Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Be A Military Police

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Common Hurdles By Veterans

Being a Military Police Officer in the Army Reserve

If youre like most military service members, youve spent your entire working career in the military. You know how it works and you know how to work with it. Getting out and entering the civilian world can be daunting to think about. Youll hit your fair share of hurdles along the way. As long as you expect them, they should be easier to overcome.

We asked a few veterans who are now sworn law enforcement officers some of the things they ran into during their transition into civilian law enforcement. We hope these tips help better prepare you for your own journey into the most rewarding career of your life.

Starting at the bottom

After moving your way up through the ranks, be prepared to start at the bottom all over again. This applies to officers and enlisted service members alike. You will be considered the rookie for the next few years and will have to earn the respect of the LEOs you are now working with. And be sure you can take a practical joke.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is one of those things that people often dont want to talk about. If you served in a combat zone or otherwise feel that you could be suffering from PTSD, seek help. Dont be ashamed about it. It can be overcome, but not if you refuse to do anything about it. has pulled together a lot of great resources about combat zone PTSD that can help you find the treatment you may need.

Being considered overly aggressive

Militiary Police Regimental Walkway

The Military Police Regimental Walkway and Memorial Grove stands within the Ft Leonard Wood military base, just outside of St. Robert, Missouri, as a monument to the Military Police and their history. The Grove gives visitors a small glimpse of some of the groups and individuals who served as MPs through the memorial benches, plaques and memorial bricks with the names of MPs past and present that can be found throughout the parks walkway, nestled within the mature oak trees scattered throughout.

What Skills Do You Need To Be A Dog Handler

Some of the skill sets that you will need to become a military dog handler are patience, compassion, communication, and teamwork. On top of that, you need to possess fundamental military ethics, professionalism, and firearms knowledge.

There are military dog handlers in all branches, but the most common and sought-after position is the dog handler in the Army. That being said, we will focus on Army dog handler requirements in this article.

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Picking A Police Department

There are many things to take into consideration when picking a department. Things like the type of law enforcement agency, proximity to where you want to live, or starting pay all are important factors. One of the biggest mistakes made by candidates is having their heart set on one specific department and refusing to apply anywhere else. As anyone with experience will tell you, this is a big no-no.

Once you decide what type of agency you want to work for for example, a county sheriffs office, big city police department, or a state police department figure out WHERE you want to work. Maybe you want to stay near your last duty station, or maybe you want to return to your hometown. Try to narrow it down sooner rather than later, because you want to be sure youre available in the area for interviews, exams, polygraphs, etc.

Now that youve decided where you want to work, here are a few pointers for narrowing in on the specific departments.

Zeroing in on a department

Agency reviews


The best way to learn about any department is by getting the inside scoop from people already serving in it. That may seem a `bit tedious when youre serving your country half a world away. Fortunately, both PoliceLink and have the two largest communities of law enforcement and military personnel in the world.

And remember in a few years from youll have the opportunity to help the next wave of transitioning veterans, so be sure you help out when the time is right.

Military Police Officer Job Description Template

Which branch has the best military police?

We are looking for a careful and cooperative military police officer to ensure the safety of our military base and its inhabitants. The military police officer should patrol designated areas of the camp, monitor the movement of staff and visitors, and detain those who transgress against our rules. You should be willing to use force to fulfill these and other responsibilities if needed.

To be successful as a military police officer, you should be trained in all pertinent combat and weapons techniques. A remarkable military police officer will maintain a sense of lightheartedness during leisure time to help offset the serious nature of our work.

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Military Police Officer Job Description

Military police officers work to safeguard military and adjacent facilities by monitoring and securing the areas under their protection, and by arresting individuals found to be in breach of pertinent legislation. Military police officers may also oversee the safe transport of government agents and prisoners.

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Requirements & Qualifications To Become A Cop

  • You must be at least 21 years of age
  • You must be a United States citizen
  • You must have a high school diploma or GED
  • Must not have been discharged from military service under less than honorable conditions
  • Must pass all phases of the hiring process
  • Must have a valid driver’s license
  • Must pass the Medical Exam and Drug Screen
  • Must not have any felony convictions
  • Must not have any domestic violence convictions

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What Does Mos 31b Pay

Even though this position requires security clearances, it is considered an entry-level position.

Individuals who are recruited into the Army, with no prior military experience, generally earn the income of a lower rank based on the pay table below.

Opportunities for recruiting or in-demand position bonuses are sometimes available and can vary based on Army needs.


