Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is The Police Action Fund Legitimate

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Reductions In The Allowances Budgeted For Police And Navy

Phone scam warnings, Annapolis Police say don’t give money over the phone

President Buhari stated that there was also reduction of the provisions for the Non-Regular Allowances of the Nigerian Police Force and the Nigerian Navy by N15 billion and N5 billion respectively.

He noted that reduction is “particularly worrisome because personnel cost provisions are based on agencies nominal roll and approved salaries/allowances”.

Police Warn About Fundraising Phone Scam

DENVER Police are warning about a fundraising scam thats circulating the area. The caller asks for donations to support police officers.

When Dusty Dunbars phone rang last week, the man on the other end, claimed to be with the Police Action Fund.

I respect our police. They help keep us safe and respond to our needs, Dusty Dunbar said.

She was told her $35 dollar pledge would go toward the care of injured officers and support law enforcement families.

It sounded very legitimate. In this day in age when we have so many officers who have been injured or killed in the line of duty, Dunbar said.

Dunbar lives on the Western Slope and the call came in from Colorado, or so she thought.

It was a 970 area code and it came in from Allenspark, in Boulder County, Dunbar said.

Having directed a non-profit in the past, Dunbar knows how this works. She did not hand over her credit card information, instead she asked to talk to a supervisor.

I do not contribute to any organization with my credit card, so I told them they are welcome to send a solicitation letter to my address and I would send it to them, Dunbar said.

But Dunbar got skeptical when the letter arrived in the mail. The address was postal box in Virginia.

Then the letter came in and it just didnt look right. No nonprofit number, no board members, no real street address, Dunbar said.

Denver Police said their department as well as the Denver Police Protective Association do not solicit money over the phone.

Nysc Trust Fund Will Empower Youths Develop Nigeria Says Group

  • Lawmakers of the House of Representatives have been commended for sponsoring and passing a bill for the establishment of a National Youth Service Corps Trust Fund
  • The commendation was handed to the lawmakers by a civil society group, Open Society for Good Governance
  • The group said the action of the lawmakers will help ensure the improvement of skills and entrepreneurial development of Nigerian youths


A group has commended Nigerian lawmakers for sponsoring the bill to establish a trust fund for the National Youth Service Corps .

The Open Society for Good Governance described the move by lawmakers as a catalyst for youth empowerment and development in Nigeria.

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In a statement seen by, the OSGG said the trust fund will tackle the growing rate of graduate unemployment in Nigeria.

The OSGG in its statement commended lawmakers of the Green Chambers for not having a second thought while passing the bill for its esecond reading.

The group said the trust fund will serve as a bridge in the funding deficit created in the skill and entrepreneurship development drive of the NYSC.

Also commending the director-general of the NYSC, OSGG said the ingenuity in conceiving and proposing the establishment of the Trust Fund is unimaginable.

It said:

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Why Sign The Appropriation Bill Despite The Worrisome Changes

President Buhari explained that he signed the 2022 Appropriation Bill into law, despite the worrisome changes, to enable its implementation to commence on 1st January 2022.

He announced that he would revert to the National Assembly with a request for amendment as soon as the lawmakers resume.

The president explained that the move is important to ensure that critical ongoing projects cardinal to his administration do not suffer a setback due to reduced funding.

He recalled that he had stated that the fiscal year 2022 would be very crucial in his administrations efforts to complete and put to use critical agenda projects, as well as improve the general living conditions of our people.

The president also commended the understanding and speedy action of the National Assembly on the budget.

Reduction Of The Provisions Made For Over 10000 Projects

Police Action Fund  Supporting those who protect and serve

The president lamented that provisions made for as many as 10,733 projects were reduced while 6,576 new projects were introduced into the budget by the National Assembly.

According to him, the changes made by the lawmakers are in the form of new insertions, outright removals, reductions and/or increases in the amounts allocated to projects.

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Police And Fire Solicitations

Many of us have received calls on behalf of our local police, fire, or sheriff’s departments requesting a contribution. But who is actually calling? And how will you donation be spent?

In 2016, the Attorney General took action against a deceptive fundraiser that was soliciting on behalf of a police organization, and a deceptive charity that purported to help firefighters. These actions should serve as reminders to donors to be on the lookout for scams.

Before you give, you should be certain who is on the other end of the phone and you should educate yourself regarding how your donation will be spent. Here are some facts to assist you.

FACT – The person who telephoned you requesting a contribution was likely not a member of your local police or fire department. Almost all solicitation by telephone is done by for-profit, professional fundraisers, who sometimes keep as much as 90% of your contribution as compensation. In other words, for every $10 you give, dont be surprised if only $1 reaches a charitable program. Also note that some police and fire organizations never solicit donations by telephone and warn consumers to beware of aggressive telemarketing by callers who falsely claim to represent them.

The Irs Is Not The Answer

When a solicitor for one of these groups calls a prospective donor the pitch will include the truthful statement that they are a nonprofit organization. Nonprofit however does not mean they are a charity. It only means they do not seek to make a profit on their activities. A profit according to is revenue that exceeds expenses. The IRS has pretty broad rules for being a nonprofit organization. A charity is only one type of nonprofit.

