Monday, September 16, 2024

How To Report A Stalker To Police

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What Is An Order For Protection

Report says police and CPS are failing victims of stalking

An Order for Protection is a special kind of restraining order for victims of domestic abuse. It may direct the stalker to:

  • stop stalking you
  • stay away from where you live, go to school, or work
  • leave your household

An OFP may also award temporary custody, child support, or use and possession of property.

Protect Yourself From Stalkers

For more information about stalking and how to protect yourself, please visit the Stalking Resource Center Website » or call your local crisis hotline, victim services agency, or a domestic violence or rape crisis program.

They can help you devise a safety plan, give you information about local laws, refer you to other services and weigh options such as seeking a protection order.

We recognize that people experiencing crime have varied needs. For information about other resources that may be helpful to you, please see »

How To Report Harassment The Easiest Way With Donotpay

Harassment can happen to anyone, anywhere. It could happen in the workplace, on the street, over the phone, and on the often conveniently anonymous internet. You could be harassed by anyone, including former lovers, your neighbors, or your landlord. The official statistics on different types of harassment in the U.S. are concerningly high across the board, which probably means that the real picture is even grimmer.

So, what does it mean when somebody is harassing you? Sadly, there is more than one answer to this question. Harassment is an umbrella term that can cover a multitude of different types of abuse. Under U.S. laws, harassment is described as any repeated or uninvited contact that serves no useful purpose beyond creating alarm, annoyance, or emotional distress.

As a society, we are at risk of getting desensitized to harassment and bullying. This is all the more reason to educate ourselves, speak up, and stand up against the abuse.

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Reporting Harassment With The Help Of Donotpay

Being harassed can be a terrifying and lonely experience, so you may feel reluctant to reach out for help. Still, now is the time to find your strength and stand up against the harasser. Taking charge may be easier than you think, and DoNotPay can help you with that.

To let us help you with reporting your harasser, do the following:

  • Access DoNotPay in your web browser
  • Select the Relationship Protection button
  • Click on the Explore Relationship Services
  • Select Safety and Stalking, then go to Lets Do It
  • Choose Stalking from the provided optionsthis also covers harassment
  • Answer the questions the chatbot asks you
  • Stalking Is A Community Concern

    Police report made by my stalker
    • 7.5 million people are stalked in one year in the U.S.
    • An estimated 15% of women and 6% of men have been a victim of stalking during their lifetimes
    • 61% of female victims and 44% of male victims were stalked by a current or former intimate partner.
    • 25% of female victims and 32% of male victims are stalked by an acquaintance

    Although stalking can be difficult to recognize, STALKING IS A CRIME. The Seattle City Attorney’s Office recognized in 2016 the toll that stalking takes on its victims and started providing specialized prosecution and advocacy on cases of non-intimate partner stalking. Previously only domestic violence cases received specialized services. However, stalking situations can be similarly high risk. Stalking cases often start out as a misdemeanor and develop into a felony. The Seattle City Attorney’s Office works closely with the King County Prosecutor’s Office as these cases escalate.

    In 2013 Washington State created the Stalking Protection Order, providing needed relief to those experiencing stalking behavior by someone they were not in a family or dating relationship with. This provides a civil option for those unable or uninterested in pursuing criminal options.

    For comprehensive stalking information, including civil and criminal options, safety planning, and local resources, visit the website below:

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    Crime And Disorder Act 1998

    Prosecutors should note that there may be cases of stalking and harassment which may be linked with racial or religious hatred.

    Section 2A and 4A Stalking offences which are also racially and religiously aggravated are covered under Part 11 of Schedule 9 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. Prosecutors should consider Section 32 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 which provides for two racially or religiously aggravated harassment offences, provided the racial or religious aggravation test in section 28 of the CDA 1998 Acts met.

    Under section 32of the CDA 1998, a person is guilty of an offence under this section if he commits-

    a) an offence under s2 or s2A of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 or

    b) an offence under s4 or s4A of that Act , which is racially aggravated for the purposes of this section.

    Under section 32 of the CDA 1998, if, on the trial on indictment of a person charged with an offence falling within subsection , the jury find him not guilty of the offence charged they may find him guilty of either basic offence mentioned in that provision.

    Under 32 CDA 1998 if, on the trial on indictment of a person charged with an offence falling within subsection , the jury find him not guilty of the offence charged, they may find him guilty of an offence falling within subsection .

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    Victimconnect Resource Map Coming Soon

    The VictimConnect Resource Map will be a searchable tool with national and local resources commonly used by our visitors. The resources can be filtered by categories, services, location, and keywords.

    This will not be an exhaustive list of resources or available options, but over time we will continue to add resources.

    to learn more.

