Is K40s Next Big Thing The Next Big Thing
Back in the 80s, K40 was the first company to offer a built-in system with front and rear sensors and a directional display. Their current halo suite, the RL360i + Dual Diffuser Optix laser jammers , remains excellent by traditional standards. The laser jammers are software upgradeable via USB, but it lacks radar filtration upgradeability and integration with crowdsourced platforms.
Back to Waze, again.
K40 has a major product announcement coming. K40 was the thing until the V1 came along. Maybe they’ll surprise us with something nuts, like two-way data sharing with Waze.
Now that would be something.
Not Maintaining Consistent Speed And Distance
It is less likely the judge is going to find a person guilty of speeding at the charged speed if the police officers cannot prove conclusively that they were going that speed. If the distance changed consistently and the officer could not establish a persons speed, it is more likely that the charge would be dismissed or reduced. Pacing as Virginia Beach speed detection can be challenged.
The Current State The Art
The good news? There are several options that deliver a mostly perfect solution. The bad news? None of them come cheap. The best solution depends on you, how much you want to suffer, and how much you want to spend on the best solution available today.
There are only two factors that matter: 1. Do you believe in the power of crowdsourced data and ecosystem? 2. Do police use lasers where you drive.
if you believe in ecosystem, there is only one choice at this time.
As for laser, the effectiveness of any built-in solution depends on what kind of laser guns police use where you drive, and whether your system can jam them. If you can afford these solutions, you need to do some homework.
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Speak With A Legal Professional Today
Being caught driving over the speed limit could prove to be a stressful and intimidating time for accused individuals. Not only would a person have to combat the law enforcements account of the situation, they would also have to effectively question the methods used to determine whether they were speeding. Such methods includes pacing, which is allowed in court as evidence to be used against the accused driver.
If you have been charged with driving over the speed limit, reach out to one of our resourceful Attorneys at Leifert & Leifert. With a Ft Lauderdale attorney at your side, you may be able to effectively challenge an officers use of pacing in a speeding case.
What If You Dont Want To Spend $3500+
There are two standalone alternatives, but you lose the laser jamming, and you better not leave them on your windshield or in a door pocket if you park your car in a major metro area.
Option 1: Get a good phone mount, install Waze or Escort Live , and the standalone Escort Max 360 for $649. I used one to set three Cannonball records last year, including the Key West to Seattle run in 45 hours and 24 minutes. Its the wise mans choice, ready to roll and easy to use.
Option 2: For the hardcore tinkerer on a budget, you can still go out and buy the old standard, the V1, mail it in periodically for the latest update, and dont forget the concealed display kit. Youre at around $500 already, plus all the accessories you need to cobble together the functionality you want by adding the Bluetooth module, and third party software like YaV1 or V1Driver, and a good phone mount, etc. Then its time to watch a video about how to program it, then watch another video, then program it, then download something else that sort of works with Waze, and hope you got the frequencies right, then make a video about how your custom-built suite is better than anything else at any price, then start all over again because of some negative comments on Reddit.
Option 3: All of this is insane. Drive the speed limit. Get a driver. Wait for self-driving cars.
Alex Roy, entrepreneur, President of Europe By Car, Editor-at-Large for
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Two Types Of Radar Used By Police
Typically, the radars police use are one of two types: car-mounted units that can be operated while the officer’s vehicle is stationary or moving and hand-held radar “guns.”
Car-Mounted Units
Most radar units used in patrol vehicles are shaped something like a side-mounted spotlight. They are usually mounted on the rear left window of the police car facing toward the rear.
But no matter where the unit is mounted, the officer reads your speed on a small console mounted on or under the dash. The unit has a digital readout that displays the highest speed read during the second or two your vehicle passes through the beam. So, slowing down once you’ve gone through the beam won’t do any goodthe officer already has the reading.
Most modern police radar units can also operate in a “moving mode,” allowing the officer to determine a vehicle’s speed even though the officer’s own patrol vehicle is moving. In moving mode, the radar receiver measures the frequency of two reflected signals: the one reflected from the target vehicleas in the stationary modeand another signal bounced or reflected off the road as the patrol vehicle moves forward. Using these two signals, the unit automatically calculates the driver’s speed.
Hand-Held Radar Units
Hand-held radar guns are most often used by motorcycle officers. Radar guns use a trigger system. So, the officer just pulls the trigger when he or she wants to measure a vehicle’s speed.
Police Use Of Pacing To Convict For Speeding In Ny
Speeding tickets are far and away the most issued traffic ticket by police officers. Speeding tickets have been given out for decades and people driving in NY are still caught speeding by the dozens each day. Police officers can use a variety of methods to detect how fast you are going including pacing, aircraft, radar and laser.
