Saturday, September 14, 2024

How To Make Anonymous Police Report

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The Anonymous Reporting Line

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The anonymous reporting line, 794-5824, is provided as a resource for those wishing to report crimes anonymously.

If you choose to report anonymously, you must leave specific details in order for UCPD to investigate the crime. Provide details to the best of your ability to the following questions:

  • What happened? What did you see? What appears suspicious to you?
  • Where exactly did the incident occur? Include streets, building and room/area.
  • Did the suspect have any weapons?
  • What did the suspect say?
  • Where and when was the suspect last seen?
  • Which direction was the suspect headed?
  • Was the suspect on foot or in a vehicle?
  • What did the suspect look like? Describe each suspect one at a time.
  • Gender
  • Was the suspect carrying anything?
  • Vehicle Description, Color, Make, Model, License Plate

After a message is retrieved from the anonymous reporting line, the information is forwarded to the appropriate person.

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Reports You Can Submit Online

  • Theft from vehicle no limit on value of property
  • Theft of property no limit on value of property
  • Theft of credit or debit card â regardless of fraudulent use.
  • Mischief to vehicle such as vandalism, unless there is evidence of a collision such as paint transfer
  • Mischief to property such as vandalism
  • Lost property with the exception of government-issued ID such as passports. Please call your local district office to report lost government issued documents.
  • Attempted stolen vehicle regardless of damage value
  • Break & enter an unlocked premise Entry gained by unknown persons to detached garages, secure parkades, vehicle parkades, porches, sheds, storage lockers and laundry rooms. If entry occurs by forced or kicked indoor, or lock cut then report should be reported to 403-266-1234.
  • Theft from a parkade or vehicle parked in a parkade only if no forced entry, otherwise call 403-266-1234.
  • Theft of mail including deliveries from postal services such as UPS.

Filing a false police report is a crime.

Note: Please turn off your pop-up blocking software before filing the report.

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Why Should You Report A Drug Activity

How to anonymously report drug activity? You already know the answer. But some people may still wonder why they have to do this. Here are the reasons.

1. Save Your Neighborhood

It is well known that places where drug activity is frequent become dangerous and better-to-avoid areas. When drug dealing gangs start to grow, they even begin to recruit children and adolescents to keep their control over the neighborhood. Schools and local businesses like bakeries or small markets start to close or in the best case scenario, reduce their working hours. Companies that used to offer delivering-related products no longer include the area for their services. Some residents move out. All these things happen sooner or later and the neighborhood will decay.

2. Help Decrease Felonies

Robbery, homicide, rape and many other crimes are greatly associated with illegal drug-related activities. Keep in touch with your local police department to stay upgraded in news about your neighborhood crime rate.

3. Do Your Duty

Remember that safety is everyones responsibility. If everyone expects that another person does the right thing and avoids doing it themselves, then nothing will be done. If you notice something out of place, then act on it. Do not wait until it is too late to do anything. This is your civic duty.

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Reporting A Crime And Filing A Police Report

The Department of Police Services responds to and investigates all crimes and incidents that occur on CSUN-owned and leased property, including a one-mile radius surrounding our campus. There are several ways in which you can contact the university police in the event of a police, fire or medical emergency. Certified police dispatchers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You should always report criminal activity, fire, injury, or hazards to the Department of Police Services immediately by calling 911 for emergencies or crimes in progress, or 677-2111 for non-emergencies. You can file a police report in person at the Department of Police Services , or an officer can be sent to your location. Select reports may be filed online. If you would like to report a crime anonymously, call the We-Tip hotline at 677-TIPS . If you require a copy of a police report, contact the university polices Records Unit at 677-3224. If you are eligible, you can get copies of reports for a nominal fee.

Report Scams Frauds Online Crime


How to Submit a Complaint

What to Report

  • Online scams, thefts, or fraud
  • Cyber crimes like malware, ransomware, or phishing

What We Do with Your Complaint

Your complaint will go to the FBIs Internet Crime Complaint Center, which tracks internet-enabled crimes and scams.

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Blocking Your Phone Number

If you call from your home or cell phone, you can use 67 to block your line. Your number will appear as a private or restricted number on the receivers caller ID. Simply type in 67 and then the entire phone number, including 1 plus the area code if the number is long distance. However, your number will not be blocked when calling 911 or toll-free numbers.

