Friday, July 26, 2024

Can I Sue The Police For Emotional Distress

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I Work As A Police Officer Can I Claim Against The Police For Negligence

Louisville police officer sues Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, for emotional distress

If you are a Police officer and have witnessed Police negligence you can make a claim. If it is you that has suffered due to negligence such as being injured whilst at work, then you have the right to make a claim.

Just give us a call and we will advise and help you in any manner that we can to make sure you get the payout you deserve from your police negligence claims.

What Damagescan You Recover When You Sue The Nypd

Aswith other types of personal injury lawsuits, if your claims show that the NYPDsuse of unreasonable force caused your injuries, you may be entitled to recovercompensation. This could cover your medical costs, lost wages, rehabilitation,and occupational therapy, as well as pain and suffering. Police misconduct thatleads to an extended period of false imprisonment may be the basis for furtherdamages awards.

If the use of unreasonable force resulted in a fatality, the victims family and their estate might be entitled to recover substantial damages for wrongful death. In every instance, a knowledgeable New York City civil rights lawyer can assess your right to recover damages upon reviewing the facts of your case.

How Much Timedo You Have To Sue The Nypd

If you suffer any injuries at the hands of the NYPD, the most important action you should take is to retain a civil rights attorney from our firm. We can review your case and file the required Notice of Claim with the City Comptroller to preserve your right to sue. If you fail to file that Notice within 90 days, your lawsuit will probably be dismissed. After filing the above-mentioned Notice, you must then file your state court lawsuit within one year and 90 days.

Ina limited number of situations, a person who suffers injuries in an encounterwith the NYPD might be able to file a civil rights lawsuit in federal court. Thatfederal lawsuit will be subject to different time limits and restrictions.

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What Are The Different Ways A Plaintiff Could Sue For Emotional Distress

Theres two common ways a plaintiff could sue for emotional distress in court. The two ways include:

  • Negligent infliction of emotional distress: this occurs when defendant acted negligently end beyond the reasonable standard of care, and this caused plaintiff to endure some type of emotional harm. Some jurisdictions require physical harm when proving emotional distress.
  • Intentional infliction of emotional distress: this occurs when defendant acts intentionally to bring about some type of emotional distress from plaintiff. Defendant would have to act outrageously and plaintiff would have to suffer severe emotional distress. For example, intentionally lying to another person that their husband has cheated on them could result in intentional infliction of emotional distress. Any reasonable person who would hear such a statement would undergo severe trauma. Other examples of emotional distress include
  • Assault or battery
  • Embarrassment

Car Accidents Involving The Police

Can I sue the police for emotional distress?

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident with a police car while the police officer is in the course of duty, note that liability is assigned based on typical negligence theories. The claim is addressed through the insurance system, but note that there are special rules for government employees who negligently cause an accident. Just like with a normal car accident, you should first ensure that you are safe, then ensure that everyone else is safe. You can then collect all the relevant evidence, including photo and video evidence of the scene, eye witness contact address, and the insurance details of all vehicles involved. Call your lawyer immediately because the claim process is not as straight forward as with other car accidents. You should come to Edson Legal in such cases because there are exceptions to this general rule depending on the circumstances and facts of the case such as pursuits. We will also fight for you if the police say that your conduct contributed to the accident and/or injuries.

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Your Claims Against A Police Officer’s Supervisor

In some jurisdictions, you may have a claim against the police officer’s supervisor for their subordinate’s use of excessive force. This is called âsupervisory liability.” Although the Supreme Court has suggested that supervisory liability may not exist under section 1983, most lower courts still recognize at least some narrow form of the theory. But they differ widely in their views . You will need an experienced civil rights lawyer to help you if you choose to sue a police officer’s supervisor.

A Guide To Police Negligence Compensation Claims

police negligence compensation claims

This police negligence compensation claims guide is aimed at anyone who has suffered an injury due to police misconduct or negligence. The injury may be physical or psychological injuries. It contains all of the information you need to be able to understand the claims process. It also looks at what your legal team will need to do on your behalf to successfully claim compensation. We have given a table of typical amounts of compensation paid for a range of injuries.

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Is Suing For Emotional Distress In Small Claims Court Difficult

Emotional distress is different compared to a physical injury because it is more difficult to prove. If you have a physical injury, you can show the wound and provide medical records to prove it. Theres no room to deny that the injury exists and the lawyers can only debate on the cause and liability.

The same is not the case with emotional distress. There isnt any noticeable injury, which makes it difficult to prove that emotional distress exists. Different people react to traumatic situations differently. Some people dont develop any mental anguish after traumatic situations while others can suffer from crippling anxiety.