Police officers are trained to use various types of equipment, their observation and other techniques such as pacing to detect how fast a driver is going. Police officers use pacing quite often when they are not in a proper position to use a radar and can visually see that a driver is breaking the law. Pacing is when a patrol vehicle is following your car at the same rate of speed and the officer checks their speedometer to see how fast you were going. A police officer can use the pacing method to charge you with a speeding ticket in NY and you can be found guilty of the charges in court.
Usually the officer first will observe the vehicles on the road and if he/she suspects that you were speeding then the officer will pull out from his parked position and begin to speed up to catch your car. The police officer is required to maintain a constant speed between the police vehicle and your vehicle long enough so that a reasonably accurate estimate of the speed can be made.
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How Can I Fight My Speeding Ticket Where The Officer Paced My Car
Its quite technical and involves the ability to effectively communicate your findings in court but pacing tickets can be fought and won in court. This means that hiring an experienced traffic defense attorney to argue your case in court will prove worthwhile.
First when an officer paces your car there are many different variables that need to be accounted for to accurately determine a speed. The road that you are driving on can have traffic lights, curves and other obstacles that make it difficult for a police officer to pace your car. Generally a straight road with no curves, hills or dips yields the best results for officers when pacing your car.
Also, officers are required to keep a constant distance between cars to get an accurate pace. This means that officer must maintain an equal distance between vehicles and be as close as possible. If you observe that the officer was farther away when beginning to pace you then it will be easier to fight your ticket and get the case dismissed.
What Is Pop Radar
POP was marketed to change the ability of detectors to alert with ample range. If you think of detectors as specialized radio scanners, you will understand how POP radar sought to render them ineffective or at least give that appearance to municipalities who considered purchasing MPHs radar guns so equipped.
The idea was simple in principle: if a gun transmits a single radar transmission lasting in duration for only 67ms, conventional detectors wouldnt be able to detect a transmission of such short duration since they are spending time sweeping the multiple bands that all detectors must continually do.
While the 67ms version of POP has essentially been mitigated by all of the major radar detector manufacturers today most radar detectors now have specialized circuitry to specifically detect itMPH has introduced an even quicker version of POP thats rated at a blistering 16ms
The frequency most often used for POP is 33.8Ghz Ka-band. It can also be found on MPHs K-band hand-held guns, although the most likely encounter youll have is against a patrol mounted 33.8 Ka unit. Nevada is the place where you will most likely encounter police using MPH radar. Police in Nevada are extremely well trained with these radar units.
Valentine Research has suggested MPHs technology has been flawed and prone to error. Interestingly enough, MPHs site has modified their website POP section indicating that speeding citations can not be issued solely on the use of POP.
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What Types Of Police Radar Are Used
Police radar guns operate on three frequency bands: X band, K band, and Ka band.
Most newer guns the police use operate on the super-wide Ka-band. K-band is still quite common, given its historical advantage to Ka-band. The oldest X-band radars, which have been widely used throughout the state of NJ, are slowly being supplemented with newer and smaller digital Ka-band models and even more lethal police laser guns.
Radar transmissions are quite wide in their dispersion patterns and are often reflected in many directions. This gives a detector a lot of opportunities to detect them and as a consequence generally provides the driver ample reaction time to slow down while vehicles ahead are being targeted.
Its also not particularly precise in pinpointing which vehicles are responsible for speed readings, requiring a visual confirmation by the officer. Some European radarscalled Gatso and Multanovaare much narrower, ultra low-powered, polarized, and much harder to detect as a result even with the best radar detectors and come equipped with cameras. These speed policing types of systems can be fixed or mobile.
Redflex, a photo enforcement company, uses a particularly lethal form of police radar to determine your speed. The radar is horizontally polarized and very lower power. Most detectors, give you essentially no advanced warning time. Redflex is a for profit company that while not part of a police force, is contracted by municipalities to enforce speed.
Defining Accurate Speeding Determination Methods
There must be adequate grounds and conditions for accurate pacing. The second way is through scientifically-approved evidence, such as radar guns and/or aerial pursuits, which can corroborate a polices pacing and determination that a car is going a specific speed limit. In those cases, if all is corroborated, it makes for a solid case against the operator.
However, when challenging those cases, all of those outside interferences and the challenging of specific scientific evidence are essential. Having the ability to touch the calibration, the maintenance, and the accuracy of radar guns mounted by hand or on vehicles as well as aerial pursuits are essential.
Pacing in and of itself is not scientific and without corroboration, it is simply a police officers word against an operators word. With the right attorney challenging those observations, often cases of speeding can be dismissed or lead to acquittals.
