Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How Many People Are Shot By Police Each Year

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I Think Logically 99% If Not More Of The Police Contact With The Public Is Appropriate Giuliani Says

How many people are killed by police each year in the U.S.?

Rudy Giuliani in a Fox News appearance.

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More police officers are shot and killed by blacks than police officers kill African-Americans.

Thats former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani offering his perspective to Fox News on rising concerns that police disproportionately kill black Americans.

The unarmed shootings which are the ones that are the troublesome ones there are only 9 of them against blacks 20 against whites in 2019. So thatll give you a sense. Meanwhile, there were 9,000 murders of blacks, 7,500 of which were black-on-black, Giuliani told Foxs Ed Henry during a recent interview.

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The comments come as President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order calling on police departments to adopt stricter use-of-force standards and create a database to track officer misconduct amid an eruption of social unrest in America over racial inequality and the treatment of blacks by law enforcement after a number of recent incidents.

Protests across the globe have been ignited by the death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old African-American man who perished in police custody on May 25 in Minneapolis as a white police officer drove his knee into his neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds.

Giuliani, however, described the reaction to the incidences and calls to defund the police as created and almost hysterical.

The Washington Post writes:

In One Year 57375 Years Of Life Were Lost To Police Violence

A new study finds that police killings exact a toll greater than accidental gun deaths.

People killed by police in 2015 and 2016 had a median age of 35, and they still had an average of about 50 years left to live when they died. Its this metricthe gap between how long someone lives and how long they were expected to livethats the focus of a new study by Anthony Bui, Matthew Coates, and Ellicott Matthay in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

To find the true toll of police violence, the authors focused on years of life lost. They used data from The Counted, a Guardian database of people killed by police, to find the races and ages of everyone who died at the hands of police in the United States, then compared them to the average life expectancy for those groups.

Of the 1,146 and 1,092 victims of police violence in 2015 and 2016, respectively, the authors found that 52 percent were white, 26 percent were black, and 17 percent were Hispanic. Together, these individuals lost 57,375 years to police violence in 2015 and 54,754 to police violence in 2016. Young people and people of color were disproportionately affected: 52 percent of all the years of life lost belonged to nonwhite, non-Hispanic ethnic groups. Whites also tended to be killed by police at older ages than African Americans and Hispanicsthough this is partly because, in the general population, whites are older on average than the other groups.

How Many Black Men Have Been Killed This Year

Of the 765 people killed by police in 2020, 28 percent of them have been black people – despite comprising only 13 percent of the US population.

Police brutality in America has sparked an ongoing battle between communities marching with Black Lives Matter protesters and Blue Lives Matter supporters.

Global demonstrations have also taken place to protest the harsh treatment of black people by law enforcement.

Protests in places including Kenosha, Wisconsin and Portland, Oregon have resulted in civilian deaths, hundreds of arrests and continuous unrest for months at a time.

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Police Violence Is A Systemic Problem In The Us Not Simply Incidental And It Happens On A Scale Far Greater Than Other Wealthy Nations

by Alexi Jones and Wendy Sawyer,June 5, 2020

There is no question that the number of police killings of civilians in the U.S. who are disproportionately Black and other people of color are the result of policies and practices that enable and even encourage police violence. Compared to police in other wealthy democracies, American police kill civilians at incredibly high rates:

The chart above compares the annual rates of police killings in each country, accounting for differences in population size. This is the most apples-to-apples comparison we can make with this data.1 But the total number of deaths at the hands of police is also worth seeing in comparison with other countries:

The sources for these charts are listed in the table below. For more statistics on police, arrests, and incarceration in the United States, see these other pages:

Daily Gun Violence Impacting Children And Teens

How many people have been killed by police this year ...

Every day, 22 children and teens are shot in the United States. Among those:

  • 5 die from gun violence
  • 2 are murdered
  • 17 children and teens survive gunshot injuries
  • 8 are intentionally shot by someone else and survive
  • 2 children and teens either die from gun suicide or survive an attempted gun suicide
  • 8 children and teens are unintentionally shot in instances of family fire a shooting involving an improperly stored or misused gun found in the home resulting in injury or death

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Fatal Police Shootings Of Unarmed Black People Reveal Troubling Patterns

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Demonstrators raise their arms and chant, “Hands up, don’t shoot,” in August 2014 as they protest the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.hide caption

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Demonstrators raise their arms and chant, “Hands up, don’t shoot,” in August 2014 as they protest the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.

