About Texas Crime Stoppers Council
In the spring of 1981, the 67th Texas Legislature passed H.B. 1681 creating the Crime Stoppers Council within the Criminal Justice Division of the OOG to promote the establishment of local Crime Stoppers organizations throughout the state. The council consists of five members appointed by the governor to four-year terms. Since its inception, Texas Crime Stoppers has grown from eight certified organizations to nearly 150 certified organizations in operation today, serving in both communities and school campuses throughout Texas.
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Reporting Crimes & Incidents
If you’ve been the victim of a crime it’s really important to report it. We know that sometimes its not easy to decide to come forward. But we also know that if no one reports a crime, its as if it never happened.
If no one reports a crime, the criminal is free to commit more crime, damaging more communities and individuals.
Its also important to report crime for your own practical purposes, like getting a Police Report number so that you can make an insurance claim.
Crimes Not In Progress
Depending on where the crime occurred, you may report the crime to agencies such as the MTA police, NY State Police, or Port Authority Police, if the location of the crime falls within their respective jurisdictions. Otherwise, for certain report types, you can file an online police report or you can visit your local precinct.
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You Cannot File A Report Online If
- A threat was made or violence was used during the incident. If you are in immediate danger, please dial 911. If you are no longer in danger, please call us at 613-236-1222, extension 7300.
- Evidence was left on the scene such as, but not limited to blood, tools, clothes or any item related to the incident. Please call 613-236-1222, extension 7300 to file a report.
- The incident being reported did not happen in Ottawa. Please contact the police service in the city where the incident happened to file a report.
- The stolen property is a passport
- The property lost is a cell phone, licence plate, bank card or government issued identification, with or without a serial number. Please contact your service provider to get a replacement.
Reports You Cannot Submit Online
These crimes may require a dispatched call. Please phone the Police non-emergency line 266-1234.
- House and business break and enters
- Domestic disputes
- Theft of a vehicle
- Any type of fraud resulting in the loss of funds/personal information or property, including fraudulent use of debit or credit cards
- Incidents that involve lost / stolen citizenship cards, permanent resident cards, immigration documents, government cheques, or cash from the government
- Incidents involving firearms
- Stolen property for sale online such as on Kijiji, Craigslist, Facebook, etc.
- Stolen or lost Licence plates 266-1234 to report
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Filing A Report Online
How To Anonymously Report Something To The Police 8
SofiaAmes · 24/11/2002 23:44
I have recently been made aware 3rd hand of two different situations that in the near future could result in something much more serious . I think the only way to stop things is for the police to get involved and arrest the guilty parties. However, I do not want to get myself involved as it could result in endangering me and my family . How do I point the police in the right direction anonymously? If I just call up and leave a few details with my local police station will they take me seriously and pass the info. on the the right people?
ScummyMummy · 24/11/2002 23:53
My partner suggests: Anonymous phone calls to the local police Station- their local not yours- second one should contain warning you are about to pass on information to the local paper. Then, regardless of Police response, pass info on to the local paper, informing them that you have provided this information to the local police on ‘several occasions’. Then wait. If this fails, and said unfortunate event is still expected to occur, write to the Chief Constable or Chief Inspector of your region and ask why nothing has happened, despite your provision of information. I think bossykate’s sister is in the police so she might know…
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Can I Make An Anonymous Online Report Using 105policegovtnz
You cant file an anonymous report via 105 as we need some personal information in order to follow up on your case. If you want to report a crime to Police without your name or contact details attached, please use Crimestoppers* or by calling 0800 555 111.
* Crimestoppers is an independent charity that helps New Zealanders fight crime by providing an anonymous and simple way to pass on information.
When To Call 999
- When there is a threat to life this includes road traffic accidents where people are injured, the road is blocked or a vehicle involved in the accident has failed to stop
- Violence to a person or damage to property is imminent
- A serious offence is actually in progress
- A suspected offender is still at the scene of a crime
- When any delay in reporting the incident may prevent the apprehension of an offender
- When serious disruption to the public is currently taking place or, is likely to take place
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What Happens When You Make An Anonymous Tip
In some cases, a tip from an anonymous source may provide police with enough information to detain a person if it contains facts that are verified by the police. In order to justify a detention, it must be based on a reasonable suspicion that: there was some activity out of the ordinary it was related to crime and, it was not routine.
