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How To Pass The Police Exam

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How To Pass The Npst Police Exam


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The Colorado Springs Police Department uses the NPST by FPSI for their written exam

Learn what questions are on the NPST entry-level police exam and what the top-rated NPST test prep course is. The National Police Select Test is a police written exam published by FPSI It is also referred to as the FPSI Police Written exam. The test is used to measure candidates ability to effectively work with the public and other members of their department in addition to reading comprehension, writing ability, mathematical reasoning, and reasoning/analyzing skills.

Preparing For The Police Psychological Test

Many candidates ask the question how should we prepare for the police psychological test?

The reality is that theres not much you can do. After all, the truth is the truth and how you perform will depend on what questions you are asked. As we have urged, you should not at any point lie during the test. You need to remain alert throughout the exam and understand what you are saying. Always correct yourself if you have accidentally said something wrong. Perhaps later in the interview you realize you made a mistake. If so, then take the opportunity to tell the interviewer and explain the reasons why you believe you made a mistake. Again, this is about building a relationship of honesty with the interviewer.

To remain alert throughout the exam at this high level, you must sleep well the night before the exam. If you dont sleep well, you will be groggy and may inadvertently mark wrong answers in the written part of the exam. These mistakes may come up during the interview assessment. These are avoidable mistakes and so its essential that you sleep well on the night before the police psychological exam. Always arrive to the exam hall on time, 30-minutes before the test. Know how to get to the center in case of any emergency.

Study and Pass the 2022 Police Officer Exam!

How To Pass The Civil Test For Police Officers


Many law enforcement agencies use the National Police Officer Selection Test as part of their hiring process. This two-part police civil service exam evaluates physical fitness and the basic skills required to perform as a police officer. The test assesses job-related reading comprehension, math fundamentals, grammar and incident report writing ability. The first part consists of a physical agility test that evaluates fitness level. The second part is a written exam that asks 10 to 25 questions that must be answered within 15 to 25 minutes.

According to Stanard & Associates, Inc., test takers who are required to take the POST need passing scores to move forward in the civil service hiring process. Aspiring police officers must also meet eligibility standards for licensing in their state, which may involve different or additional physical, medical and psychological testing, for example.

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How Can I Prepare For My Police Personality Test

These tests help law enforcement agencies find desirable candidates for police officer roles and help to eliminate less desirable candidates who may not possess the necessary skills to be given a badge, gun, and authority.

We have created the PrepPack to ensure your ability to understand what each question is asking you so that you can avoid answering differently for re-stated questions to avoid accumulating too many extreme answers.

JobTestPrep’s practice materials are designed to enhance your understanding of the traits being referenced on police personality test questions.

Start Preparing With The Complete Police Psycholigical Preparation Pack

Get instant access to hundreds of practice questions with full solutions, solving tips, study guides and more.

Prepare For The Written Test

Pass The Police Exam: Police Written Test Study Guide

Now that you are familiar with structure of the police written exam, you have to start preparing for it. As we have already mentioned, your first source of information should be the department you are applying with. They will provide you with the details as to what type of test they use many states use the National Police Officer Selection Test . Some police agencies will use tests developed by third-party companies or develop their own tests. This information is of paramount importance for your prep process.

The next thing to do is to find relevant test prep books, guides and sites that can help you ace the exam. There are also plenty of free prep materials so make good use of them too.

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Schedule Your Study Time

Once you have found the relevant prep materials, it is time to study. We suggest that you distribute your study time evenly every day instead of cramming before the test. Thus, the knowledge will remain stronger and your reading and writing skills will improve significantly. It is up to you to find the right study schedule. The best thing is if you can devote a certain period only to test prep free of any other destruction and disturbance. It is important, however, to pass every element of the exam. Learn more strategies from the PoliceExam911 Prep Course.

How To Pass The Police Post Exam


When you make the decision to be a police officer, you probably want to be out patrolling the streets and helping people however, first you must pass the Police Officer Selection Test . This tests you on basic math, reading, grammar and writing skills. To pass the POST exam, you will need to familiarize yourself with the test so you are prepared on test day. By knowing what to expect and studying to improve your weaker areas, you will be able to pass the POST exam and be on your way to becoming a police officer.

Explore this article

  • Police Officer Selection Test sample test
  • #2 pencil

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But I Can Help You Fill Out The Application The Right Way The First Timewith Pass The Police Exam

One of my friends decided he wanted to be a police officer. He went through the application process and was quickly disqualified. So he went through the process againbut this time he asked me to review his application before he sent it in.

