Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why Are Police Important To The Community

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What Happens When We Dont Trust Law Enforcement

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Now, lets discuss what if you dont trust law enforcement when the force of police is not used correctly and is unfair leads to more crimes and violence. And this is what is called legal cynicism, where people dont trust the government and law enforcement. If there is no trust for law enforcement among people, they are less likely to rely on the law to solve conflicts.

This is what makes people more likely to try to resolve disputes on their own with unlawful resolution. As we know that police target poor communities harder that others, so with this is not surprising those communities view the police not well. So lets discuss some recommendations for developing a police-community relationship.

The use of force and other incidents can damage relationships between the police and their communities. With just a misconduct act of a single officer in one city can not only damage police-community relationships locally, but it can also gain nationwide attention and reduce the trust of the police generally. That is the reason police should never discount the negative experiences of individuals with the police.

Police must be visible in the community, not just to arrest people, but also to hang out and say hello. The personal interactions between police officers and community members build mutual police trust, which is essential to addressing neighborhood problems and reducing crime.

The Goals Of Community Outreach

Community outreach by police departments is an effort to engage with community members proactively, and not in a reactionary way. Outreach is an important part of community policing, which is defined by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics as a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques between the police and the community.1

Community policing and outreach addresses focus on the conditions that can cause issues for public safety. Police departments partner with community members and get to know them, but they also work with social agencies and service providers in the community to develop relationships and engage with the people they serve. There are several important and more specific goals of this community approach to policing:

  • To create more opportunities for police and community members to engage in positive ways
  • To build relationships and trust between police and community members
  • To develop greater understanding between police and members of a diverse community, including refugees
  • To provide greater transparency for the community about what police do
  • To reduce crime rates in communities
  • To protect police officers

List Of Cons Of Community Policing

1. Not Immune to Inside Jobs If a police officer designated to a specific area had ulterior motives, they could easily enact crimes within the community without being noticed. This is especially true if the members become accustomed to their presence, if they start to feel comfortable and lax with the security, and if the officers themselves get a grasp of the schedules of homeowners.

2. Relaxed Homeowners Just because there are police officers in the area, doesnt mean the community is completely safe. But because the presence of police officers makes homeowners feel safe, theyre likely to become complacent, overlooking important details and leaving themselves vulnerable to thefts, robberies, and break ins.

3. UneasyWhile some homeowners might feel comfortable with police officers patrolling the area, others would much rather do without the constant eyes on their property, not because theyre law breakers, but simply because they want more privacy.

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Police Communication: Why Does It Matter

One of the most common complaints civilians have about police officers is that their communication style is rude and arrogant. When officers adopt such a stance they run the risk of sending a message opposite to the one intended. As a result some members of the public lack trust in the police, and are unwilling to assist police in fighting crime. Although socio-demographic factors such as ethnicity, sex and age do affect attitudes to the police, police officers who communicate politely and convey concern are more likely to facilitate compliance.

Trust is an important factor in establishing positive relationships. People tend to distrust members of dissimilar groups and may perceive them as threatening. For example, in police-civilian interactions, members of the public tend to see the uniform and the badge rather than the individual behind them. However, studies show that police officers who are willing to take the time to show kindness, understanding and consideration when interacting with others–especially those who may be distrustful–will likely foster a more positive atmosphere. This means a greater likelihood of cooperation. Indeed, officers prefer to use their communication skills to affect voluntary compliance wherever possible rather than having to resort to physical coercion.

What Is The Impact Of Community Policing

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Approximately three-fourths of Canadians hold a positive view of the police, according to a recent study reported by the Angus Reid Institute. The numbers vary, though, across geographic and demographic lines. For example, younger age groups tend to have a less positive opinion than older groups. Similarly, visible minorities or Indigenous respondents report feeling less secure than Caucasians around police officers.

Community-based policing enhances public trust by promoting a collaborative, community-centric approach to crime prevention and enables community participation in developing solutions to improve local issues that affect the quality of life within the community.

For example, in community policing, individual officers are encouraged to engage in neighbourhood extracurriculars, particularly those involving at-risk youth. As residents and officers interact outside the context of distress or arrest, they establish a baseline of trust.

The implementation of community-based policing approaches continues to develop across Canada, leading to growing community partnerships and creative problem-solving solutions. Recent world-changing events give us context for application.

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Role Of Police In Helping Community

Police have always been a major part of a community. The police are expected to perform many community duties, including keeping the peacehandling emergencies, and helping civil during civil emergencies. Police are responsible for educating the public and enhancing their confidence. Police help and encourage community participation and involvement.

In current times, police are called by citizens to resolve their social problems. Due to this role, conflict investigation departments are embracing new strategies of policing, including community policing.