Ronell Foster was riding his bicycle through the hushed streets of Vallejo, Calif., one evening when a police officer noticed that the bike had no lights and that he was weaving in and out of traffic.

The officer, Ryan McMahon, went after Foster with lights flashing, siren blaring and the car’s spotlight pointed directly at him. Foster stopped. The pair exchanged words before Foster, who was on community supervision for a car theft conviction a month earlier, fled, eventually ditching the bicycle. McMahon caught up with Foster and jumped on top of him. The two struggled. McMahon, a rookie on the force, used a Taser on the father of two and struck him several times with his department-issued flashlight. Gunfire erupted seven shots total. When it was over, Foster, 33, lay dying in the bushes in a darkened courtyard near an apartment complex.

Ronell Foster was fatally shot by Vallejo, Calif., police Officer Ryan McMahon in 2018 after being stopped for riding his bicycle without a light. Foster was unarmed. Foster familyhide caption

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A year later, he shot again.

Among NPR’s other findings:

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What The Data Shows

The Posts database documents fatal police shootings that have happened since Jan. 1, 2015. The Post said its team relies primarily on news accounts, social media postings and police reports in addition to its own reporting.

This data does not include deaths of people in police custody, fatal shootings by off-duty officers or non-shooting deaths.

The Posts data shows police fatally shot 13 unarmed Black men in 2019, five more people than Kirk claimed. Also, police fatally shot an unarmed Black woman, Atatiana Jefferson, 28, on Oct. 12 in Fort Worth Texas. But the Post’s database covers only shootings. It does not include deaths caused by beating, tasering or vehicles. George Floyds died in police custody after a police officer knelt on his neck for several minutes, which would not have been included in the Posts data set.

The Post regularly updates the database as information about cases is released, so its possible it showed eight unarmed Black male deaths instead of 13 at the time Kirk posted the video. Its also possible the number will continue to rise as more information about deaths in 2019 comes to light.

Mapping Police Violence, a crowdsourced database that includes deaths by vehicle, tasering or beating in addition to shootings, estimates 25 police killings of unarmed Black men in 2019.

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Black Lives Matter: Are Whites Killed By Police Brutality More Than Blacks Stats Show The Shocking Truth

Police Shoot Twice As Many People As We Realized | VICE News Investigation (HBO)

Understanding the link between racism and policing requires a look at more than just the raw data. Here’s what we found

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Is law enforcement in the US racist? In light of the killings of people like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, it is easy to believe that the answer is yes. In reality, though, it’s not as simple as that. There is no federal database of police shootings in the US, which makes tracking the use of force complicated. But, thanks to efforts by the media and non-government organizations, we do have a rough idea of the numbers.

There is no doubt, the US has one of the highest rates of use of force in the world. It’s not even a competition. For every 10 million people, the US kills 33.5 civilians. The next highest is Canada, with 9.8 civilians killed as per the Prison Policy Initiative. Breaking down those numbers, you might be surprised to learn that law enforcement in the US isn’t entirely as racist as portrayed in the media.

The fact is more White people are killed each year by police than any other race. The issue? More African-Americans are killed per capita than any other race.

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Annual Gun Violence Impacting People Of All Ages In The Us

Every year, 115,551 people are shot. Among those:

  • 38,826 people die from gun violence
  • 14,062 are murdered
  • 76,725 people survive gunshot injuries
  • 34,566 are intentionally shot by someone else and survive
  • 23,437 die from gun suicide
  • 3,554 survive an attempted gun suicide
  • 483 killed unintentionally
  • 521 are killed by legal intervention
  • 1,376 are shot by legal intervention and survive
  • 324 die but the intent was unknown
  • 4,471 are shot and survive but the intent is unknown
  • 547 women are killed by their husband or male dating partner**

Police Killings By Country 2021

Thousands of people around the world are killed by law enforcement, both on- and off-duty. Police officers in the United States shoot and kill hundreds of people every year, far more than comparable developed countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan.