I was shocked to see all the major mistakes he had made. I helped him complete his application correctly and trained him for the written exam and fitness test, and finally the oral interview. He aced everything, got on the eligibility list, and eventually got hired within nine months!

I can do the same for you! I will walk you through the application step by step and make sure you do not leave any careless mistakes behindmistakes that will get your application rejected.

The application is the crucial first step. It has to be 100% perfect! I will help you make sure it is!

Why Should I Practice For My Police Personality Test

How to pass the police polygraph exam?

Most providers of police personality exams want you to think that there are no right or wrong answers, however, this couldnt be further from the truth!

The purpose of stating this in the test instructions is to make you feel more at ease and willing to answer each question without too much forethought.

One of the main reasons you should practice for your police personality test is to build familiarity and boost your confidence.

Becoming familiar with the test format, concepts, questions, and answering styles helps to eliminate the element of surprise. Another reason to practice is due to the trickiness of the exam itself.

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What Is The Police Written Exam And How To Prepare For It

If you have decided to pursue a job in law enforcement, you need to be prepared to prove that you are a qualified candidate. This means taking several tests to show that your physical skills, psychological readiness and knowledge make you an eligible police officer candidate.

The police entrance exam is comprised of several sections: written exam, oral interview, physical agility test, medical and psychological check, and a background review.

The police written test is a crucial step in the hiring process that makes some candidates quite nervous, while others underestimate its importance. If you know what to expect and how to prepare properly for the written exam, you will avoid both. So, lets have a look at what the police written exam consists of and learn some tips how to score a better result.

How Much Do Policemen Make

cop makescop’s

Gurmukh Hinojar

Questions for Police Polygraph or CVSA

  • Shoplifting or theft of money or merchandise from employer.
  • Illegal drug trafficking or dealing.
  • Illegal drug or medication use, including steroids.
  • Use of alcohol.
  • Falsification or minimization in your requested information.

Yaneth Arin

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How To Prepare For The Physical Ability Test

As any other test, the PAT also requires some preparation in advance if you want to make sure that you will pass it successfully. Many agencies have prepared a special manual or video training guides that can help the candidates pass the physical ability test. Some departments even organize live trainings prior to the test.

The first thing you need to do in order to prepare properly for the test, is to check with the agency which test they are using the obstacle course or the fitness-based test. Afterwards, based on the type of the test, you can start your preparation.

In the agency uses an obstacle course, check their site for any manuals, trainings, videos or further information what exactly the course contains. Thus, you will know what to expect and how to best prepare for it. If possible, try to set a mock obstacle course and train on it.

If the agency uses the fitness-based test, then it is time for you to hit the gym. Once again, make sure to check which components are used to test your fitness and do exercise them push-ups, sit-ups, bench press, etc.

In both cases there is running, so if you are not much of a runner, you need to start. The PAT will test both your stamina and endurance. So, one way to begin running is at the treadmill in the gym. There you can run for one minute and then walk for one minute and so on. There is also the option to go to the park and alternate running and walking.

How To Pass The Police Written Exam

Pass The Police Exam: Police Written Test Study Guide

If youre wondering how to pass the police written exam, youre in the right place.

There are quite a few steps to becoming a police officer and one of them is passing the police written exam. At the Santa Clara Police Department we accept two separate written exams. The first is called the PELLETB test. PELLETB stands for POST Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery. The second written exam we accept is the NTN which stands for National Testing Network. Both tests are designed to measure similar aptitude factors which primarily focus on language. Said differently, the written tests are designed to see how well you can communicate using the English language. A key predictor of how well you will do on the test is to ask yourself, How well do you read, write and speak English?

PELLETB – The PELLETB is a multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank written examination designed to measure reading and writing ability. Applicants are given 2 ½ hours to complete the PELLETB, which contains five sections:

  • Spelling

  • Vocabulary

  • Clarity

  • Reading Comprehension


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Know What Youre Getting Into

For many years you may have thought about becoming a police officer, but do you really understand what is involved?

Have you ever spoken with law enforcement officers and asked them questions about their own experience and even their own misconceptions when they first joined the police department?

Have you ever thought about organizing a police ride along?

This kind of detail matters.

Whilst it may not come up directly on the day of your police written or fitness exam, it is examinable on the day of your oral board exam. Remember the interview panel is searching for the best prepared candidate. If you have taken the time to organize a ride along and really learn about your local department how its organized, structured, and how it has developed/will develop in the coming years, this is invaluable preparation for the oral board test.