How To Become An Ontario Provincial Police Officer

Road To Becoming a 31 Bravo, Military Police

Interested in joining the Ontario Provincial Police? Here are just a few of the minimum qualifications needed to beat out the competition:

  • Must be at least 18 years of age
  • Must have an Ontario Secondary School program diploma , or equivalent
  • Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Must have a value Class G license with no more than six demerit points.
  • Must not have a criminal record
  • Must be certified in standard first aid and CPR
  • Must pass medical, psychological, security, and financial assessment tests

Another must for the OPP? Being in top physical condition and having a willingness to serve. The latter is one to consider as detachments range from being located in large urban areas to small, isolated settings. When applying, you must pick your top six locations.

If you become a successful hire, the Constable Selection System requires a medical assessment be completed. This includes meeting the hearing and vision standards.

Check out this self-assessment tool to see where you stand.

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Military Police And Department Of Defense Police

The several armed forces of the United States employ both civilian Department of Defense police officers and military police forces. DoD officers and military police both perform functions similar to their counterparts in conventional police departments by providing base security, investigating minor crimes and traffic crashes, and enforcing portions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice on military bases.

Military police, as opposed to DoD police, however, are subject to deployment overseas and into battle, and have expanded roles and responsibilities. Each branch of the armed forces has a military law enforcement component. These forces work closely with their branch’s criminal investigative arm. In fact, serving in the military police corps can be an excellent jumping off point to an investigative career with one of the investigative divisions.

What Does A Military Police Officer Do

There are certain skills that many military police officers have in order to accomplish their responsibilities. By taking a look through resumes, we were able to narrow down the most common skills for a person in this position. We discovered that a lot of resumes listed communication skills, empathy and good judgment.

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One Month Before Separation

If you have completed this checklist you should be able to spend the last 30 days taking care of your packing, checking out and getting settled into your new life.

Remember: Within the first 120 days after separation many of your benefits expire, so you should check out your options for replacing these benefits ASAP.

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Military Police Personal Difficulties

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Military Police are just soldiers doing a different job. They carry weapons with live ammunition everyday. They write tickets for military members and other well above their own pay grades. MPs face combat situations in the front lawns of soldiers homes weekly. Most people are indifferent to MPs typically. While many fellow soldiers and their families sleep or take holidays, they work the roads and gates of the base and base housing areas. 24 hours a day you can find a crew of MPs standing guard or patrolling the base. 365 days a year you can call the MP station and get a dispatcher on the phone. That is the nature of MP work. So, yes, it can be difficult securing a base of your fellow soldiers and families, but in the end, the MP knows that maintaining the peace is part of the job.

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What Are The Job Duties Of Army Military Police

Army Military Police enforce military laws and regulations.

They complete law enforcement patrols and control traffic.

Their job duties involve preventing and responding to crime and emergency situations.

When a crime has occurred, the Military Police will conduct investigations and interview witnesses, victims, and suspects.

They will also process the crime scene and provide crime scene security.

This job function includes collecting evidence and reports.

Military police will make arrests and charge criminal suspects.

This position requires individuals to learn and be knowledgeable in both military and civil law and jurisdiction.

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Laws can change based on municipality and location, so it is important for Military Police to be aware of the laws in that area.

Also, laws change because they are updated or become out-dated, so constant training and law-information gathering is required.

Military Police are required to know the proper arresting procedures and restraining procedures for suspects.

Doing this the incorrect way could result in loss of evidence or inability to charge the suspect due to violation of certain rights.

These specialists will sometimes be tasked with crowd control.

In a deployed scenario, crowd control can be crucial and difficult because of language barriers and potential tension between the two sides.

They can provide area security and the security of Army resources.

Manage Your Mental Health

As part of your community, and one armed with considerable power and responsibility, it is absolutely essential that you take steps to protect your own mental health. Policing demands level-headed and rational decision-making in the face of practical challenges, high-pressure situations, even dangerous confrontations. Your emotional stability will be one of your most important faculties as you move into this role. As a veteran, you are in a category of individuals who are uniquely vulnerable to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder , depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. It is essential that you take steps to manage these conditions so that you can better serve your community with sound judgment and safe execution of your duties.

Begin by seeking support through the Department of Veterans Affairs. The VA, and a host of related agencies, offer a spectrum of resources that are designed to help military veterans cope with mental health challenges and transition into various dimensions of civilian life.

Among them:

Or you can jump directly to the Best Online Colleges for Military Personnel & Families and begin earning a degree on your way to a career in law enforcement.

For more information and resources on getting a quality education, earning a degree, or getting a great job, return to the Military Education Headquarters.