    If you are a service provider and would like to be included on the VictimConnect Resource Map, please complete and submit this form. See eligibility criteria here.


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    Exclusion Orders Including Provisional Exclusion Orders

    One of the steps the police can take to stop the stalking or harassment is to issue an exclusion order .

    What is an exclusion order ?An exclusion order means that the person stalking or harassing you is not allowed to contact or follow you. This means that he or she can neither approach you in person, orally, nor in writing. This also includes emails, text messages, social media messages, etc.

    It does not matter whether the communication is harmless or unfriendly. This means that the person will not be allowed to send you flowers or presents or record friendly voicemail messages. The person must not contact you indirectly through social media either for example by saying things about you through social media or in internet debate fora.

    When an exclusion order has been issued, you should not contact the person who is subject to the exclusion order, nor should you respond to communication from him or her. If you voluntarily engage in contact with the person, this may cause the exclusion order to lapse.

    In special circumstances, contact will not lead to a lapse of the exclusion order. This could be, for example, if a joint child is suddenly very ill, and one parent has to contact the other.

    When can the police issue a provisional exclusion order?A decision to issue a provisional exclusion order can be made quickly and is a temporary protection of you until a potential decision is made to issue an exclusion order or a restraining order.

    Coping With Your Reactions

    Stalking awareness month, how to identify and report stalking crimes

    Looking after yourself is importantAfter the stress of whats happened, make time to take care of yourself. Eat healthy food. Drink enough water. Keep up routines and get good rest and sleep, as best you can. Do some simple exercise. Take some slow, deep breaths. Spend time with people you can relax with, or with a pet. Spend time in nature. If you find keeping busy helps, find useful tasks to do. See a doctor if youre unwell, extremely anxious, or are having difficulty sleeping. Draw on any cultural or spiritual beliefs you may have. Accept caring offers from others if that would help.

    FlashbacksA flashback feels as though youre back in the middle of your traumatic experience or reliving some aspect of it. This can be in vivid detail and during a flashback it can be difficult and confusing to connect back to the present and to what is real. To better understand flashbacks and ways to manage them, see our information sheetDealing with Flashbacks.

    Talk about what happenedWhen youre ready, talk to someone you trust about what happened, such as a trusted member of your family, whnau, a close friend, your doctor, a counsellor, a psychologist, a respected elder, rangatira, or a Victim Support Worker. If any aspects of your story are particularly disturbing, speak to a professional. Talking honestly about how things are can help release the stress and emotional tension inside.

    If your reactions trouble you:

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    How To File A Cyber Crime Complaint Online

    The online portal where a victim can file a cyber crime complaint is https://cyber, an initiative of Government of India that caters to complaints pertaining to the online Child Pornography , Child Sexual Abuse Material or sexually explicit content such as Rape/Gang Rape content and other cyber crimes such as social media crimes, online financial frauds, ransomware, hacking, cryptocurrency crimes, and online cyber trafficking. The portal also provides an option of reporting an anonymous complaint about reporting Child Pornography or sexually explicit content such as Rape/Gang Rape content. One can follow below-mentioned steps to report a cyber crime online

    STEP 1: Go to https://cyber

    STEP 2: Click on Report other cyber crimes on the menu.

    STEP 3: Click on File a Complaint.

    STEP 4: Read the conditions and accept them.

    STEP 5: Register your mobile number and fill in your name and State.

    STEP 6: Fill in the relevant details about the offence.

    Note: You can also report the offence anonymously.

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    How To Document Harassment

    Advice everywhere tells you to document everything, gather all evidence and report online harassment to the police, as we do too, regardless of our knowledge that the police do not have the resources to help generally. This is because documenting everything helps the police understand the issues and the impact of the harassment on you as a victim. It also gives the police a reasonably good starting point to take matters further.

    Furthermore, any evidence you gather of the harassment might help the police to build up a crime report and later on will enable you to take your case to the civil court where you might be able to find faster and more effective remedies against your harasser.

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    Are You Being Stalked Tips For Protection

    What Is Stalking?

    Stalking refers to harassing or threatening behavior that is engaged in repeatedly. Such harassment can be either physical stalking or cyberstalking.

    Physical stalking is following someone, appearing at a persons home or place of business, making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or vandalizing ones property.

    Cyberstalking involves using the Internet or other electronic means to harass.

    Either type of action may or may not be accompanied by a credible threat of serious harm. But both types can cause psychological damage, and each can potentially lead to an assault or even murder.

    All states have anti-stalking laws, but the legal definitions vary. Some state laws require that the perpetrator, to qualify as a stalker, make a credible threat of violence against the victim. Others require only that the stalkers conduct constitute an implied threat. The model anti-stalking code developed by the National Institute of Justice doesnt require stalkers to make a credible threat, but it does require victims to feel a high level of fear.