In the United States, police shootings have sparked protests across the country, such as the shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed, 17-year-old African-American student who was shot and killed in 2012. His killer, George Zimmerman, was a neighborhood watch coordinator of a gated community where Trayvon visited relatives. Zimmerman was acquitted at trial for Trayvons death, claiming self-defense. A petition calling for Zimmermans arrest collected over 2.2 million signatures, the most massive petition in the websites history.

The Washington Post has kept track of police shootings in the United States since 2015. Between 2015 and 2018, U.S. police have killed 3,309 people. In 2019, U.S. police killed 1,099 people, 24% of whom were black.

Location matters when it comes to police killings, both in U.S. states and around the world. Black persons in Oklahoma are six times more likely to be killed by police than those in Georgia. Additionally, eight of the 100 largest police departments in the United States kill black men at higher rates than the U.S. murder rate. These departments are Reno, Oklahoma City, Santa Ana, Anaheim, St. Louis City, Scottsdale, Hialeah, and Madison.

  • Brazil 6,160
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    What The Data Say About Police Shootings

    On Tuesday 6 August, the police shot and killed a schoolteacher outside his home in Shaler Township, Pennsylvania. He had reportedly pointed a gun at the officers. In Grants Pass, Oregon, that same day, a 39-year-old man was shot and killed after an altercation with police in the state police office. And in Henderson, Nevada, that evening, an officer shot and injured a 15-year-old suspected of robbing a convenience store. The boy reportedly had an object in his hand that the police later confirmed was not a deadly weapon.

    In the United States, police officers fatally shoot about three people per day on average, a number thats close to the yearly totals for other wealthy nations. But data on these deadly encounters have been hard to come by.

    A pair of high-profile killings of unarmed black men by the police pushed this reality into the headlines in summer 2014. Waves of public protests broke out after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and the death by chokehold of Eric Garner in New York City.

    It is this awesome power that they have that no other profession has, says Justin Nix, a criminologist at the University of Nebraska Omaha. Lets keep track of it.

    We need to standardize definitions and start counting, says Stoughton. As the old saying goes, What gets measured, gets managed.

    The National Violent Death Reporting System

    The Numbers Don

    NVDRS is a state-based surveillance system that links data on violent deaths from death certificates coroner/medical examiner reports and LE reports in an incident-based, confidential data set., Legal intervention deaths, as defined within NVDRS, are fatalities where the victim is killed by a LE officer acting while on duty. Fatalities resulting from LE action are included without regard to whether the death was intentional or legally justifiable. Data abstractors in each participating state review investigative findings from each data source and abstract information on incident circumstances and characteristics of victims and officers using standardized coding guidance. NVDRS also includes two narratives generated by the state abstractor containing a brief description of the incident based on information from the coroner/medical examiner and LE reports.

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    Black Men Are More Likely To Be Fatally Shot While Unarmed

    Compared to their numbers in the overall population, an unarmed black man is about four times more likely to be killed by police than an unarmed white man.

    4.9 unarmed black men per 1 million

    1.6 Hispanic men per 1 million

    1.1 white men per 1 million

    4.9 unarmed black men

    1.6 Hispanic men per 1 million

    1.1 white men per 1 million

    How Many Police Shootings A Year No One Knows

    A summer of high-profile police shootings, most notably the Aug. 9 shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., has rekindled a decades-long debate over law enforcements use of lethal force.

    Police unions and some law-and-order conservatives insist that shootings by officers are rare and even more rarely unjustified. Civil rights groups and some on the left have just as quickly prescribed racial motives to the shootings, declaring that black and brown men are being executed by officers.

    And, like all previous incarnations of the clash over police force, the debate remains absent access to a crucial, fundamental fact.

    Criminal justice experts note that, while the federal government and national research groups keep scads of data and statistics on topics ranging from how many people were victims of unprovoked shark attacks to the number of hogs and pigs living on farms in the U.S. there is no reliable national data on how many people are shot by police officers each year.

    The government does, however, keep a database of how many officers are killed in the line of duty. In 2012, the most recent year for which FBI data is available, it was 48 44 of them killed with firearms.

    But how many people in the United States were shot, or killed, by law enforcement officers during that year? No one knows.

    Even less data exists for officer-involved shootings that do not result in fatalities.

    Kimberly Kindy contributed to this report.

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