, no method is 100-percent anonymous. Phone records can be subpoenaed and cell phone signals triangulated, and pay phones are often within camera range of nearby businesses.


    About the Author

    With degrees in fine and commercial art and Spanish, Ruth de Jauregui is an old-school graphic artist, book designer and published author. De Jauregui authored 50 Fabulous Tomatoes for Your Garden, available as an ebook. She enthusiastically pursues creative and community interests, including gardening, home improvement and social issues.

    How To Review Or Update Your Tip

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    You can review or update your tip in the following ways:

    • If you called, you can call 502-574-LMPD back and give them your crime tip # or simply give the additional information that you have.
    • If you entered it online or through your P3 Tips app, you can visit and enter your provided code information.

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    Blocking Your Phone Number

    If you call from your home or cell phone, you can use 67 to block your line. Your number will appear as a private or restricted number on the receiver’s caller ID. Simply type in 67 and then the entire phone number, including “1” plus the area code if the number is long distance. However, your number will not be blocked when calling 911 or toll-free numbers.

    How To Call Police Without Revealing Your Number

    If you witness a crime, you might be reluctant to come forward because of fear that the criminals will find out who reported them. If you are in this situation, you can call an anonymous tip line to report crimes without revealing your contact information or identity to police.

    Order per-line blocking from your phone company. Per-line blocking automatically blocks your number when calling most numbers. You can call crime tip lines anonymously with this service.

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    Look on the website for your city’s police department to find the number for the anonymous crime tip line. Some police departments also allow you to text crime tips using your cell phone. Texted tips go to an automated mailbox police do not see your number.


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