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What Is A Military Police Officer

A military police officer is both a soldier and a police officer or peacekeeper. Your job requires the same skills as a civilian police officer but also includes a list of duties and responsibilities exclusive to working on a military base. Your duties include investigating minor crimes, providing security, patrolling the base, and enforcing military law. In battle situations, you secure the camp and any outposts and assist in security operations, including the protection of dignitaries and the enforcement of special protocols. You may also provide the same service in an occupied area and provide training and support to the local police.

Police Officer / Deputy Sheriff

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Police officers and deputy sheriffs serve as every communitys front line defense against criminals. They conduct routine patrols, respond to calls for service, appear at community events, and conduct community policing initiatives.

When initially hired as a police officer or deputy, you will almost certainly be assigned patrol duties. Once you serve your time as a rookie, youll be given opportunities for advancement and promotion into a variety of specialty areas, such as K9, SWAT, bike patrol, motor squad, etc. Some of these units, such as K9 or motor squad, may be full time units, while others may be on call or as needed. In either case, you will be required to receive specialized training, which is highly sought after in order to advance your career.

The average starting salary for an entry level police officer is roughly $48,000. Officers with degrees or military service generally start at a slightly higher salary and are given the opportunity to advance more quickly.

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Other Things To Expect

Even though you have to nail training to become a dog handler, your training does not cease after you have earned the title. You and your dog must be fit and strong at all times, so training continues daily.

Your everyday tasks also include basic care for your service companion. This can include but is not limited to feeding, grooming, washing, walking, etc. More so, you may be making vet visits and providing other healthcare services for your dog.

Be ready to carry out conditioning training, controlled aggression training, and other basic obedience training with your companion. You will also partake in technical training, drills, and missions, particularly those with specialized exercises like sniffing out suspicious items.

Examples of other advanced, intensive training are around suspect scenarios, tactical deployment, bite and protection exercises, etc. Plus, you will need to be aware of first aid techniques to properly handle your companion.

Education And Skill Requirements

Military police officers must be at least 18 years old and they must be enlisted or commissioned in one of the four branches of the United States military. They must be eligible to receive a confidential security clearance, which will require a background investigation. To be accepted into military police training, prospective MP’s must have a relatively clean past, with no criminal record or prior history of drug use.

MP’s receive extensive instruction in law enforcement techniques and tactics after they complete basic training. Once they complete all of their training, they are assigned to a military police unit and may be deployed anywhere in the world.

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Women In The Military Police Corps

Women in the Womens Army Auxiliary Corps were assigned Military Police duties as early as 1941. By 1943, soldiers in the Womens Army Corps were trained as Military Police in order to police female soldiers, although they had jurisdiction over all soldiers, including males. Women have since served in the Military Police Corps, which has given the regiment some distinction. rel=nofollow> Off Limits, Bob Hope plays a character who joins the Military Police so he can train with women.) Females were officially accepted into the Military Police Corps in 1975. As the Womens Auxiliary Corps was disbanded the Military Police stood up to accept and train women alongside their male counterparts. Female MPs have crossed many gender barriers in the United States Armed Forces.

Women now make up 25% of the MP Corps. The mixed-gender MP Corps is valued in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, where cultural taboos may prevent male soldiers from interacting with women.

How To Join The Ghana Military Police 2022



  • Be a Ghanaian citizen by birth.
  • Be of good character.
  • Be not less than 20 years and not more than 25 years by 14 June, 2022 for Regular Commission and not more than 30 years by Thursday 17 May 2022, for Short Service Commission. For Medical Corps Only Be not more than 35 years for Doctors, 33 years for Nurses and 30 years for Paramedical personnel by 17 May 2022 or otherwise specified.
  • Be medically fit by Ghana Armed Forces standard.
  • Be not bonded.
  • Be not married .
  • Be of minimum height of 1.68m for males and 1.60m for females.
  • For Military Police only the minimum height for male applicants should be 1.75m and 1.70m for females.Must have the following:BECE. Must have Six Credits including English and Mathematics. WASSCE. Must have Six Credits including Core English and Core Mathematics. Or

    • SSSCE. Must have Six Credits including Core English and Mathematics.
    • GCE O Level. Must have Five Credits including English and Mathematics.
    • GCE A Level. Must have Credits in all Three subjects and General Paper

    DEGREE. Must have First Degree Second Class Lower from a recognised University

    6. Band Candidates a. Applicants must have 2 credits and 4 Passes at WASSCE.b. Must not be more than 27 years for Regimental Band and not more than 28 years for Dance band respectively.c. Must have the following Ability to sight-read musical notes. Ability to play Woodwind or Brass instruments. Proficiency in Basic Music Theory Grade 4 will be an added advantage.

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