Pros And Cons Of Community Policing

Community policing is the practice of designating police officers to specific areas of the community and keeping them there so they become highly familiar with the location. This is enforced in many communities and neighbourhoods, but has been questioned by many others who claim that it might not actually be the safest of security schemes. Find out more about the pros and cons of community policing by reading these short pointers.

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Do The Public Generally Trust The Police

This question should be answered according to the police for how they treat the public in their districts? 42.5% of respondents believe that police in the city are legitimate authorities. Only a quarter believe that the police behave according to the law when dealing with people as poor people are often arrested for no good reason.

In research on poor communities, just 23.8% of respondents said that they thought that the police are honest. Only 30% of the people believe that the police are can be trusted.

Police have effectively isolated residents of these neighborhoods from their broader communities, creating meaningless distinctions based on race and income. But if cities could train police to treat people fairly, they could create a more equitable and unified community for all residents.

How Has Community Policing Developed

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Modern community policing has its roots in a set of principles put forth by Sir Robert Peel, the UK Prime Minister who created Londons Metropolitan Police in 1822. These timeless ideals summarize the essential components for police success to prevent crime and maintain order. The practice of community policing has been incorporated into Canadian law enforcement since the 1990s. Due to the intrinsic and evolving nature of community policing, exact practices may vary by agency in an effort to best serve and partner with each unique community.

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Why Are The Stonewall Riots So Important To Gay Pride And The Lgbtq+ Community Today

The Stonewall Riots are important as many trace this event as the spark that ignited the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement.

At the time, the Stonewall uprising took place in the context of broader civil rights movements.

The Revolutionary Peoples Constitutional Convention in 1970 was a key moment in which activists from Black Power, feminist and gay liberation movements came together, saw a common cause, and learned from each other.

The Gay Liberation Front was the main organisation that formed out of the Stonewall uprising and these wider movements.

The GLF first formed in the US and was part of the original discussions to create the first Pride, which took place on June 28, 1970, in New York City, a year after the Stonewall riots.

Some UK activists were involved in some of these key moments in the US movement, and they came back to Britain to form a British chapter of the Gay Liberation Front, with the first UK Gay Pride Rally taking place a few years later on July 1, 1972, in London making 2022 50 years since Uk Pride began.

It was because of the riots that these groups learned that standing together and protesting could lead to change.

Building Trust And Improving Police

In law enforcement, officers and chiefs are subject not just to the court of law but also to the court of public opinion, says Envisage CEO Ari Vidali.

When incidents occur, law enforcement organizations must respond quickly to establish trust in their communities. While taking immediate action is imperative, it is equally important to provide crucial communication to the public, politicians, and civic groups keeping a close eye on unfolding events.

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Take Steps To Reduce Bias And Improve Cultural Competency

Civil rights leaders and law enforcers recommend that all officers receive training on diversity, implicit bias, and cultural competency. Many countries have communities of various racial backgrounds and cultures. Officers need to be able to communicate effectively with such communities and understand their cultural norms.

How Do Laurier Programs Equip Community Police

Suffolk Police / Emergency Services Cadets

Whether youre a long-term law enforcement professional or just getting started on a policing career path, Lauriers online degree programs prepare you for the evolving future of policing in Canada.

For current and retired police officers, the Honours BA in Policing equips you for leadership roles. Through coursework, youll be guided by experienced police officers in how to evaluate and apply different perspectives.

If youre eager to enter the field of policing for the first time, the Combined Honours BA in Criminology and Policing requires no prior experience. As you learn from real-world professionals, youll build the skills and knowledge to be career-ready in todays law enforcement field.

Lauriers online programs are convenient, relevant, and focused. You can earn your credentials while working full-time, from anywhere in the country. In each program, youll find:

  • Courses designed by professionals and academic leaders with years of field experience
  • A flexible 100% online format
  • Asynchronous courses that allow you to follow your own schedule
  • Personalized support from success advisors

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What Is Community Policing

Community policing, in general, is a partnership of police and citizens, government and community that recognize and solve a problem that influences societies or cities. Community policing strategy is a philosophy in which the police of certain areas make relations and partnerships with the local citizens. Its main goal is to build relationships with the community to reduce low-level community problems.

The concept of community policing came from Sir Robert Peels in 1829. Peel set forth some principles when he established the London Metropolitan Police, one of which was the police are the public and the public are the police.

In the early 20th century, after the rise of automobiles and telecommunication, police started to rely on technology, and their presence in the neighborhoods became rarethis affected community-police relations.

In 1960 many countries were looking for a way to mend police-community relations, and after many suggestions and ideas, they started experimenting with community policing.

