The Value Of Police Reports
Depending on where you live, you may be required to contact your police department and file a report.
Even if the law does not require it, it is wise to file a police report even if the accident seems minor. Consider the following:
- Injuries may not become apparent for a few days or weeks.
- You may not notice all of the damage to your car immediately.
- The other party may make false claims about the car accident later.
- The other party may admit fault to you but change his mind as time passes.
Facts Versus Opinions In Police Reports
The information contained in the police report can be a fact or an opinion. For example, the date, time, and location of the collision are facts. Fault determinations are the opinions of the police officer.
Regardless of whats included in the police report, the insurance company, through its own investigation, will come to its own conclusion as to who was at fault for the accident.
Report Crime Anonymously: Contact Crimestoppers
Crimestoppers is an independent charity working to solve and prevent crime. Its a way for people, who for whatever reason may be reluctant to tell Police what they know, to anonymously report information about crime and criminals via an independent third party. You can contact Crimestoppers anonymously when you know about a crime that has been, or is being committed, you suspect a crime is being planned, or any other activity you think is illegal. To report a crime anonymously:
- Fill in the secure online Giving information form.
Find out more on the Crimestoppers website.
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What Are The Essential Parts Of The Motor Vehicle Accident Report In Georgia
Every police report contains four necessary parts. These include:
- The front of the crash report. This portion contains some of the most vital information about the crash.
- The back of the crash report. Although the back of the report often contains less information, it is still important because it allows the reporting officer to give a narrative account of what happened just before, during, and after the accident. It also includes information that the drivers shared with the officer and the officers opinion about what caused the crash. It even allows a space for the officer to draw a diagram of the accident. Information on specific property damage is also included on this back page.
- The overlay. The overlay provides information about the various codes and data fields that are found on the crash report. It used as a key to correctly read the report.
- Continuation sheet or supplemental report form. In some situations, the officer needs more space to accurately report all of the information gathered as part of their investigation. Continuation sheets or supplement forms allow the officer to include all of the information that they think is important or necessary.
The State of Georgia uses electronic means to create and submit Accident Reports. That means that an officer does not have to physically write out an Accident Report. The information is provided to a computer program so that it is easier to read and complete data is provided.
What Happens After I File A Report Online
- You will be given a temporary police report number.
- Your report will be reviewed, and when approved, a Case Number will be assigned to your report.
- If further investigation is necessary, you will be contacted via email or telephone. If contacted, you will have seven days to reply.
- You will be provided a copy of the police report to keep for your records.
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What To Do If The Police Dont Come
If a police officer doesnt come to the scene of the auto accident, you can actually go to the police department to file your report. You can often do so online or at the police station.
You can also file an accident report with the DMV. In some cases, you may actually be required to do so. Visit our page on filing accident reports with the DMV to learn more.
Remember, the more documentation you have, the more evidence you have to support your claim.
Insight You Can Trust From An Experienced Attorney
When youre involved in a car accident in Texas, the investigating police officer fills out a formal report, called the Texas Peace Officers Crash Report . The crash report will be a key piece of evidence in your case. When insurance companies determine fault for the accident, they use the information in the report. Moreover, if the investigating officer is later called to testify in a deposition or at trial which may be years after the wreck they will most likely read from their report as the basis for that testimony.
You need to know what your report says and how it can affect your case. Thats why weve prepared this guide to obtaining and reading your Texas accident report. If you have any questions or need help setting the record straight, contact John R. Solis, Attorney at Law. We would be happy to review your accident report and any other documents relevant to your case in a free consultation.
Also Check: How To Get A Copy Of My Police Report Online
Bomb Threats By Telephone
If you receive a bomb threat over the telephone, provides the following information on what to do:
- Get as much information from the caller as possible. Try to ask the following questions:
- When is the bomb going to explode?
- Where is it right now?
- What does it look like?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- What will cause it to explode?
- Did you place the bomb?
The Department of Homeland Security also provides a helpful telephone bomb threat checklist.
Get more information on what to do if you receive a bomb threat or find a suspicious item.
Information To Include In Your Police Report
Make your police report as detailed and accurate as possible. Take notes and photos at the scene of the accident to gather information and help you remember. Include as much of the following information as you can:
- Description of what happened.
- Number of passengers in the other drivers car.
- Drivers name and insurance information.
- Names of witnesses.
- If possible, record their account of the accident using your cell phone.
Remember to take photos of the scene, your vehicle, and your injuries.
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File A Restraining Order
If you’re in an emergency, call 911.
If you’ve been a victim of domestic abuse and want to take legal action, you may be able to file for a protective order. Protective orders are also known as restraining orders or injunctions.
The process for obtaining a protective order differs from state to state. Your local police and court can help you get the process started. Contact your state, county, or municipal court for more information.
Generally, you have to fill out paperwork and submit it to the county courthouse. A judge may issue a temporary restraining order to protect you immediately. To get a longer-term order, your judge may want either or both a full court hearing and your abuser’s presence.
The police can enforce a protective order. If necessary, the order can include special provisions like:
Custody of children
Forcing the abuser to leave a home
Some states require the abuser to surrender all firearms.
Crimes In Progress Or Just Witnessed
If a crime is in progress, or you have just witnessed or experienced a crime, try to get to safety first.
- immediately and try to stay calm.
- Be alert of your surroundings and try to make mental notes.
- When talking to the 911 dispatcher, keep in mind the following:
- The first question you will be asked is, “Where is your emergency?”