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How Aircraft Speed Detection Works
Law enforcement aircraft use two methods for determining a vehicle’s speed. The first is to calculate a vehicle’s speed by timing how long it takes the vehicle to pass between two highway markings at a premeasured distance apart. The second involves a kind of “pacing” of the target vehicle but from the aircraft. As we’ll see, this second method is typically the less accurate of the two.
How Do Police Use Radar From A Patrol Car
Police radar can be operated in a stationery position or moving vehicle. Most states allow radar to be operated by a patrol officer while driving . When its used this way, it can also be quite challenging especially when operated in IO mode as a driver can come upon an officer on the highway around the bend and approaching in the opposite direction. This can make for a difficult ambush situation to avoid getting a speeding ticket.
Police can also use radar in unmarked patrol vehicles making early detection even more difficult. The state of Pennsylvania is unique in that only state police are able to use radar. In other states, both state and local police are permitted to operate radar as a means of traffic enforcement.
Some models that are mounted to police vehicles have dual transmitters, one pointing forward and one pointing towards to rear. The rear facing transmitter can easily clock vehicles that are following a patrol vehicle so be mindful when approaching a patrol car on the highway.
Radareven in I/O formwhen transmitted is fairly easy to detect from ahead with a good detector and is one of the best tools a driver can use today. The quality of detectors have improved dramatically over the years and even budget priced models, such as the Whistler CR97 can be a very effective device in mitigated its risk. Higher-end are available from Escort, Radenso, Uniden, and Valentine Research.
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Our Choice: Consumer Near
Escorts Max 360 CI is an excellent built-in system, with one caveat. It costs $3,499.00 plus installation, and thats not even the caveat. Its the most comprehensive and easiest to use of the built-in solutions, and far closer to functional perfection than any of the alternatives.
Escort’s only real shortcoming conceals its unique advantage: ecosystem. Although it doesn’t integrate with Waze, you can connect the system to your phone via Bluetooth to integrate with the Escort Live app, which is vastly superior to Waze for police location in every way but one: size of user base.
In the connected future, ecosystem is everything.
Escort wont reveal figures for their user base other than to say it’s “in the millions”, but it cant be anywhere near the 50 million that Waze claimed as of 2013. Of course its almost impossible to estimate how many Waze users are in the US, how many actively enter data, and how much of that data is accurate enough to become information a driver can act upon.
But quantity does not equal quality.
Escort Live users may be far fewer, but pony up $50 a year for the full subscription, tether it to your system, place your smartphone on a good mount, and witness the future of situational awareness: radar and laser alerts from other users in-network appear on-screen, overlaid with their fixed threat Defender database updated weekly.
Let me repeat that. The Escort killed the V1 in terms of false alarms. Sad, but true.
Here Are A Few Helpful Reminders For When You Encounter Traffic Pacing On The Roads:
- Traffic pacing helps keep all drivers safe.
- Traffic pacing is planned by professionals and must be obeyed.
- The safety of flaggers is dependent on drivers ability to respect and follow signage.
- Traffic pacing is not permanent and only affects roads for a limited span of time.
- Arriving at your destination alive is more important than getting there quickly.
If your contracting, construction or event company needs traffic pacing services in Georgia, google traffic control companies near me or visit our website at
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Police Traffic Pacing Expert Witness:
We offer pacing experts / expert witnesses that can provide discovery analysis, forensic site analysis, pre-trial preparation, training as well as provide expert witness testimony concerning the police speeding ticket / probable cause traffic stops that are in question, that can level the field of justice in all courts – nationwide.
How To Successfully Fight A Police Traffic Pace Speeding Ticket:
Review all the document / evidence that the officer plans to use on the trial date. A good defense, is to retain an “Expert / Expert Witness” in this exact field. The expert should be an engineer, certified police pace / pacing operator / instructor, police training, vehicle characteristics, certified vehicle technician / mechanic, and and should be aware of the law.
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What If The Officer Does Not Maintain Consistent Speed
If the officer does not maintain a consistent speed or distance to the vehicle they are pacing, it is a severe issue in a speeding case. It is challenging for the officer to observe the vehicle they are is pacing, observe their own speedometer, and maintain a specific distance from the car they are observing to make sure that they are traveling at the same speed as that car.
The police are going to be using other landmarks on the road to try to determine how far back they are traveling from that car. Having to do all of this at once makes pacing somewhat unreliable evidence of speeding. If the officer is not able to maintain a consistent speed or distance then, often, that will be sufficient grounds for a dismissal of a speeding case if the pacing is the only evidence of speeding.