How To Report Illegal Drugs

Information you provide will be treated in the strictest of confidence. What to do if you find illegal drugs. If you find drugs, you should immediately telephone the Police Assistance Line on 131 444 who will arrange for police to attend and collect the drugs. You should not touch or move the drugs. ^

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What To Do If Someone Is Driving Recklessly

If you see someone driving recklesslywhether it be from texting, drunk or drowsy driving, being overly aggressive, or otherwise careless drivingreport it by calling 911. But only call if you feel its a dangerous situation. Remember, the 911 system is intended to render urgent assistance in true emergencies.

If you see a reckless driver, help keep the roads safe by reporting them. To report the car immediately, pull over to a safe location and call the police. You will need to provide the police with a basic description of the car. This is the best option when the situation is life-threatening.

Making A Complaint Or Requesting The Right To Review

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As a victim of crime, you must be treated with respect by police and they should listen to and do their best to respond to any questions or concerns you have. If you dont think you have received the service you should have from the police, you can make a complaint.

If your case does not go to court and you are unhappy with the decision made by the police and the CPS, you have a right to seek a review of the decision. This is called the Right to Review scheme.

More information about complaints

The Independent Office for Police Conduct has information on its website about the police complaints system.

You can also email the IOPC on or call them on 0300 020 0096 .

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Can I Remain Anonymous If I Call 101

You have the option of reporting a crime anonymously. In case of an emergency, dial 999. For non-urgent problems, dial 101 . Anonymous tips can be provided to the independent charity Crimestoppers by dialing 0800 555 111. They will not give your name and dont need to know your identity you can remain completely anonymous.

Reporting A Crime Online

  • 1Submit an anonymous tip to your local police department or FBI field office. Visit the website of the law enforcement agency in your town, city, or district and look for a link where you can go to report a crime. If you’re unable to find one, head over to and use the provided form to tell what you know. This form will give you the option to make your report anonymously.XResearch source
  • You can get in touch with the FBI if you have knowledge of any type of federal offense, including violent crimes, child pornography, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and terrorism.XTrustworthy SourceUnited States Department of JusticeOfficial website of the U.S. Department of JusticeGo to source
  • If you’re not sure whether to send your tip to the police or the FBI, it may be a good idea to fill out two separate reports. Worst case scenario, one of the agencies will simply refer you to the other.
  • Tip: Some incident forms make the individual’s first and last names required fields by default. Check beneath one or both name fields for a box that says something like “Decline” or “Withhold.” If there is, click it.

  • 2Send tips regarding controlled substances directly to the DEA. Pull up the DEA’s website at and navigate to the “Submit a Tip” page. You’ll be asked to specify the date and location of the offense and provide a detailed description of exactly what you saw. The DEA makes it optional to include your personal information on all incident forms.XResearch source
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    Harassment Of Two Or More Persons

    Section 125 of the SOCPA added a new subsection 1 to the PHA making it an offence for a person to pursue a course of conduct involving the harassment of two or more persons on separate occasions which the defendant knows or ought to know involves harassment, the purpose of which is to persuade any person not to do something that he is entitled to do or to do something he is not under any obligation to do.

    What Is Considered Suspicious Behavior


    Suspicious behavior or activity can be any action that is out of place and does not fit into the usual day-to-day activity of our campus community. For example, you see someone looking into multiple vehicles or homes or testing to see if they are unlocked.

    How do I inform the police of a drug dealer?

    Drug use or dealing is a crime and should be reported to the police immediately. You can contact the police on 101 or 999 in an emergency. If you want to report suspected drug dealing anonymously, you can do this through Crimestoppers on or via their website.

    Can I get a reward for turning in a drug dealer?

    Generally, rewards are not offered for reporting narcotics activity. The Los Angeles City Council is the entity that determines if a reward will be offered for reporting any criminal activity. Individuals who become Informants for the Department are occasionally rewarded monetarily.

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    Speak Up: How To Safely And Anonymously Report Drug Activity

    Davids new neighbor, Jeff, is selling drugs and hes worried about what it will do to the neighborhood. David fears for the safety of not only his kids but all the children on the block. He wants to do somethinghe wants to put a stop to the drug activity before it gets any worse. But hes scared to call the police and report his neighbor. What if Jeff finds out who reported him? Will his life be in danger? Would his wife be in danger? What about his young children?

    In fear of what might happen, David remains silent.

    Lisa has watched the park near her house turn into a meeting place for drug dealers and buyers. Shes pretty sure they are selling heroin there are plenty of used syringes littering the park. She would call the police, but shes afraid of what might happen. After all, she isnt completely innocentshe occasionally smokes marijuana. And working two jobs means she occasionally has to leave her 11-year-old home alone for a while. If she reaches out to the police, will they believe her? Will they dig into her past and investigate her?