From the history of community policing, it is clear that criminal activities cannot be controlled and can destroy society without the community and police working together.

Community policing goes beyond traditional policing as the protection of social order and law no longer fall solely on police. In community policing, all community members take an active part in improving safety and neighborhood quality.

How Do You Build Trust In Your Community

Taking time to build trust Exhibit humility and vulnerability. You may know a lot about your community, but you probably dont know everything. Ask questions with genuine curiosity. Take time. Share information that helps newcomers be successful in your community. Gather input intentionally from all groups.

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Black Officers See Police

About nine-in-ten white, black and Hispanic officers agree that police and whites in their communities have good relations. But striking differences emerge when the focus shifts to how black, white and Hispanic officers view police-minority relations in their communities.

Only about a third of all black officers say relations between police and blacks in their community are excellent or good, while about twice as many characterize police-black relations as only fair or poor.

Views also diverge along racial lines when the focus turns to how black, white and Hispanic officers view police-Hispanic relations. Roughly three-quarters of white officers and 71% of Hispanic officers say police in their communities have excellent or good relations with Hispanics. By contrast, only 46% of black officers share that positive assessment, while 54% characterize relations between police and Hispanics as only fair or poor.

A similar but more muted pattern is apparent on views of police relations with Asians in their community. About nine-in-ten white and Hispanic officers say relations between police and Asians are excellent or good, while 75% of black officers agree.

How Can We Improve The Relationship Between Police And Community

The Importance of Community Policing

The most important thing law enforcement can do when building police-community relations is to co-create your mission with those you serve.

Choosing the right mission focus for a police department has to start with the community, says Vidali.

While developing your mission alone creates polarization, working on the mission together allows departments to preemptively address community concerns, preventing future controversy. Departments should gather community input on the needs and values of the people they serve and work to instill those insights into the core of the organization.

But your collaboration shouldnt end there.

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Enhancement Of Police Leadership And Culture

Police leaders must prioritize diversity and create a culture of equity and inclusion by working to eliminate racial, ethnic, and gender bias in the workplace. This should be accomplished by

  • embracing procedural justice as a guiding principle that informs policies, practices, and training
  • adopting comprehensive bias-free policies
  • ensuring officers are trained in bias-free policing
  • ensuring that field training incorporates core values and communicates them to new officers and
  • providing communities with a direct, ongoing voice in their police agencies by involving community members in the review and development of departmental policies and procedures.

What Are The Main Duties And Responsibilities Of A Police Officer

Responsibilities Deter crimes and assure community through high-visibility policing. Patrol assigned areas and monitor activities to protect people/property. Investigate crimes and apprehend suspected law violators. Observe and respond to various situations or emergencies. Follow rules, guidelines and protocols.

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How Police And Communities Can Move Forward Together

The year 2020 was clearly an extremely challenging time for communities and law enforcement agencies throughout the United States. High-profile use-of-force incidents led to days of protests civil unrest and, tragically, further violence, destruction, and death. Unfortunately, these protests have, in far too many communities, further widened the gap between police agencies and their communities.

Of course, the events of 2020 are not the only factors that have led to this estrangement between police officers and their communities. Historically, there have been times when police officers, because of the laws enacted by federal, state, and local governments, have been the face of oppression to far too many of our fellow citizens. In the past, the laws adopted by our society have required police officers to perform many unpalatable tasks, such as ensuring legalized discrimination or even denying the basic rights of citizenship to many of our fellow Americans. Unsurprisingly, this history has created a generational, almost inherited gulf of mistrust between many communities of color and their law enforcement agencies. Many officers who do not share this common heritage struggle to comprehend the reasons behind this historic mistrust. As a result, many officers often find it difficult to bridge this gap and connect with their communities.

Community members and elected officials must realize they play a crucial role in moving constructive efforts forward.

What Are The Recognized Problems Of Community Policing

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It goes without saying that even with recognized benefits to community policing, there are certainly criticisms of community policing as well. Many of these criticisms center around the practice of community policing, rather than the theory. In theory, community policing is intended to benefit everybody, not only certain groups, but in practice, it has been criticized for only helping some and even for causing harm to others. Criticisms of community policing include:

  • That it favors certain community members or only strongly benefits specific community interests for example, those of local business owners.
  • That it can be a mask for embedding more police officers in communities where distrust in police officers is already high. Rather than improving relations and partnering with local leaders and community members, this simply increases police presence and increases policing.
  • That it is a superficial solution rather than a cultural shift and without real organizational change, it cannot work. In this way, community policing is too dependent on leadership and having the right leader.
  • That it is a multi-stakeholder framework and community involvement is just as important as the officers involved. When the baseline for community policing is distrust, its unrealistic to ramp up and change things.

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