That isnt the only problem when it comes to proving mental anguish. Lawyers can easily debate that the victim is lying or that no such injury exists. This process requires a different approach and set of arguments.

Inexperienced lawyers dont know which experts they need to approach, and that can hamper your chances of success. It would be best if you had lawyers that are experienced with psychological injury claims to argue your case and get the best compensation.

We have handled several cases of emotional distress and understand how they work. We collect all relevant information, gather experts, and make sure theres undeniable evidence of psychological trauma.

How Is Emotional Distress Proven

Defamation and Emotional Distress

There are different methods for proving emotional distress to the court. It is essential to hire an experienced emotional distress attorney to better determine what method is best for you. Failing to bring forth such evidence could result in not being reimbursed for your emotional distress claims. The more evidence you have to prove emotional distress, the better. Below are some examples for how personal injury attorneys prove emotional distress.

  • Expert Witnesses are called in to testify about how plaintiff suffers emotional distress, and how plaintiff is coping with the accident. This helps the jury understand from a medical professional what plaintiff is going through emotionally.
  • Documenting feelings and emotional trauma everyday will help plaintiff describe what they are going through to others. Our attorneys advise our clients to maintain a daily journal to constantly document the emotional distress.
  • Testimony of family and friends helps the jury in court understand what plaintiff was going through after the accident. They are first hand witnesses to the trauma.
  • When the accident is severe, courts are more likely to award emotional distress without the need for much evidence.
  • When a long period of time has passed by where the plaintiff has endured emotional distress, the courts are more likely to award damages.

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Can I Sue For Emotional Distress Caused By Excessive Police Force In Michigan

by Chris Trainor | Dec 10, 2020 | Police Brutality |

Being the subject of an arrest can be a traumatic experience, especially if an officer uses excessive force. The use of excessive force violates your civil rights according to the Fourth Amendment. Many want to know whether they can sue for the emotional distress brought on by excessive force.

Generally, citizens can successfully sue police for emotional distress caused by excessive force if an officer intentionally or recklessly acts in a way that causes emotional injury. If officers cause emotional distress through a negligent act, victims are also able to sue. Consulting an experienced police brutality attorney can help you navigate your case.

Contact An Emotional Distress Attorney Today

As discussed above, suing for emotional distress to be very complex and require several different standards of evidence. Thats why it is very important to hire skilled personal injury Los Angeles attorney to help you navigate through the legal channels in order to ensure you get just compensation for your emotional distress. Our attorneys understand that going through an accident is not easy at all, so helping our clients in any way is our main priority. Contact us for a free consultation today, where we will review your case and determine the best means for recovering emotional distress for you.

***Disclaimer: This page is created by Heidari Law Group for educational purposes. This article provides a general understanding of the law. It does not provide specific advice. By using this site and reading through this page, there is no attorney-client relationship created between you and any member of Heidari Law. Further, due to the constant change of the law, some parts of the information above may no longer be good law.

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Intentional Or Negligent Infliction Of Emotional Damages:

  • Intentional: When a defendants actions are intentional or reckless. The defendant had the intent to emotionally harm the plaintiff, often done through threatening violence.
  • Negligent: When a defendants actions were accidental or unintentional. The defendant acted carelessly and doing so caused emotional harm to the plaintiff.

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What Is Excessive Police Force

Can a person sue police for emotional distress in Florida?

The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. Police officers who use deadly force are in violation of this amendment. An officers use of force must be reasonable to maintain a suspects civil rights. The use of excessive force can result in broken bones, wrongful death, or psychological trauma. In essence, excessive force is when an officer uses more power than necessary to subdue an individual.

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Here Is What You Should Do In Case Of Police Brutality Or Violation Of Your Charter Rights

Apart from seeking assistance from a reputable lawyer to handle your police brutality case, you should try do the following:

  • Ensure you seek immediate medical attention n in case of physical injuries
  • Collect evidence of the situation by getting details of any witness at the scene
  • Use your phone to take photos of any bodily injury

Every police brutality and misconduct is subject to punishment by law. All a victim needs to do is to prove that the police misbehaved in their line of duty. In most cases, it is advisable to reach out to a reputable lawyer to help you with your police brutality case.

Can I Sue Someone For Stress

Extreme stress can have a detrimental effect on your overall health, especially your mental wellbeing.

A lot of cases involving stress-related issues stem from workplace stress. Often, employees may have little control over the expectations of their employer and their ability to meet those demands, causing them to feel excessive workplace stress that results in anxiety, depression and even alcoholism etc.

A lot of workplace stress also stems from fears of losing their job, strained workplace relationships such as bullying or harassment, increased workload, and more.

All such examples can cause employers to struggle with illness, anxiety, lack of motivation, poor work/life balance and even death in extreme cases.