    Who Is Affected?

    The landmark Stalking in America study by U.S. Department of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control concluded that eight percent of women and two percent of men have been stalked at some point in their lives. Researchers estimated that about one million women and 400,000 men are stalked each year in the United States.


    Federal law

    How To Get A Restraining Order Or Order For Protection

    3 Easy Ways to Report Stalking

    Contact the Court Administration office of your county court. They will help you file a petition for a restraining order or OFP. You will not have to pay to file this petition and have it served on the stalker. The court will schedule a hearing within 14 days to decide whether to issue the restraining order or OFP. A temporary restraining order or ex parte OFP can be issued to protect you until the court holds the hearing. Under certain conditions, you may also file for a restraining order or OFP on behalf of your child. Forms, additional instructions and contact information for your county court administrator are available online at:

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    What Else Can You Do To Get Rid Of The Bully In Your Life

    Dont suffer in silenceharassment is more prevalent than you think, and youre not alone in it. If youre struggling to take action against the person thats repeatedly threatening, humiliating, or intimidating you, remember that theyre thriving on your tacit endurance. The sentiment is best captured in the words of Anita Hill, an American lawyer who brought allegations of sexual harassment against Clarence Thomas :

    We need to turn the question around to look at the harasser, not the target. We need to be sure that we can go out and look at anyone who is a victim of harassment in the eye and tell them they do not have to remain silent anymore.

    Here is a simple overview of things you should and should not do if youre dealing with a bully in your life.

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    What Qualifies As Harassment

    Another important thing you need to know about is whether something actually counts as harassment or not.

    The legal definition of harassment can change in each state, so it is very important that you check the specific statutes within your local jurisdiction.

    That being said, in most states harassment is usually defined as a misdemeanor, in which you are suffering discrimination, threats, direct danger to your wellbeing, and similar.In order to be able to claim harassment, you will need to prove two main things:

    • Firstly, prove that you felt harassed due to something that was said or done to you
    • Secondly, prove that what was said or done to you, was out of an intent to torment, scare, threaten, or embarrass you.

    The penalty for the harassment will then depend on the type of harassment, the severity, the situation, and the state in which you are in.

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    Use Donotpay To Protect Yourself From An Online Stalker

    Online stalking can cause fear and anxiety, but putting up resistance and taking action against the aggressor can be your road to recovery. DoNotPay is here to help you fight back. Heres how you can use our app:

  • Log on DoNotPay via your web browser
  • Click on the Relationship Protection section to start the conversation with our chatbot
  • Tap on the Explore Relationship Services
  • Choose Safety and Stalking and then click on Lets Do It
  • Opt for Stalking
  • Answer chatbots questions to allow DoNotPay to correctly assess the situation
  • Once you provide our chatbot with all information, we will get in touch with online platforms where you were subjected to cyberstalking. Heres what DoNotPay will do on your behalf:

    • Report the cyber stalker so that their account goes under investigation
    • Try to get a social media platform to block the stalker so that they cant reach out to you anymore

    Major Forms Of Phone Harassment

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    Even though phone harassment comes it many forms, they all share a very common similarity which is that they rob you of your privacy and sense of security. Here are the most common forms of phone harassment.

    1. Blocked or No Caller ID Calls

    Blocked or no caller ID phone calls are phone calls where it is not possible to view the incoming caller ID number. To place a blocked call from a landline or smartphone, all you need to do is dial *67 before the phone number you want to call. More often than not, someone that is calling you with no visible caller ID, and they do not want to reveal their identity, usually dont have your well-being in mind.

    2. Robocalls & Spam Calls

    This is another very common form of phone harassment. Every month in the United States alone, about 3 billion unwanted spam and telemarketing calls flood consumers smartphones.

    Spam calls, especially those that are illegal, are a form of phone harassment that pose a severe threat to the security of your personal and financial information. Phone scammers pose as the IRS, banks, and loan services and call you in attempts to steal from you over the phone.

    Another tactic that is used for placing spam calls is known as neighbor spoofing. This is a form of harmful caller ID spoofing that allows spammers to place calls that look like they are coming from a phone number in your local area code. This way, people will be more likely to pick up the call because it looks familiar to them.

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    What Is Cyberstalking And How Can You Protect Yourself From It

    The Internet has undergone exponential growth in the last few decades, and it is accessible in every part of the world. Despite its contribution to education and worldwide communication, the Internet has opened new doors for criminal opportunities, as well.

    Cyberstalking requires time and planning. The Internet provides a safe haven for offenders, who can hide behind false names and profiles and pretend to be someone else.

    According to the report from Ipsos from 2018, 75% of people in the U.S. are aware of cyberstalking. Although the percentage appears to be high, one-quarter of adults have never heard of it.

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