It demonstrates to the interview panel that you have seriously considered the position, that you understand what is involved, and that your knowledge of policing isnt derived from watching inaccurate, even if popular TV detective shows. You need to add a layer of seriousness to your candidacy and taking this kind of preparation goes a considerable way to impressing the oral board panel and steering your answers in the best possible direction.

Important Things To Know About The Police Psych Test:

Police personality exams are comprised of short statements, each followed by a five-point agreement scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.

  • Length: around 100 Questions
  • Duration: around 15 minutes.
  • Format: Questions on the police personality exam are standardized and formatted as either paper & pencil or computer-based.
  • Tip: Look carefully at the response order, as some tests place strongly agree first and other exams place it last.

Our preparation pack helps you learn how to best represent your attitudes and behaviors, ensuring that you match up to law enforcement professionals.

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Six Tips To Positively Stand Out At The Police Written Exam

Instead of a conclusion we would like to offer you some tips that will help you stand out at the police written exam in a positive way. In the video below What to Do at the Written Police Test The Six Slip-ups, Chief Russ Ehlers shares six tips that anyone, who wants to ace the exam should follow:

Using an online Police Exam Preparation program will give you a significant advantage over other candidates. Practicing from a database of over 1,000 questions and then learning why an answer is correct is what PoliceExam911 offers. It is one of the leading online law enforcement exam preparation programs available.

What Is The Psychological Police Exam

How to Pass the Police Psychological Test

Thepolice psychological test is used to establish whether you are mentally capableof performing the daily duties of a law enforcement officer. And if you thinkabout it, this makes sense. Police officers in the United States are exposed tomany mentally strenuous situations. The daily duties they face are themselvesdifficult to handle. Not everyone is capable of being a police officer andthats where this exam comes in.

Ofcourse, there is an important distinction to be made. Not everyone with a mentalhealth affliction is automatically excluded from the role of being a policeofficer. There are many astoundingly effective police officers who do theirduties but who may also have some form of mental affliction, however mild. Inthese cases, there is no reason to disqualify those members from serving theirpublic duties. Similarly, there are many mentally healthy people who may not bean appropriate choice to become a police officer.

The police psychological test is entirely geared towards establishing whether an individual is suited to the role of a police officer. Candidates will be evaluated to learn whether they have the requisite psychological skills and abilities, as well as emotional maturity, to work within this demanding profession.

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How To Pass The Police Fitness Test

Preparing for the police fitness test involves regular exercising, ideally at your local gym and under the supervision of a fitness instructor or personal trainer. Based on your fitness level, your trainer may establish a HIIT and running routine similar to the one below:

  • High-intensity interval training : cycles consisting of 30 seconds sprint + 30 seconds walking
  • Steady running: Sessions of 15-20 minutes of running at a steady pace

Each activity is generally preceded by a 5-minute warm-up and followed by a 5-minute cooldown. While the training sessions are short, you may have to train several times a day to improve your cardiovascular fitness.

As a rule of thumb, your steady running sessions should incorporate several 180-degree turns, allowing you to pivot faster and maximise your shuttle speed.

In addition to HIIT and running, you should also incorporate other aerobic activities into your workouts, such as swimming, cycling, or cross-training. Although the police fitness test is running-based, you must build up leg muscles.

What Is On The Test

Part 1 Police Analytical Thinking Inventory This section includes three areas:

  • Deductive Reasoning Logic Questions map reading questions.
  • Inductive Reasoning Classification and PictureSeries questions
  • Quantitative Reasoning Basic math and mathproblem solving questions.

Part II Written Communication Test

This section tests your ability to order and present information in a logical fashion. Students are typically given a short passage where the information may be scrambledchronologically and are asked to summarize.

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How To Pass The Police Academy Test

There is nothing more disappointing than someone who has been hired by a local police department, sent to the police academy for training, but fails and ends up being sent home. If you think thats sad, think of those individuals who are paying their own way through the academy who flunk out thats probably a couple grand out the window. The fact is there are many recruits who show up at the police academy site ill-prepared and they fail miserably.

Today Im going to discuss exactly how you can prepare and pass the police academy test. First and foremost, you must understand that 80% of the course load at the academy is focused on academics and not running your brains out like some would lead you to believe. The instructors are more interested in you grasping state laws, traffic laws, and using force procedures. The last thing any department wants to have is a rookie officer shooting someone without cause.

The training academy put a lot of emphasis on training you the right way and keeping you out of hot water. This is why youll spend a lot time learning criminal law procedures like fleeing felon rule, terry stop, and the Miranda warning policy.

So how do you pass the police academy test

In Conclusion

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