Fortunately, workers are protected from undue stress, including harassment, unsafe workplace conditions and excessive workloads, so an employee could sue their employer for stress under federal law such as the California Fair Employment and Housing Act.

Workplace stress is not the only reason you may experience undue stress. This can also come from other interactions such as a landlord/tenant relationship or a police/citizen relationship, for example.

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Intentional Infliction Of Emotional Distress

A victim alleging a police officer caused emotional distress must show that the police officers conduct was extreme and outrageous. They also need to show that the police officer acted intentionally or recklessly and that the intentional or reckless conduct caused severe emotional distress to the victim. The victim can succeed in an intentional infliction of emotional distress lawsuit against a police officer when the officer either intended to cause emotional distress or recklessly disregarded the likelihood that their conduct would cause emotional distress.

Police officer conduct that is mean, uncaring, or spiteful is not enough to prove extreme emotional distress. Acting negligently is not enough in a lawsuit of this type. The officer cannot simply make a mistake that could cause emotional distress. Instead, it must be reasonably likely that the conduct would cause emotional distress. Courts typically want the victim to show that it was reasonably certain that emotional distress would occur from the police officers actions.

Can You Sue For Emotional Abuse Everything You Need To Know

Bad Breakup

Emotional abuse may not leave physical damages in the way a car accident does, but words can also cause real harm. You have the right to seek justice from an abuser through the court system.

To sue for emotional and verbal abuse, youll need help from a lawyer.

Schmidt & Clark lawyers are experienced in helping emotional or verbal abuse victims get damages. Heres everything you should know about suing for emotional abuse.

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A Guide To Accident Claims For Police Misconduct

Police Negligence

Police negligence and misconduct can often have a lasting impact on a persons life. Whether youre assaulted by an officer in the UK physically or verbally, been discriminated against or perhaps been the victim of a miscarriage of justice, you can make police negligence claims.

This guide informs you of everything you need to know about claims made for police negligence compensation, what to do if you are a victim of police misconduct, and how to begin launching your police misconduct claims.

Examples Of Emotional Distress

A bad encounter with a Denver police officer can lead a person to suffer from any of the following conditions:


Although anxiety is something many individuals experience on a day-to-day basis, it can become a serious issue if symptoms last on or worsen over time. A person who suffers from generalized anxiety disorder might experience the following symptoms1:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Struggles with controlling their feelings of being worried
  • Fearful or on-edge

When an individual is always feeling worried or living their life on-edge because of the traumatic event they experienced, it can make simple things like going to work, school, or even spending time with family harder to enjoy.


Depression is considered a mood disorder that can affect how thinks, and handles daily activities such as sleeping, eating, and working.2 There are different forms of depression, some of which are more serious than others.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD is often triggered by a terrifying event and can cause a person to experience flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety.3

Suing for Emotional Distress

Bryan & Terrill Law, PLLC can be reached at:

333 W. Hampden Avenue, #420B

Englewood, CO 80110

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The Officer’s Defense: Qualified Immunity

But it is not that simple. The major obstacle to recovery under section 1983 â and an enormous obstacle it is â is the doctrine of qualified immunity. Qualified immunity, which was established by the Supreme Court in 1967, is a defense that protects police officers from personal liability unless they violate âclearly established” statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known.

Courts have construed this defense broadly. So broadly, in fact, that you essentially have to show that either the Supreme Court or the United States Court of Appeals for the federal district in which you are located has ruled in the victim’s factor in a case just like yours. Similar isn’t enough. It’s got to be virtually the same.

That is really hard to do. In fact, a Reuters investigative study revealed that the qualified immunity defense barred recovery in most section 1983 claims. So even if you can make out your section 1983 claim, you have a tough fight in front of you if you choose to sue a police officer. But while qualified immunity makes a section 1983 claim hard to win, it’s not impossible. That is why it’s important to speak to an experienced civil rights attorney to discuss whether you have a legitimate case.

How To Start Your Police Negligence Claim

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Accident Claims UK has a team of solicitors specialising in actions against the police. Starting police negligence claims could not be easier. Simply call us on the number at the bottom of this page, and we can lead you through the process.

First, we will ask you some questions so that we can get a better idea of your claim, such as:

  • Did you suffer from police negligence or misconduct?
  • What were the injuries, physical or psychological, caused by the event?
  • When and where did the event take place?
  • Have you had professional medical treatment?
  • What is the long-term prognosis for your recovery?
  • Have you suffered any financial losses due to the incident?

Once we have the answers to questions such as these, we will offer you some free legal advice on what we think your next move should be. Such as making a police negligence compensation claim.

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