- Give the dispatcher as specific an address as possible.
- If you don’t know the exact address, try to provide a street name or to identify landmarks around you. It is extremely important to provide as much detail about your location as possible.
All 911 calls can be connected to a translator if foreign language assistance is needed. Do not make prank calls to 911. Prank 911 calls, which take dispatchers away from callers whose lives might be in danger, are punishable by law.
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How Our Georgia Car Accident Attorneys Can Help
In order to understand whether mistakes have been made, one must understand the report itself. Reading and interpreting the document requires a key or overlay that is rarely provided by the police department. This key or overlay provides a description as to the meanings corresponding to the symbols and numbers in the report. A Georgia motor vehicle accident report provides the vital information needed right from the start to get a personal injury claim started.
While they can be confusing to read, they are extremely useful if you know what to look for. If you or someone you care about has suffered a serious injury or death because of anothers negligence, and you would like to learn more about your legal rights, our experienced Georgia car accident lawyers can help. We have over 25 years of success handling accident cases, and we can quickly decipher the symbols and codes in your accident report to better understand what happened. From our main office in Duluth, we serve clients from offices in Decatur and represent victims throughout Atlanta and Georgia. To set up your free consultation, you can send us a message online or give us a call.
Filing A Report Online
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Complaints About Police Officers
If you have experienced police misconduct:
- Contact the law enforcement agency involved.
- Submit your complaint in writing to the chief of police or the head of the law enforcement agency involved.
- Send a copy of your complaint to the Internal Affairs Division of the law enforcement agency. Be sure to keep a copy for yourself.
If the problem remains unresolved, learn how to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division.
Finally, as with any potential legal dispute, you may want to contact a licensed attorney.
When Should I Call Police Instead
- If you have a known suspect. If you know the name or address of the suspect, or if you know the license plate of the vehicle associated to the suspect, please contact Peel Regional Police at 905-453-3311
- If the value of theft, loss or property damage is more than $10,000.00
- If your vehicle has been stolen
- If the incident occurred outside of Brampton or Mississauga. Please contact the police service responsible for the area in which the incident occurred
- If someone broke into, or attempted to break into your home, garage or business
- If this is the theft or loss of a firearm
- If this is related to any form of personal violence, including domestic violence.
- If this is related to any kind of vandalism or graffiti that could be hate motivated
- If this is related to a traffic complaint that is in progress
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Types Of Accidents Involving Direction Of Travel
Many of the same kinds of car accidents occur over and over again. The direction of travel is essential to describe these common accidents. Consider how the direction of travel plays a role in the following collisions.
The direction of travel information is also especially important when vehicles cross lanes of traffic in serious accidents. It may not seem like the car would have traveled that far, and it may have ended up facing an entirely different direction. However, the direction of travel will tell you just how serious the accident may have been in some circumstances.
Victim Advocates At The Prosecuting Attorney’s Office
In Michigan, each prosecuting attorneys office typicallyhas a victim advocate. These victim advocates can provide information andsupport to you after you have talked to police. The prosecutor victim advocatesalso notify you when court action is happening in your case, as required by theMichigans Crime Victims Rights Act. Find a prosecution-based victim advocatethrough the local prosecuting attorneys Office.
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How To Report A Crime In San Francisco
Make the right call!
Dial only in an emergency
It is an emergency if: there is an immediate threat to you or others the crime involves a weapon the crime is in progress or you know the suspects location.
If it is not an emergency, you will get help most quickly by calling our non-emergency line, at for crimes that occurred in San Francisco.
Contact The Law Offices Of James Scott Farrin If You Have Questions Or Concerns
The police accident report is an official record of the crash, but that doesnt mean it is 100% accurate. Police officers are human, and theyre recording what they can find at the scene while trying to manage the situation.
And if you were injured in the accident, you want to ensure that the report is accurate! The insurance company may seize on mistaken information and use it to lower their possible payout or even deny your claim. Call us at or contact us online for a free case evaluation. Our team is ready to listen!
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Tell The Incident Story Backward
This format is not what I would call a report. It is a statement from the writer saying what happened to them. In fact, in most cases, the crime has already occurred and the writer is telling the story backward. When asked why they write this way, many report writers will state that they dont want to make it look like they are making it up they want to emphasize where they received the information.
I have a simple startup paragraph that relieves this concern and makes it clear where the information came from:
I, , on received a call to reference to . My investigation revealed the following information.
This one short paragraph is interpreted to mean you talked to all the parties involved and examined the evidence. A report is not a statement of what the writer did . A report tells the story of what happened, based on the investigation.
Some writers are concerned about being required to testify about what the report revealed. This is not a concern. You only testify to what you did, heard or saw.
When a witness tells you what they saw, you cannot testify to those facts, only that they said it to you. Their information should be thoroughly documented in their own written statements. Each witness, victim or suspect will testify to their own part in the case. Crime scene technicians and experts will testify to the evidence and how it relates to the case.
The investigating officer that writes the report is one of those crayons.
Checklist For Reporting Crime:
The ability of the police to locate and arrest criminals often depends on the thoroughness and accuracy of the report. Use the following list to assist you in reporting your crime:
- Date and time crime occurred
- Location: exact street address and nearest cross street
- Number of persons injured and types of injuries
- Vehicle information – type, license number, color, year, make, model, additional people in the vehicle, and unusual characteristics
- Suspect information – race, gender, age, height, weight, hair color, hair length/style, eye color, facial hair, clothing type/color, other characteristics and information on where they went after the crime was committed
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