Start An Online Police Report In: English
If your incident did not meet the criteria for online reporting, please dial 1-877-ASK-LAPD
for Non-Emergency Police Response.
Welcome to the Los Angeles Police Department Community Online Reporting Service. Using this service allows you to submit select police reports at your convenience.
To File an Illegal Dumping Report Online:
- Illegal Dumping: Willfully or intentionally depositing, dropping, dumping, placing, or throwing onto public or private property. Illegal dumping is reported and handled by the City of Los Angeles Department of Sanitation. Please to file a report.
Your incident must meet the following criteria:
- The incident is not an emergency.
- The incident occurred within the City of Los Angeles.
- You must be at least 18 years old.
- No one was injured as a result of this incident.
- There are no known suspects.
- The incident did not occur on the state highway.
- No firearms were involved in the incident.
- You must have internet access and an email address.
Once you have submitted your report:
Please note:
- Filing a false police report is a crime. Anyone filing a false police report may be prosecuted under California Penal Code section 148.5 PC. Filing a false police report is punishable by imprisonment in county jail not exceeding 6 months, or by fine not exceeding $1,000, or by both.
How Can I Get A Copy Of A Police Report
How can I get a copy of a police report if I am a victim of a crime?
If you want to request a copy of a crime report, you must mail your written request to Records & Identification Division. You can only receive a crime report if you are an authorized person such as the victim, the victims representative, or as provided in Section 6254 of the Government Code.
Victims of domestic violence are entitled to one free copy of their incident reports made within five years from the date of completion of the incident report. Victims of Sexual Assault, Stalking, Human Trafficking, or Abuse of an Elder or a Dependent Adult are entitled to one free copy of their incident reports made within two years from the date of completions of the incident report.
Additionally, victims of identity theft are entitled to a free copy of their incident reports.
Report requests are mailed to:
Mail to:
What Is A Police Report
People file a police report with law enforcement for a wide variety of reasons such as domestic disputes, traffic accidents, burglaries, and home invasions, fraud, theft, stalking, violence, and many other reasons. To file a report, citizens usually begin by calling 911, or their local police departments non-emergency line, to report the incident.
Once a citizen reports an incident, dispatchers assign it to local officers in the area. The police officers travel to the appropriate location via car, motorcycle, or other police vehicles. Then, the officers evaluate the situation, make observations, interview witnesses, record data, and complete forms and reports required by their local police department.
Police officers also initiate the filing of a report to record the data and gather the details associated with criminal and civil incidents such as car accidents, burglaries, assaults, and robberies, just to name a few.
Officers gather and record a great deal of information and data on a police report. This is to help ensure thorough and accurate investigations and to support criminal proceedings if they become necessary. Also, background verification services may use them in background checks. The information contained in the typical police report may vary from county to county, but most capture very similar information.
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Police Report Vs Police Record
First, lets clarify something that is bound to cause some confusion: the difference between a police report and a police record. While these two items have similar names, they are in fact very different. A police report is a document filed by a police officer that essentially offers a summary of an arrest, incident, or accident. A police record, on the other hand, is usually the same as a criminal record and it includes a list and summary of an individuals history of interactions with law enforcement, including arrests and convictions.
Another point that deserves clarification is the difference between a police report and an accident report. In fact, theres not really a difference between these two items. An accident report is simply a type of police report that details the circumstances of a traffic accident. A police report, meanwhile, can include accident reports, but they cover a much broader range of incidents that may involve the police, including crimes. Note that some police departments call police reports incident reports. Remember that some accident reports may also be criminal reports, such as if the accident may have been caused by drunk driving.
How Long Will It Take To Get A Copy Of A Report Once It Is Requested
- In most cases, if you attend in person to obtain a report, it will be prepared while you wait. If the report is incomplete , it will be released to you when it is completed. There may be an additional wait time for archived reports.
- Requests by mail will be responded to by mail as promptly as possible.
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Requesting A Police Report By Mail
The process of requesting a copy of a police report by mail is a bit more involved. In many jurisdictions, you are required to make your Public Access Request via mail. Typically, the agency will provide a form online for you to fill out, but some places are fine with you writing a letter to ask for the police report.
1. Figure out where to send the Public Access Request form or letter.
Your local police department may have a specific address and addressee for police report requests listed on their website. If they dont, simply address it to the Records and Identification Division, and use the general address listed online for the department.