Trade groups like those that represent the fast food or soft drink producers operate as nonprofits. Political organizations including both the Democratic and Republican parties are nonprofits. Lots of different special interest groups are nonprofits, including some private businesses that pay their executives quite well.

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A National Political Organization

National Police Support Fund brings together Americans from all walks of life united under the banner of respect and support of our nations law enforcement officers. The rule of law is being eroded in our communities, and we need true Americans to stand up and join voices in support of the public servants who keep us safe.

National Police Support Fund is committed to promoting the interests and well-being of American police officers within the public policy process through grassroots political action. This grassroots movement is driven by everyday Americans who believe in supporting the rule of law and honoring the police officers who uphold and enforce it everyday.

National Police Support Fund was founded as a response to the rise of an increasingly violent anti-police sentiment across the country.

Introduction Of Empowerment Projects And Reduction Of Provisions For Strategic Capital Projects

Police Integrity Research Group: Impact of Support From the Wallace Action Fund at Tides Foundation

President Buhari said he is also worried that the lawmakers reduced the provisions for many strategic capital projects to introduce Empowerment projects.

He said:

The cuts in the provisions for several of these projects by the National Assembly may render the projects unimplementable or set back their completion, especially some of this Administrations strategic capital projects.”

The president noted that most of the projects inserted by the lawmakers relate to matters that are basically the responsibilities of state and local governments.

He added the inserted projects also do not appear to have been properly conceptualised, designed and costed.

The president further stated:

Many more projects have been added to the budgets of some MDAs with no consideration for the institutional capacity to execute the additional projects and/or for the incremental recurrent expenditure that may be required.

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What You Should Know

Michigan law provides the following protections:

  • Public safety organizations and their professional fundraisers must register with the Attorney General’s Charitable Trust Section before soliciting.

  • All telephone solicitations made by public safety organizations and their professional fundraisers must be recorded and kept for 60 days.

  • It is illegal for the caller to tell you that you will receive special benefits or treatment if you make a pledge, or that you will receive unfavorable treatment if you do not pledge.

  • It is illegal to be billed for pledges you did not make.

  • The caller must tell you whether he or she is employed by a professional fundraising organization rather than a police department, sheriff’s office, or fire department.

Nv Dems Call On Hardy To Donate Contribution From Telemarketing Scam Pac

In his campaign for Congress in Nevadas Fourth District, Cresent Hardy accepted a $1,000 campaign contribution from the Police Action Fund, a PAC that, according to numerouslaw enforcement agencies, is actually a telemarketing scam.

The Kansas City Star reported that the Police Action Fund raises money by claiming their donations help support police officers, despite the fact that most of the money is spent on overhead while a small portion is funneled to political candidates like Hardy. According to the Star, Republican Missouri Senate candidate Josh Hawley also received a donation from the Police Action Fund, and decided to donate the funds to charity after press inquiries.

Nevada State Democratic Party spokesperson Michael Soneff released the following statement:

The so-called Police Action Fund is nothing more than a scam that exploits the heroism and sacrifice of law enforcement officers. Cresent Hardy should immediately donate this dirty money to a group that actually supports law enforcement officers, and explain why he received it in the first place. Accepting this money speaks to Hardys desperate and flailing campaign as well as his reckless disregard for the truth. Steven Horsford stands behind the Nevada law enforcement community, and has been endorsed by the North Las Vegas Police Officers Association. On November 6th, Nevadans have a better choice than Hardy for Congress: Steven Horsford.

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Bbb Advises Potential Donors To Be Cautious If Solicited By The National Police Support Fund Because Of Lack Of Transparency

Better Business Bureau advises area residents to be cautious of phone calls or mailers soliciting donations to the National Police Support Fund, an organization that describes itself as a grassroots movement of Americans united to support their political action activities.

A BBB investigation has been unable to determine who is behind the National Police Support Fund or details on how the group intends to spend its donations. National Police Support Fund representatives have been phoning potential donors in the St. Louis area over the past several weeks, including the wife of a retired police officer who said she became suspicious of the solicitation after making an initial pledge of $15.

The woman, from Affton, said she backed away from her pledge after learning that the organizations Virginia address was a postal box. She said she became even more skeptical after reading a mailer from the nonprofit, noting that contributions were not tax deductible.

I wanted to help, she said. But I have no idea what is going on .

Michelle Corey, BBB president and CEO, said that any nonprofit that solicits public contributions should earn peoples trust, and one way to do so is by being transparent. A nonprofits mission may seem laudable, but unless it makes itself accountable to its donors, it rarely will be successful.

Its corporate registration with the state of Virginia was filed on Sept. 12, 2017.

Don OBrien, Investigator, 584-6785,

About BBB

What You Should Do

Ending Spending Action Fund TV Commercial,

We recommend researching your own charities using the Attorney Generals website or another charity search such as the National Center for Charitable Statistics, Guidestar, or Charity Navigator. If you do receive a phone solicitation, you can consider some of the below actionsor you can always politely hang-up.