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What Can You Report
Information reported to ACT Region Crime Stoppers from the public can be vital to an investigation, arrest and prosecution. Every piece of information is important.
Working in partnership with police and the media, Crime Stoppers encourages the public to share information about:
- People wanted by police
- Unsolved crimes and future crime that is being planned
- People who have committed criminal offences
- Suspicious or unusual activity.
Police cant solve every crime on their own. They rely on members of the community to report suspicious or unusual activity.
Not everyone is comfortable contacting or reporting information directly to the police and thats where ACT Region Crime Stoppers comes in. We provide a confidential link between the community and police to ensure potentially vital information is not left unreported.
Anyone can call or report information online to Crime Stoppers and you can remain anonymous.
What to include in your report:
Please try to include as many of the following details as possible in your report to ACT Region Crime Stoppers:
Please do not put yourself at risk to obtain information. Always ensure your safety first.
What happens to the information?
Information reports are generated using the details provided by members of the public and then added to ACT Policings intelligence database. The reports may be checked against other available information to assess accuracy.
Do I need to provide my details?
Whats in it for me?
Your community. Your call.
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Who Oversees The Crime Stoppers Program
A Community Board of Volunteers oversees the program. Peel Crime Stoppers is a registered non-profit charitable organization. Crime Stoppers receives no government funding. All funds used to operate the Crime Stoppers program are obtained through charitable community donations this includes the money that is paid out to our tipsters.
Contact Us
Doing The Right Thingsafely
One things for sure: David and Lisa are not alone. Concerns about personal safety and legal prosecution scare many people away, ultimately leading to them opting to keep drug crimes quiet.
But it doesnt have to be that way it is possible to report drug dealing anonymously.
Crime Stoppers is an effective national program that collects anonymous crime tips. Anyone who wants to report drug activity can contact Crime Stoppers via phone or online. A national tip line is available 24/7, and the program also operates out of local offices. Witnesses to drug crimes can make an anonymous phone call or fill out an online form. Whats more, you can rest easy knowing that all Crime Stoppers workers are trained to protect the callers identity and, instead of caller ID, all incoming phone calls are assigned a numerical code.
Crime Stoppers isnt the only way you can report drug dealing or use. Alternate options include contacting the Drug Enforcement Administration or the Department of Justice . Both have websites and phone numbers to anonymously report drug activity or submit tips through a hotline.
- As of March 2019, Crime Stoppers efforts have resulted in over 746,000 arrests, clearing out over one million legal cases.1
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How To Submit Photos
Photos canât be included through the normal texting feature on a phone. However, photos can be submitted if you use the iPhone Mobile App or Android Mobile App on a smart phone or if you use the online Webtip . At this time, video and/or audio clips canât be submitted with text-a-tip submissions using either a smart phone or Webtip.
Tell Us Something Anonymously
Crimestoppers is an independent charity helping to find criminals and solve crimes. It gives you the chance to give information anonymously either by phone or online.
Crimestoppers are not the police:
- you wont have to give your name
- your call wont be traced or recorded
- you wont have to make a statement
- youll never have to go to court
Crimestoppers has never broken its guarantee of anonymity. No one will ever have to know you called. Yet, the simple piece of information you give could help police make an arrest.
The police cant always solve crime on their own they need to be pointed in the right direction by local people. Information you give Crimestoppers will be passed on to the police but at no time will your personal details be asked for.
Crimestoppers want to know what you know NOT who you are.
How do I contact Crimestoppers?You can share information with Crimestoppers in two ways: by calling 0800 555 111 any time of day or night, or by filling in a secure giving information form on the Crimestoppers website.
The form is completely secure. Its designed to ensure your anonymity and means you can pass on vital information from home by answering a few simple questions.