2. Fill out the form or write the letter.
After you have found the location to send your request, you should be able to easily find out if they want you to send a request form or a letter. If the information is not readily available on the site, just call and ask which method they prefer. If it is available, filling out a request form is typically the easiest method because you wont have to worry about leaving out information.
If you write a letter instead of filling out the form, be sure to include the following information:
- Case number
- Your Name, Birthdate, and Address
- The date and location of the incident
- Your role in the case
- The officers name who filed the report
- What exactly you are requesting
3. Gather additional materials and send the form/letter.
4. Pay for the police report.
Important Information About Filing A Police Report
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Why Police Reports Matter
Police reports are public records and in some states they may be viewable by just about anybody. Usually there are restrictions on how those records can be used, particularly by employers, landlords, and financial institutions. As already mentioned, police reports are particularly usefuland they may even be necessarywhen filing a claim with your insurer. The contents of a police report are important, so you need to make sure that any police report pertaining to you is accurate and does not cast you in an unnecessarily bad light.
How Long Does It Take To Obtain A Police Report
It typically only takes a few days to a week to get a copy of a police report if you were directly involved in the case. However, if you were not directly involved, or if you are an insurance agent, it will take longer because you have to send in a request and have it processed. This process can take up to a month or longer.
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Why Do I Need A Record Check
A police record check is a tool to help employers or other agencies determine an applicant’s suitability for certain types of opportunities. Record checks are just one tool available and can be used in addition to interviews, reference checks and verification of credentials/licences.
Agencies can only request one type of record check from an applicant specific to the opportunity. They are not permitted to ask applicants for any additional police records.
How To Lookup A Police Report
Whether youve been involved in an accident or you have had a run-in with the law, knowing how to lookup a police report is an important skill. Police reports are public documents and the information they contain could have an impact on a wide range of things, including finding a job, applying for a loan, or pursuing an insurance claim. We are going to give a basic rundown of what a police report is, why its important, and how to lookup a police report.
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Before You File A Police Report Online
Filing a false police report is a crime.
Before filing a police report online you must verify you meet the criteria listed below:
- Incident happened in Unincorporated Hillsborough County
- These city limits are NOT unincorporated Hillsborough County:
- Plant City
Welcome To The Cincinnati Police Department’s Citizens Online Crime Reporting System The Online Crime Reporting System Is Designed To Make It Easier And More Convenient To File A Police Report Without Leaving Home However Not Every Crime Can Be Reported Using This Online System
If this is an Emergency please dial 9-1-1 immediately If a crime is in progress or someone is hurt, threatened, or in danger, dial 9-1-1 immediately.
Using the Cincinnati Police Department’s Online Citizen Crime Reporting System allows you to submit a report immediately and print a copy of the police report for free.
This system can be used to report the following incidents:
Property Damage – Accidental Lost Property Harassing Phone Call
Property Damage – Intentional Theft from Motor Vehicle Petty Theft
Users who answer yes to any of the questions below must call the Cincinnati Police Department’s Non Emergency number 513-765-1212 to determine if an officer will respond to take a report. Please make sure to turn off your pop-up blocking software before filing the report.
- Is this is an Emergency or is a crime in progress?
- Do you have suspect information, even if vague who might have committed the crime ?
- Are you reporting a stolen license plate?
- Are you reporting a auto accident or ahit skip?
- Are you reporting a theft offense of stolen property valued at more than $3,000?
- Are you reporting a theft offense, and the stolen property is a firearm , license plates, a stolen motor vehicle, or hazardous material?
- Are you reporting intentionalProperty Damage, and the damage is valued at more than $3,000?
- Is there evidence to indicate that this is a hate crime or bias related?
- Is there any physical evidence connected to the crime that needs to be collected ?
Recommended Reading: How Do I Get An Incident Number From The Police
Third Parties Obtaining Reports
Sometimes third parties who were not involved in the actions mentioned in police reports might want copies of them. In these instances, most states will only allow third parties to obtain copies of police reports if the matters enclosed within the reports have already been closed. However, some states may allow third parties to obtain copies of police reports even when the cases are pending. Generally, third parties must know the case number of the reports that they want and must go to the county clerks office where the police report was filed to obtain a copy of the reports. There is usually a fee for the reports to be printed as well.
The process of obtaining copies of police reports is slightly different for different groups of people. However, they typically are not difficult to obtain, no matter who wants them.
Why Can’t I Report All Crimes Online
- Only crimes that have no suspects, are not in progress and do not involve injury can be reported online.