Remember, one of the best ways for us to learn about a scamand take actionis if you file a complaint. If you believe that you have been misled or lied to, or if you have received a bill for a pledge you did not make, you are welcome to file a complaint with the Attorney General’s Charitable Trust Section. If you report a suspicious call promptly, the Charitable Trust Section may obtain a copy of the recorded solicitation to determine if formal action should be taken.

Send a detailed description of your complaint along with any materials you received from the organization or call 800-769-4515. Your name and contact information are helpful, but not necessary. Please include the date you received the phone call or the solicitation material.

Visit the Attorney Generals office to file a complaint online send a written complaint to:

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President Buhari Lists 9 Worrisome Changes Lawmakers Made To 2022 Budget Reveals What He Will Do

On Friday, December 31, President Muhammadu Buhari signed into law the 2022 Appropriation Bill in the Presidential Villa.


The president, however, expressed strong reservations on the worrisome changes made by the National Assembly to the 2022 Executive Budget proposal, a statement his spokesman, Garba Shehu, indicates.

He went ahead to list the “worrisome changes”. They are as follows:

Fraud Alert: Calls Soliciting Donations For The National Police Foundation

The Police Foundation, dba National Police Foundation, does NOT solicit donations from anyone via phone.

The National Police Foundation, a national, Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization dedicated to advancing policing through science and innovation, has received information from several individuals who have been contacted by solicitors asking for donations in support of the National Police Foundation, or in some cases the National Police Fund in which we are not affiliated with.

The Police Foundation does NOT solicit donations from anyone via phone. If you have been contacted via telephone and asked to make donations to the National Police Foundation in Washington, D.C., this is a scam.

Please note that many legitimate local police foundations and organizations may solicit donations from local communities via telephone and mail. If you receive such a call, we encourage you to take note of who is calling , the date and time. We also encourage you to require donation information to be sent to you via U.S. Mail before considering any donation.

The Federal Trade Commission maintains an online reporting system for telemarketing and other scams, which can be found at and many State Attorneys General offer assistance in reporting and responding to fraud.


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The 50 Worst Charities In America

In the wake of tragedies large and small, they pop up like mushrooms after a rain. With tales of woe and heartbreaking images of children or helpless animals, they beg for assistance. They are the tragi-charities. One hit wonders seeking to cash in on the tragedy of the day from floods and fires to missing children and more.

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The pop-up charity business is usually local, occasionally regional and rarely national. Mostly they are the products of individual scammers who smell an opportunity to cash in using the name of a victim who may or may not even be real. They count on local press coverage and a quick website. These charities usually rake in a few thousand dollars and disappear.

A Sliver For Families

Atlanta officer charged in Rayshard Brooks killing getting legal support from police defense fund

The International Union of Police Associations and its related organizations go by more than a dozen different names, including the Police Officers Support Association and the National Emergency Responders Coalition. But the groups file financial disclosures with federal regulators under only a handful of names.

Up until the latest tax year when the groups appear to have changed how they categorize certain expenditures the pattern was largely the same from year to year: A small number of families received a couple thousand dollars apiece top employees of the union received more than $100,000 apiece and tens of millions went to telemarketers.

For example, in the tax year that ended March 2018, the Law Enforcement Officers Relief Fund gave 11 families an average of $6,545 apiece. That is equivalent to 2.7 percent of the $2.7 million the organization raised from donors that year, according to its federal tax return.

Most of the money raised went to telemarketing 87 percent and other expenses.

That same tax year, the International Union of Police Associations gave 10 students pursuing advanced degrees in law enforcement an average of $2,500 apiece.

About $1.8 million went toward the salaries of union officials, including $199,700 for Cabral, the president. Three other IUPA executives earned more than $100,000 apiece during fiscal 2017-2018.

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Bbb Warns Against National Police Support Fund

St Louis, MO – If you have gotten a phone call from the National Police Support Fund, the Better Business Bureau has some advise for you.

Think twice before giving them money.

BBB advises residents to be cautious of phone calls or mailers soliciting donations to the organization that describes itself as a grassroots movement of Americans united to support their political action activities.

National Police Support Fund representatives have been phoning potential donors in the St. Louis area over the past several weeks. The BBB said a wife of a retired police officer said she became suspicious of the solicitation after making an initial pledge of $15.

On the organization’s website, a red, white and blue shield was recently shown with three stars and photographs of a flashing police emergency light. There was also the uniform of an officer with the New Jersey State Police bomb squad and two police officers with the New York City Police Department.

However, a spokesperson with the New Jersey State Police said the department has no relationship with the organization and did not authorize use of the photo of its uniform.

A spokesman for the New York City Police Department said in an emailed statement: “The NYPD does not solicit contributions. We have no affiliation with this organization. This appears to be a stock photo.”

The BBB said days later, the New Jersey State Police photo had been removed from the site.

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