    Lisa decides its better not to get involved she just cant risk it.

    Bomb Threats By Telephone

    If you receive a bomb threat over the telephone, provides the following information on what to do:

    • Get as much information from the caller as possible. Try to ask the following questions:
    • When is the bomb going to explode?
    • Where is it right now?
    • What does it look like?
    • What kind of bomb is it?
    • What will cause it to explode?
    • Did you place the bomb?
  • Keep the caller on the line and record everything that is said.
  • Notify the police and building management immediately.
  • The Department of Homeland Security also provides a helpful telephone bomb threat checklist.

    • Stolen property for sale online such as on Kijiji, Craigslist, Facebook, etc.

    These crimes may require a dispatched call. Please phone the Police non-emergency line 266-1234.


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    Should You Report A Crime Anonymously

    If you are a victim of a crime or witness a crime, you may have second thoughts about reporting it. You may think reporting the crime is more trouble than its worth, as happened with the infamous murder of Kitty Genovese in the 1960s. But instead of ignoring the crime, you may want to consider reporting it anonymously.

    Some of the benefits of reporting a crime anonymously are that it may encourage you to report it in the first place. Other benefits can include leaving you out of it.

    However, there are some drawbacks to anonymous reporting as well.

    For example, police may not be able to use you as a witness and could have a harder time finding the perpetrator.

    Whether you want to anonymously report a crime is an individual decision you have to weigh. If you do choose to go this route, you should know there are typically several options to make an anonymous report:

    In this day and age of surveillance cameras and Internet snoops, it may be nearly impossible to do anything, much less report a crime, anonymously. However, you should remember that reporting a crime is usually better than not reporting a crime at all.

    Related Resources:

    If you have experienced police misconduct:

    • Contact the law enforcement agency involved.
    • Submit your complaint in writing to the chief of police or the head of the law enforcement agency involved.
    • Send a copy of your complaint to the Internal Affairs Division of the law enforcement agency. Be sure to keep a copy for yourself.

    Whats The Meaning Of Reckless Driving

    WEB EXTRA: How to give police an anonymous tip

    While the definition of reckless driving varies by state and local regulation, it is generally described by the FMCSA as driving a motor vehicle in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property. It is considered a conscious or intentional indifference to the rules of the road and operation of a

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    Can I Make An Anonymous Online Report Using 105policegovtnz

    You cant file an anonymous report via 105 as we need some personal information in order to follow up on your case. If you want to report a crime to Police without your name or contact details attached, please use Crimestoppers* or by calling 0800 555 111.

    * Crimestoppers is an independent charity that helps New Zealanders fight crime by providing an anonymous and simple way to pass on information.

    How To Report A Crime

    This section provides information about how to report a crime in progress or a crime that has already happened. If you are in immediate danger, please call 911. You can report a crime and receive assistance from the police regardless of your age or immigration status.Learn more about the rights of crime victims

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    Can I Report Something To The Police Anonymously

    In an emergency, call the police at 101 or 999. If you want to report suspected drug selling anonymously, contact Crimestoppers at 0800 555 1111 or on their website. Contact us after you have reported the incident to the police, and we will record the circumstances and conduct an investigation. We may need to contact the original reporter to verify information or obtain further details about what happened.

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    Crimes In Progress Or Just Witnessed


    If a crime is in progress, or you have just witnessed or experienced a crime, try to get to safety first.

    • immediately and try to stay calm.
    • Be alert of your surroundings and try to make mental notes.
    • When talking to the 911 dispatcher, keep in mind the following:
    • The first question you will be asked is, Where is your emergency?
    • Give the dispatcher as specific an address as possible.
    • If you dont know the exact address, try to provide a street name or to identify landmarks around you. It is extremely important to provide as much detail about your location as possible.
  • Is anyone hurt?
  • Let the dispatcher know if anyone requires medical assistance.
  • Make note of the physical characteristics of the victim or perpetrator, including such details as height, weight, race, hair color, eye color, tattoos, or scars.
  • Make note of the clothing worn by the victim or perpetrator, including the type of clothing and color.
  • Are the people involved on foot or in a car?
  • Are there weapons involved?
  • Do not destroy evidence that could assist police, including any objects or clothing that could have fingerprints, hair, skin, blood or semen on them.
  • All 911 calls can be connected to a translator if foreign language assistance is needed. Do not make prank calls to 911. Prank 911 calls, which take dispatchers away from callers whose lives might be in danger, are punishable by law.

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