- Some crimes and incidents may require evidence collection or other investigative procedures requiring an officer’s involvement.
- Among others, online reporting is NOT appropriate for the following crimes or incidents:
- Incidents occurring within past 30 minutes
- Violent crimes, completed or attempted
- Sex crimes
- Theft or loss of a firearm
- Theft or loss of prescription drugs or other controlled substances.
- Stolen vehicles, completed or attempted
- Stolen license plate
- Burglary of your home or business
- Crimes committed due to race, religion, ethnic or national origin, disability and/or sexual orientation
- Aggressive driving
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How To Get A Police Report For A Car Accident
After you have been in a car accident, one of the first questions your insurance provider will ask you is do you have a copy of the police report? Obtaining accident reports is a similar process to the one above, but it is generally a bit easier because in most cases, there is no criminal investigation. If you are in a car accident, you will receive a slip with an incident number on it. To obtain your police report, simply visit the police department that the report was filed from and trade the sheet for the actual report. If you do not obtain your police report, your insurance company will have to request a copy via mail, and it will take a bit longer.
There are also resources online that house accident reports, like LexisNexis and Buycrash. However, the safest and quickest option to is visit your local Police Desk as soon as possible after the accident. Accident reports can be ready to pick-up as early as 24 hours after the accident, and up to a week. Another way to get a copy of a police report is through your local Department of Motor Vehicles.
Now that you know about how to get a copy of a police report, check out How To File a Police Report.
Get Your Hands On A Traffic Accident Report
Need one? Here’s what to do:
- Contact the law enforcement agency that investigated the auto accident. If you don’t recall the investigating officer’s department, use this handy tip: For accidents within a town or city, call the municipal police department for accidents outside of a town or city call either the Sheriff’s Department or the State Highway Patrol.
- In most cases the department will ask you to complete a Record Request Form. Some departments may offer this form online. You might have the option to submit by mail or in person.
- Some departments charge. Prices vary. Usually there’s one flat rate, but some agencies base the charge on page numbers.
- Most agencies will deliver the accident report by mail or e-mail .
Some Department of Motor Vehicle offices also provide accident reports. In South Carolina, for instance, you can request a copy of the car accident report from the DMV after it has been received from the police.
Check with your DMV to see if this service is available.
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Using This System Allows You To Submit A Report Immediately
How to Report a CrimePlease confirm the following to find out if online filing is right for you:
For emergencies, please call .For non-emergencies you may also call .
Types of incidents that can be reported online:
- Custody Order Violation
- Harassing Phone Calls excluding threats of imminent harm or death
- Hit & Run Property damage only
- Lost Property
- Theft Except motor vehicles and license plates
- Supplemental Property Form Add additional property to your original case number
- Vandalism Excluding graffiti
- Vehicle Burglary
Upon completion of this process you will: See the words: Your report has been submitted showing that your report is complete. You will also be given a temporary case number and be able to print a copy of the report to keep for your records.
Please Note: All cases filed online will be reviewed. Upon review, if further investigation of your case is needed, you may be contacted. Filing a false police report is a crime.
How To Report A Crime In San Francisco
Make the right call!
Dial only in an emergency
It is an emergency if: there is an immediate threat to you or others the crime involves a weapon the crime is in progress or you know the suspects location.
If it is not an emergency, you will get help most quickly by calling our non-emergency line, at for crimes that occurred in San Francisco.
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To File A Police Report See Options Below
NOTICE: Please see below a breakdown of what you CAN and CANNOT file online. Any report filed online not meeting the below-listed requirements WILL BE REDIRECTED. Please read the information below carefully.
Types of Crime Reports That Can Be Filed Online:
- Harassing phone calls.
- Vehicle burglary: property stolen from a vehicle.
- Vehicle tampering, including vandalism.
- Theft unless it involves a residential or commercial burglary or the stolen property is a passport, firearm, license plate, car or electric vehicle. Electric bikes, scooters, and Segway are allowed only when there is no serial number. In those cases, call our non-emergency number at .
Types of Crime Reports That CANNOT Be Filed Online:
- Residential Burglaries
- Robbery Incidents
- Traffic Collisions AND Hit & Run Traffic Collisions
- Stolen Vehicles
- Stolen Electric Bicycles WITH Serial Numbers
- Cases WITH Suspect Names
For Crime Reports That CANNOT Be Filed Online, Please Go To Your Nearest Police Station.