Though Crimestoppers works closely with the police and other law enforcement agencies, it is independent and not attached to any police stations.
These rewards are funded by the Crimestoppers Trust, who are an independent registered charity.
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Speak Up: How To Safely And Anonymously Report Drug Activity
- Access to licensed treatment centers
- Information on treatment plans
Davids new neighbor, Jeff, is selling drugs and hes worried about what it will do to the neighborhood. David fears for the safety of not only his kids but all the children on the block. He wants to do somethinghe wants to put a stop to the drug activity before it gets any worse. But hes scared to call the police and report his neighbor. What if Jeff finds out who reported him? Will his life be in danger? Would his wife be in danger? What about his young children?
In fear of what might happen, David remains silent.
Lisa has watched the park near her house turn into a meeting place for drug dealers and buyers. Shes pretty sure they are selling heroin there are plenty of used syringes littering the park. She would call the police, but shes afraid of what might happen. After all, she isnt completely innocentshe occasionally smokes marijuana. And working two jobs means she occasionally has to leave her 11-year-old home alone for a while. If she reaches out to the police, will they believe her? Will they dig into her past and investigate her?
Lisa decides its better not to get involved she just cant risk it.
Warning Signs Of Illegal Drug Activity
If you want to know how to anonymously report drug activity, first make sure that there are warning signs of the activity. For instance:
- People enter the house with expensive things and depart without them all the time.
- There are excessive movement inside and around the house during night time.
- In some places, to subtly indicate that a drug dealer is around, some of them put shoes with their shoelaces knotted together hung over trees or power cables.
- People are often visiting the place and leaving after a short while.
- Although it is not a precise sign, in some cases, the houses blinds or curtains are dark and permanently closed no matter what the weather is.
- You may see a substance that looks like powder inside or around the house.
- Keep an eye for excessive quantities of plastic bags around the house.
- Needles or syringes are placed on the street, around the house or in nearby dumpsters.
- Look for grinders, rolling paper, pipes or other drug-related elements lying around in the neighborhood.
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How Crime Stoppers Works
Your information will be taken in strict confidence. You never have to give your name. You will be given a confidential code number, keep this number a secret. Crime Stoppers will then process the tip to go to the correct party.
Be sure to call back to for an update. If your information leads to an arrest or charge, you will become eligible for a cash reward.
Cash rewards are distributed through pre-arranged locations across the region for pickup after approval by the Crime Stoppers board of directors.
How To Report A Crime Anonymously
If you have information about a crime, but are uncomfortable identifying yourself, there are ways you can confidentially share what you know without anyone knowing who you are.
It is always best to report a crime. The information you provide can help you or someone else or can help the police solve crimes and arrest and convict the right people. You are contributing to making your community safer.
In an emergency, please call 911 immediately.
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File A Restraining Order
If you’re in an emergency, call 911.
If you’ve been a victim of domestic abuse and want to take legal action, you may be able to file for a protective order. Protective orders are also known as restraining orders or injunctions.
The process for obtaining a protective order differs from state to state. Your local police and court can help you get the process started. Contact your state, county, or municipal court for more information.
Generally, you have to fill out paperwork and submit it to the county courthouse. A judge may issue a temporary restraining order to protect you immediately. To get a longer-term order, your judge may want either or both a full court hearing and your abuser’s presence.
The police can enforce a protective order. If necessary, the order can include special provisions like:
Custody of children
Forcing the abuser to leave a home
Some states require the abuser to surrender all firearms.
Nsw Police Force Youtube Channel
The NSW Police Force YouTube Channel contains videos where police are appealing for your information to assist with their inquiries. Please visit the channel to view CCTV footage as well as news, unit profiles and speeches by the Commissioner.
If you are not confident in reporting in English, you can contact us using other languages.
Contacting a Telephone Interpreter
The Australian Government has a Translating and Interpreting Service for people who do not speak English. A non-English speaker does not pay for TIS services if contacting Crime Stoppers Australia.
To use the telephone interpreting service:
Telephone interpreting is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You can listen to information about reporting crime to Crime Stoppers in the languages below:
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